Laurent Chauvin
Laurent Chauvin
Підтверджена електронна адреса в etsmtl.net
The DTI challenge: toward standardized evaluation of diffusion tensor imaging tractography for neurosurgery
S Pujol, W Wells, C Pierpaoli, C Brun, J Gee, G Cheng, B Vemuri, ...
Journal of Neuroimaging 25 (6), 875-882, 2015
Integration of the OpenIGTLink Network Protocol for image‐guided therapy with the medical platform MeVisLab
J Egger, J Tokuda, L Chauvin, B Freisleben, C Nimsky, T Kapur, W Wells
The international Journal of medical Robotics and Computer assisted Surgery …, 2012
Fiducial markers, systems, and methods of registration
J Tokuda, N Hata, T Kato, B Ninni, L Chauvin
US Patent 10,420,626, 2019
Multi-modal brain fingerprinting: A manifold approximation based framework
K Kumar, M Toews, L Chauvin, O Colliot, C Desrosiers
NeuroImage 183, 212-226, 2018
Motion compensation for MRI-compatible patient-mounted needle guide device: Estimation of targeting accuracy in MRI-guided kidney cryoablations
J Tokuda, L Chauvin, B Ninni, T Kato, F King, K Tuncali, N Hata
Physics in Medicine & Biology 63 (8), 085010, 2018
Neuroimage signature from salient keypoints is highly specific to individuals and shared by close relatives
L Chauvin, K Kumar, C Wachinger, M Vangel, J de Guise, C Desrosiers, ...
NeuroImage 204, 116208, 2020
Registration and motion compensation for patient-mounted needle guide
J Tokuda, L Chauvin, K Tuncali, N Hata, S Ganesan, B Daniels, B Ninni, ...
US Patent 11,202,652, 2021
Assessment of the osteomark-navigation system for oral and maxillofacial surgery
ZS Peacock, JC Magill, BJ Tricomi, BA Murphy, V Nikonovskiy, N Hata, ...
Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 73 (10), 2005-2016, 2015
Efficient pairwise neuroimage analysis using the soft jaccard index and 3d keypoint sets
L Chauvin, K Kumar, C Desrosiers, W Wells, M Toews
IEEE transactions on medical imaging 41 (4), 836-845, 2021
Analyzing brain morphology on the bag-of-features manifold
L Chauvin, K Kumar, C Desrosiers, J De Guise, W Wells, M Toews
Information Processing in Medical Imaging: 26th International Conference …, 2019
Multi-modal analysis of genetically-related subjects using SIFT descriptors in brain MRI
K Kumar, L Chauvin, M Toews, O Colliot, C Desrosiers
Computational Diffusion MRI: MICCAI Workshop, Québec, Canada, September 2017 …, 2018
Speeding-up MR acquisitions using ultrasound signals, and scanner-less real-time MR imaging
F Preiswerk, WS Hoge, M Toews, J Yuan George Chiou, L Chauvin, ...
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med.(ISMRM) 863, 2015
Large-scale unbiased neuroimage indexing via 3d gpu-sift filtering and keypoint masking
É Pepin, JB Carluer, L Chauvin, M Toews, R Harmouche
Machine Learning in Clinical Neuroimaging and Radiogenomics in Neuro …, 2020
Registering image volumes using 3D SIFT and discrete SP-symmetry
L Chauvin, W Wells III, M Toews
arXiv preprint arXiv:2205.15456, 2022
GPU optimization of the 3D Scale-invariant Feature Transform Algorithm and a Novel BRIEF-inspired 3D Fast Descriptor
JB Carluer, L Chauvin, J Luo, WM Wells III, I Machado, R Harmouche, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2112.10258, 2021
Diffusion Orientation Histograms (DOH) for diffusion weighted image analysis
L Chauvin, K Kumar, C Desrosiers, JD Guise, M Toews
Computational Diffusion MRI: MICCAI Workshop, Québec, Canada, September 2017 …, 2018
Using Atom-Like Local Image Features to Study Human Genetics and Neuroanatomy in Large Sets of 3D Medical Image Volumes
L Chauvin
arXiv preprint arXiv:2208.12361, 2022
Curating Subject ID Labels using Keypoint Signatures
L Chauvin, M Toews
arXiv preprint arXiv:2110.04055, 2021
Large Scale Indexing of Generic Medical Image Data using Unbiased Shallow Keypoints and Deep CNN Features
L Chauvin, MB Lazreg, JB Carluer, W Wells, M Toews
arXiv preprint arXiv:2010.04283, 2020
A Keypoint-based Morphological Signature for Large-scale Neuroimage Analysis
L Chauvin, M Toews
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