Статті для всіх - David R Vinson, MDДокладніше
Недоступно ніде: 2
Use of traumatic brain injury prediction rules with clinical decision support
PS Dayan, DW Ballard, E Tham, JM Hoffman, M Swietlik, SJ Deakyne, ...
Pediatrics 139 (4), 2017
Мандати: US National Institutes of Health
Clinical outcomes in hospitalized plasma and platelet transfusion recipients prior to and following widespread blood donor SARS‐CoV‐2 infection and vaccination
NH Roubinian, J Greene, VX Liu, C Lee, DG Mark, DR Vinson, ...
Transfusion 64 (1), 53-67, 2024
Мандати: US National Institutes of Health
Доступно в інших місцях: 39
Immediate and delayed traumatic intracranial hemorrhage in patients with head trauma and preinjury warfarin or clopidogrel use
DK Nishijima, SR Offerman, DW Ballard, DR Vinson, UK Chettipally, ...
Annals of emergency medicine 59 (6), 460-468. e7, 2012
Мандати: US National Institutes of Health
Development and validation of a novel pediatric appendicitis risk calculator (pARC)
AB Kharbanda, G Vazquez-Benitez, DW Ballard, DR Vinson, ...
Pediatrics 141 (4), 2018
Мандати: US National Institutes of Health
Can selected patients with newly diagnosed pulmonary embolism be safely treated without hospitalization? A systematic review
DR Vinson, S Zehtabchi, DM Yealy
Annals of emergency medicine 60 (5), 651-662. e4, 2012
Мандати: US National Institutes of Health
Informing the design of clinical decision support services for evaluation of children with minor blunt head trauma in the emergency department: a sociotechnical analysis
B Sheehan, LE Nigrovic, PS Dayan, N Kuppermann, DW Ballard, ...
Journal of biomedical informatics 46 (5), 905-913, 2013
Мандати: US National Institutes of Health
Risk of traumatic intracranial hemorrhage in patients with head injury and preinjury warfarin or clopidogrel use
DK Nishijima, SR Offerman, DW Ballard, DR Vinson, UK Chettipally, ...
Academic Emergency Medicine 20 (2), 140-145, 2013
Мандати: US National Institutes of Health
Acute stroke presentation, care, and outcomes in community hospitals in Northern California during the COVID-19 pandemic
MN Nguyen-Huynh, XN Tang, DR Vinson, AC Flint, JG Alexander, ...
Stroke 51 (10), 2918-2924, 2020
Мандати: US National Institutes of Health
Incidence of 30-day venous thromboembolism in adults tested for SARS-CoV-2 infection in an integrated health care system in Northern California
NH Roubinian, JR Dusendang, DG Mark, DR Vinson, VX Liu, ...
JAMA Internal Medicine 181 (7), 997-999, 2021
Мандати: US National Institutes of Health
The incidence of traumatic intracranial hemorrhage in head-injured older adults transported by EMS with and without anticoagulant or antiplatelet use
DK Nishijima, SD Gaona, T Waechter, R Maloney, A Blitz, AR Elms, ...
Journal of neurotrauma 35 (5), 750-759, 2018
Мандати: US National Institutes of Health
Out-of-hospital triage of older adults with head injury: a retrospective study of the effect of adding “anticoagulation or antiplatelet medication use” as a criterion
DK Nishijima, SD Gaona, T Waechter, R Maloney, T Bair, A Blitz, AR Elms, ...
Annals of emergency medicine 70 (2), 127-138. e6, 2017
Мандати: US National Institutes of Health
Validation of the pediatric appendicitis risk calculator (pARC) in a community emergency department setting
DM Cotton, DR Vinson, G Vazquez-Benitez, EM Warton, ME Reed, ...
Annals of emergency medicine 74 (4), 471-480, 2019
Мандати: US National Institutes of Health
Population-based study of ischemic stroke risk after trauma in children and young adults
CK Fox, NK Hills, DR Vinson, AL Numis, RA Dicker, S Sidney, ...
Neurology 89 (23), 2310-2316, 2017
Мандати: US National Institutes of Health, American Heart Association
Implementation of a clinical decision support system for children with minor blunt head trauma who are at nonnegligible risk for traumatic brain injuries
DW Ballard, N Kuppermann, DR Vinson, E Tham, JM Hoffman, M Swietlik, ...
Annals of emergency medicine 73 (5), 440-451, 2019
Мандати: US National Institutes of Health
Impact of relative contraindications to home management in emergency department patients with low-risk pulmonary embolism
DR Vinson, CE Drenten, J Huang, JE Morley, ML Anderson, ME Reed, ...
Annals of the American Thoracic Society 12 (5), 666-673, 2015
Мандати: US National Institutes of Health
The use of delayed telephone informed consent for observational emergency medicine research is ethical and effective
SR Offerman, DK Nishijima, DW Ballard, UK Chetipally, DR Vinson, ...
Academic Emergency Medicine 20 (4), 403-407, 2013
Мандати: US National Institutes of Health
Do EMS providers accurately ascertain anticoagulant and antiplatelet use in older adults with head trauma?
DK Nishijima, S Gaona, T Waechter, R Maloney, T Bair, A Blitz, AR Elms, ...
Prehospital Emergency Care 21 (2), 209-215, 2017
Мандати: US National Institutes of Health
The accuracy of an electronic Pulmonary Embolism Severity Index auto-populated from the electronic health record
DR Vinson, JE Morley, J Huang, V Liu, ML Anderson, CE Drenten, ...
Applied Clinical Informatics 6 (02), 318-333, 2015
Мандати: US National Institutes of Health
Effect of clinical decision support on diagnostic imaging for pediatric appendicitis: a cluster randomized trial
AB Kharbanda, G Vazquez-Benitez, DW Ballard, DR Vinson, ...
JAMA network open 4 (2), e2036344-e2036344, 2021
Мандати: US National Institutes of Health
Comprehensive outpatient management of low-risk pulmonary embolism: can primary care do this? A narrative review
DR Vinson, D Aujesky, GJ Geersing, PM Roy
The Permanente Journal 24, 19.163, 2020
Мандати: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
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