Jan Renger
Jan Renger
Підтверджена електронна адреса в mpl.mpg.de
Three-dimensional manipulation with scanning near-field optical nanotweezers
J Berthelot, SS Aćimović, ML Juan, MP Kreuzer, J Renger, R Quidant
Nature nanotechnology 9 (4), 295-299, 2014
LSPR chip for parallel, rapid, and sensitive detection of cancer markers in serum
SS Aćimović, MA Ortega, V Sanz, J Berthelot, JL Garcia-Cordero, ...
Nano letters 14 (5), 2636-2641, 2014
Surface-enhanced nonlinear four-wave mixing
J Renger, R Quidant, N Van Hulst, L Novotny
Physical review letters 104 (4), 046803, 2010
Plasmon-coupled tip-enhanced near-field optical microscopy
A Bouhelier, J Renger, MR Beversluis, L Novotny
J. Microsc. 210, 220-224, 2003
Three-dimensional optical manipulation of a single electron spin
M Geiselmann, ML Juan, J Renger, JM Say, LJ Brown, FJG De Abajo, ...
Nature nanotechnology 8 (3), 175-179, 2013
Dielectric-loaded surface plasmon polariton waveguides: Figures of merit and mode characterization by image and Fourier plane leakage microscopy
J Grandidier, S Massenot, GC de Francs, A Bouhelier, JC Weeber, ...
Phys. Rev. B 78, 245419, 2008
Deep-subwavelength imaging of the modal dispersion of light
R Sapienza, T Coenen, J Renger, M Kuttge, NF van Hulst, A Polman
Nature Materials 11 (9), 781-787, 2012
Strong antenna-enhanced fluorescence of a single light-harvesting complex shows photon antibunching
E Wientjes, J Renger, AG Curto, R Cogdell, NF van Hulst
Nature Communications 5, 2014
Free-space excitation of propagating surface plasmon polaritons by nonlinear four-wave mixing
J Renger, R Quidant, N Van Hulst, S Palomba, L Novotny
Physical review letters 103 (26), 266802, 2009
Active Control of Surface Plasmon Waveguides with a Phase Change Material
M Rudé, RE Simpson, R Quidant, V Pruneri, J Renger
ACS Photonics 2 (6), 669-674, 2015
Distance dependent spectral tuning of two coupled metal nanoparticles
P Olk, J Renger, MT Wenzel, LM Eng
Nano letters 8 (4), 1174-1178, 2008
Design and properties of dielectric surface plasmon Bragg mirrors
S Randhawa, MU González, J Renger, S Enoch, R Quidant
Optics Express 18 (14), 14496-14510, 2010
Polymer-metal waveguides characterization by fourier plane leakage radiation microscopy
S Massenot, J Grandidier, A Bouhelier, GC de Francs, L Markey, ...
Appl. Phys. Lett. 91, 243102, 2007
Hidden progress: broadband plasmonic invisibility
J Renger, M Kadic, G Dupont, SS Aćimović, S Guenneau, R Quidant, ...
Optics express 18 (15), 15757-15768, 2010
Nonlinear dark-field microscopy
H Harutyunyan, S Palomba, J Renger, R Quidant, L Novotny
Nano letters 10 (12), 5076-5079, 2010
Two particle enhanced nano Raman microscopy and spectroscopy
P Olk, J Renger, T Härtling, MT Wenzel, LM Eng
Nano letters 7 (6), 1736-1740, 2007
Chip-based all-optical control of single molecules coherently coupled to a nanoguide
P Türschmann, N Rotenberg, J Renger, I Harder, O Lohse, T Utikal, ...
Nano Letters 17 (8), 4941-4945, 2017
Performance of electro-optical plasmonic ring resonators at telecom wavelengths
S Randhawa, S Lachèze, J Renger, A Bouhelier, RE de Lamaestre, ...
Optics Express 20 (3), 2354-2362, 2012
Direct excitation of surface plasmon polaritons in nanopatterned metal surfaces and thin films
J Renger, S Grafström, LM Eng
Physical Review B 76 (4), 045431, 2007
Resonant light scattering by near-field-induced phonon polaritons
J Renger, S Grafström, LM Eng, R Hillenbrand
Physical Review B 71 (7), 075410, 2005
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