Susan McNeeley
Susan McNeeley
Sr. Research Analyst, Minnesota Department of Corrections
Підтверджена електронна адреса в state.mn.us
Lifestyle-Routine Activities and Crime Events
S McNeeley
Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice 31 (1), 30-52, 2015
Sensitive issues in surveys: Reducing refusals while increasing reliability and quality of responses to sensitive survey items
S McNeeley
Handbook of survey methodology for the social sciences, 377-396, 2012
Replication in criminology: A necessary practice
S McNeeley, JJ Warner
European journal of criminology 12 (5), 581-597, 2015
Social ties, collective efficacy, and crime-specific fear in Seattle neighborhoods
Y Yuan, S McNeeley
Victims & offenders 12 (1), 90-112, 2017
The code of the street and cooperation with the police: Do codes of violence, procedural injustice, and police ineffectiveness discourage reporting violent victimization to the …
H Kwak, R Dierenfeldt, S McNeeley
Journal of criminal justice 60, 25-34, 2019
Emotional labor, role characteristics, and police officer burnout in South Korea: The mediating effect of emotional dissonance
H Kwak, S McNeeley, SH Kim
Police quarterly 21 (2), 223-249, 2018
Street codes, routine activities, neighbourhood context and victimization
S McNeeley, P Wilcox
British Journal of Criminology 55 (5), 921-943, 2015
A multilevel examination of the relationship between racial tension and attitudes toward the police
S McNeeley, G Grothoff
American journal of criminal justice 41, 383-401, 2016
Reactions to crime: A multilevel analysis of fear of crime and defensive and participatory behavior
Y Yuan, S McNeeley
Journal of Crime and Justice 39 (4), 455-472, 2016
Just as good as the real thing? The effects of prison video visitation on recidivism
G Duwe, S McNeeley
Crime & Delinquency 67 (4), 475-497, 2021
The effects of prison labor on institutional misconduct, postprison employment, and recidivism
G Duwe, S McNeeley
Corrections 5 (2), 89-108, 2020
Public unstructured socializing and the code of the street: Predicting violent delinquency and victimization
S McNeeley, EM Hoeben
Deviant behavior 38 (6), 633-654, 2017
Do Ecological Effects on Recidivism Vary by Gender, Race, or Housing Type?
S McNeeley
Crime & Delinquency 64 (6), 782-806, 2017
Neighbourhood characteristics and confidence in the police in the context of South Korea
H Kwak, S McNeeley
Policing and society, 2019
Lifestyle-Routine Activities, Neighborhood Context, and Ethnic Hate Crime Victimization
S McNeeley, S Overstreet
Violence and victims 33 (5), 932-948, 2018
A multilevel examination of the code of the street’s relationship with fear of crime
S McNeeley, Y Yuan
Crime & Delinquency 63 (9), 1146-1167, 2017
Crisis intervention team training in a correctional setting: Examining compliance, mental health referrals, and use of force
S McNeeley, C Donley
Criminal Justice and Behavior 48 (2), 195-214, 2021
Low self-control and the adoption of street code values among young adults
S McNeeley, RC Meldrum, AW Hoskin
Journal of Criminal Justice 56, 118-126, 2018
The code of the street and violent versus property crime victimization
S McNeeley, P Wilcox
Violence and victims 30 (6), 1049-1067, 2015
Target congruence as a means of understanding risk of intimate partner violence: A comparison of male and female college students in the United States
K Elvey, S McNeeley
Crime & Delinquency 65 (13), 1823-1849, 2019
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