Christian Jungreuthmayer
Christian Jungreuthmayer
Austrian Centre of Industrial Biotechnology
Підтверджена електронна адреса в acib.at
Development of a biomimetic collagen‐hydroxyapatite scaffold for bone tissue engineering using a SBF immersion technique
AA Al‐Munajjed, NA Plunkett, JP Gleeson, T Weber, C Jungreuthmayer, ...
Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B: Applied Biomaterials: An …, 2009
Microscopic analysis of large-cluster explosion in intense laser fields
C Jungreuthmayer, M Geissler, J Zanghellini, T Brabec
Physical review letters 92 (13), 133401, 2004
Elementary flux modes in a nutshell: properties, calculation and applications
J Zanghellini, DE Ruckerbauer, M Hanscho, C Jungreuthmayer
Biotechnology journal 8 (9), 1009-1016, 2013
Influence of flow-rate and scaffold pore size on cell behaviour during mechanical stimulation in a flow perfusion bioreactor
R McCoy, C Jungreuthmayer, F O'Brien
Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 2012
A detailed heat and fluid flow analysis of an internal permanent magnet synchronous machine by means of computational fluid dynamics
C Jungreuthmayer, T Bauml, O Winter, M Ganchev, H Kapeller, A Haumer, ...
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 59 (12), 4568-4578, 2011
Intense VUV laser cluster interaction in the strong coupling regime
C Jungreuthmayer, L Ramunno, J Zanghellini, T Brabec
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 38 (16), 3029, 2005
A comparative study of shear stresses in collagen-glycosaminoglycan and calcium phosphate scaffolds in bone tissue-engineering bioreactors
C Jungreuthmayer, SW Donahue, MJ Jaasma, AA Al-Munajjed, ...
Tissue engineering part A 15 (5), 1141-1149, 2009
Deformation simulation of cells seeded on a collagen-GAG scaffold in a flow perfusion bioreactor using a sequential 3D CFD-elastostatics model
C Jungreuthmayer, MJ Jaasma, AA Al-Munajjed, J Zanghellini, DJ Kelly, ...
Medical engineering & physics 31 (4), 420-427, 2009
From elementary flux modes to elementary flux vectors: Metabolic pathway analysis with arbitrary linear flux constraints
S Klamt, G Regensburger, MP Gerstl, C Jungreuthmayer, S Schuster, ...
PLoS computational biology 13 (4), e1005409, 2017
Metabolomics integrated elementary flux mode analysis in large metabolic networks
MP Gerstl, DE Ruckerbauer, D Mattanovich, C Jungreuthmayer, ...
Scientific reports 5 (1), 8930, 2015
Ionization dynamics of extended multielectron systems
M Kitzler, J Zanghellini, C Jungreuthmayer, M Smits, A Scrinzi, T Brabec
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 70 (4), 041401, 2004
Microfluidic migration and wound healing assay based on mechanically induced injuries of defined and highly reproducible areas
D Sticker, S Lechner, C Jungreuthmayer, J Zanghellini, P Ertl
Analytical chemistry 89 (4), 2326-2333, 2017
Quantitative modeling of triacylglycerol homeostasis in yeast–metabolic requirement for lipolysis to promote membrane lipid synthesis and cellular growth
J Zanghellini, K Natter, C Jungreuthmayer, A Thalhammer, CF Kurat, ...
The FEBS journal 275 (22), 5552-5563, 2008
Development of a disposable microfluidic biochip for multiparameter cell population measurements
J Gottschamel, L Richter, A Mak, C Jungreuthmayer, G Birnbaumer, ...
Analytical chemistry 81 (20), 8503-8512, 2009
The 3D pore structure and fluid dynamics simulation of macroporous monoliths: High permeability due to alternating channel width
C Jungreuthmayer, P Steppert, G Sekot, A Zankel, H Reingruber, ...
Journal of Chromatography A 1425, 141-149, 2015
Monitoring cellular stress responses to nanoparticles using a lab-on-a-chip
L Richter, V Charwat, C Jungreuthmayer, F Bellutti, H Brueckl, P Ertl
Lab on a Chip 11 (15), 2551-2560, 2011
regEfmtool: Speeding up elementary flux mode calculation using transcriptional regulatory rules in the form of three-state logic
C Jungreuthmayer, DE Ruckerbauer, J Zanghellini
Biosystems 113 (1), 37-39, 2013
ICT: isotope correction toolbox
C Jungreuthmayer, S Neubauer, T Mairinger, J Zanghellini, S Hann
Bioinformatics 32 (1), 154-156, 2016
tEFMA: computing thermodynamically feasible elementary flux modes in metabolic networks
MP Gerstl, C Jungreuthmayer, J Zanghellini
Bioinformatics 31 (13), 2232-2234, 2015
Designing optimal cell factories: integer programming couples elementary mode analysis with regulation
C Jungreuthmayer, J Zanghellini
BMC systems biology 6, 1-12, 2012
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