Investigation of nomophobia and smartphone addiction predictors among adolescents in Turkey: Demographic variables and academic performance. H Yildiz Durak The Social Science Journal, 2019 | 341 | 2019 |
Analysis of the relation between computational thinking skills and various variables with the structural equation model. M Yildiz Durak, H. & Sarıtepeci Computers & Education 116, 191-202, 2018 | 311 | 2018 |
What would you do without your smartphone? Adolescents’ social media usage, locus of control, and loneliness as a predictor of nomophobia H Yıldız Durak Addicta: The Turkish Journal on Addictions 5 (2), 151-163, 2018 | 205 | 2018 |
The effects of using different tools in programming teaching of secondary school students on engagement, computational thinking and reflective thinking skills for problem solving H Yildiz Durak Technology, Knowledge and Learning, 2020 | 180 | 2020 |
Öğretmenlerde tükenmişlik: Tükenmişliğin göstergeleri ve bu göstergelerin çeşitli değişkenler açısından incelenmesi SS Seferoğlu, H Yıldız, ÜA Yücel Eğitim ve Bilim 39 (174), 2014 | 155 | 2014 |
Modelling of Relations Between K-12 Teachers’ TPACK Levels and Their Technology Integration Self-efficacy, Technology Literacy Levels, Attitudes toward Technology and Usage … H Yildiz Durak Interactive Learning Environment 29 (7), 1136-1162, 2021 | 151 | 2021 |
Modeling of variables related to problematic internet usage and problematic social media usage in adolescents H Yıldız Durak Current Psychology, 2020 | 145 | 2020 |
Examining the acceptance and use of online social networks by preservice teachers within the context of unified theory of acceptance and use of technology model H Yildiz Durak Journal of Computing in Higher Education 31 (1), 173-209, 2019 | 136 | 2019 |
Computational thinking, programming self-efficacy, problem solving and experiences in the programming process conducted with robotic activities H Yildiz Durak, FG Karaoğlan Yilmaz, R Yilmaz CONTEMPORARY EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY 10 (2), 173-197, 2019 | 110 | 2019 |
Dijital çağın çocukları: İlköğretim öğrencilerinin Facebook kullanımları ve internet bağımlılıkları üzerine bir araştırma S Seferoğlu, H Yıldız İletişim ve Diplomasi 2, 31-48, 2013 | 105 | 2013 |
FATİH projesi kapsamında düzenlenen hizmet-içi eğitim etkinliklerinin öğretmenlerin mesleki gelişimine katkılarının ISTE öğretmen standartları açısından incelenmesi H Yıldız, M Sarıtepeci, SS Seferoğlu Hacettepe Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi [Hacettepe University …, 2013 | 105 | 2013 |
Digital story design activities used for teaching programming effect on learning of programming concepts, programming self‐efficacy, and participation and analysis of student … H Yildiz Durak Journal of Computer Assisted Learning 34 (6), 740-752, 2018 | 101 | 2018 |
Occupational burnout and cyberloafing among teachers: Analysis of personality traits, individual and occupational status variables as predictors H Yildiz-Durak, M Saritepeci The Social Science Journal 56 (1), 69-87, 2019 | 99 | 2019 |
Flipped learning readiness in teaching programming in middle schools: Modelling its relation to various variables H Yildiz Durak Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 2018 | 97 | 2018 |
Öğretmenlerde tükenmişlik duygusunun çeşitli değişkenler açısından incelenmesi HY Durak, SS Seferoğlu Gazi Üniversitesi Gazi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi 37 (2), 759-788, 2017 | 97* | 2017 |
Investigation of social media literacy and social media usage patterns in Turkey H DURAK, SS SEFEROĞLU The Journal of International Social Research 9 (46), 2016 | 80* | 2016 |
Cyberloafing in learning environments where online social networking sites are used as learning tools: Antecedents and consequences HY Durak Journal of Educational Computing Research 58 (3), 539-569, 2020 | 74 | 2020 |
Ortaokul öğrencilerinin akıllı telefon kullanımları ve bağımlılık düzeyleriyle ilgili unsurlar SS Hatice Yıldız Durak Eğitim Teknolojisi Kuram ve Uygulama 8 (1), 1-15, 2018 | 69 | 2018 |
Conversational agent-based guidance: Examining the effect of chatbot usage frequency and satisfaction on visual design self-efficacy, engagement, satisfaction, and learner autonomy H Yildiz Durak Education and Information Technologies 28 (1), 471-488, 2023 | 68 | 2023 |
Öğretmenlerin öğretim teknolojileri alanında hizmet-içi eğitim gereksinimlerinin FATİH Projesi kapsamında incelenmesi M Sarıtepeci, H Durak, SS Seferoğlu Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education Vol 7 (3), 601-620, 2016 | 67 | 2016 |