Stephan Hülsmann
Stephan Hülsmann
Saxon State Office for Environment, Agriculture and Geology
Підтверджена електронна адреса в smul.sachsen.de
The impact of climate change on lakes in the Netherlands: a review
WM Mooij, S Hülsmann, LN De Senerpont Domis, BA Nolet, PLE Bodelier, ...
Aquatic Ecology 39, 381-400, 2005
Challenges and opportunities for integrating lake ecosystem modelling approaches
WM Mooij, D Trolle, E Jeppesen, G Arhonditsis, PV Belolipetsky, ...
Aquatic Ecology 44, 633-667, 2010
Predicting the effect of climate change on temperate shallow lakes with the ecosystem model PCLake
WM Mooij, JH Janse, LN De Senerpont Domis, S Hülsmann, BW Ibelings
Shallow Lakes in a Changing World: Proceedings of the 5th International …, 2007
Long-term trends in rainfall and temperature using high-resolution climate datasets in East Africa
SH Gebrechorkos, S Hülsmann, C Bernhofer
Scientific reports 9 (1), 11376, 2019
Changes in Temperature and Precipitation Extremes in Ethiopia, Kenya, and Tanzania
S Gebrechorkos, S Hülsmann, C Bernhofer
International Journal of Climatology, 2018
Evaluation of multiple climate data sources for managing environmental resources in East Africa
SH Gebrechorkos, S Hülsmann, C Bernhofer
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 22 (8), 4547-4564, 2018
Possible climate change/variability and human impacts, vulnerability of drought-prone regions, water resources and capacity building for Africa
TY Gan, M Ito, S Hülsmann, X Qin, XX Lu, SY Liong, P Rutschman, ...
Hydrological Sciences Journal 61 (7), 1209-1226, 2016
Regional climate projections for impact assessment studies in East Africa
SH Gebrechorkos, S Hülsmann, C Bernhofer
Environmental Research Letters 14 (4), 044031, 2019
Statistically downscaled climate dataset for East Africa
SH Gebrechorkos, S Hülsmann, C Bernhofer
Scientific data 6 (1), 31, 2019
The impact of climate warming on water temperature, timing of hatching and young-of-the-year growth of fish in shallow lakes in the Netherlands
WM Mooij, LNDS Domis, S Hülsmann
Journal of Sea Research 60 (1-2), 32-43, 2008
Size‐dependent predator–prey relationships between pikeperch and their prey fish
H Dörner, S Hülsmann, F Hölker, C Skov, A Wagner
Ecology of Freshwater Fish 16 (3), 307-314, 2007
Analysis of climate variability and droughts in East Africa using high-resolution climate data products
SH Gebrechorkos, S Hülsmann, C Bernhofer
Global and Planetary Change 186, 103130, 2020
The impact of water level fluctuations on the year class strength of roach: Implications for fish stock management
U Kahl, S Hülsmann, RJ Radke, J Benndorf
Limnologica 38 (3-4), 258-268, 2008
Can overwintering versus diapausing strategy in Daphnia determine match–mismatch events in zooplankton–algae interactions?
LN de Senerpont Domis, WM Mooij, S Hülsmann, EH Van Nes, ...
Oecologia 150, 682-698, 2007
Is the midsummer decline of Daphnia really induced by age-0 fish predation? Comparison of fish consumption and MDaphnia mortality and life history parameters …
T Mehner, S Hüulsmann, S Worischka, M Plewa, J Benndorf
Journal of Plankton Research 20 (9), 1797-1811, 1998
Climate change impact assessment on the hydrology of a large river basin in Ethiopia using a local-scale climate modelling approach
SH Gebrechorkos, C Bernhofer, S Hülsmann
Science of The Total Environment 742, 140504, 2020
Nexus Tools Platform: Web-based comparison of modelling tools for analysis of water-soil-waste nexus
T Mannschatz, T Wolf, S Hülsmann
Environmental Modelling & Software 76, 137-153, 2016
Adult, not juvenile mortality as a major reason for the midsummer decline of a Daphnia population
S Hülsmann, W Weiler
Journal of Plankton Research 22 (1), 151-168, 2000
The feeding behaviour of large perch Perca fluviatilis (L.) in relation to food availability: a comparative study
H Dörner, S Berg, L Jacobsen, S Hülsmann, M Brojerg, A Wagner
Hydrobiologia 506, 427-434, 2003
Integrated modelling and management of water resources: the ecosystem perspective on the nexus approach
S Hülsmann, J Sušnik, K Rinke, S Langan, D van Wijk, ABG Janssen, ...
Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 40, 14-20, 2019
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