Aldo Caccavo
Aldo Caccavo
Post-Doc Researcher, Museu Nacional
Підтверджена електронна адреса в ufrj.br
Noteworthy coastal records of the maned wolf, Chrysocyon brachyurus (Illiger, 1815)
MS Xavier, HM Lemos, A Caccavo, A Bezerra, H Secco, PR Gonçalves
Southeastern Brazil. Boletim da Sociedade Brasileira de Mastozoologia 78, 9-13, 2017
Systematics of the rodent genus Neacomys Thomas (Cricetidae: Sigmodontinae): two new species and a discussion on carotid patterns
A Caccavo, M Weksler
Journal of Mammalogy 102 (3), 852-878, 2021
Mammal collections in Brazil: overview and database
E Chiquito, A Caccavo, C Santos, T Semedo, AL Costa-Pinto, D Astúa, ...
Brazilian Journal of Mammalogy, e90202105-e90202105, 2021
Detecting morphological limits between parapatric species: cranial variation in Cerradomys (Cricetidae: Sigmodontinae) from northeastern Brazil
A Caccavo, JA Oliveira
Journal of Mammalogy 97 (6), 1602-1616, 2016
Small mammals from the C aatinga: A dataset for the B razilian semiarid biome
AL da Costa‐Pinto, RS Bovendorp, A Bocchiglieri, A Caccavo, ...
Ecology 104 (1), e3879, 2023
Does stress mess with rodents’ heads? Influence of habitat amount and genetic factors in mandible fluctuating asymmetry in South American water rats (Nectomys squamipes …
A Caccavo, H Lemos, LS Maroja, PR Gonçalves
Ecology and Evolution 11 (11), 7080-7092, 2021
Mesial hyperdontia in Sigmodontinae (Rodentia: Cricetidae), with comments on the evolution of the anteroconid in Myomorpha
A Caccavo, M Weksler
Mammalia 84 (1), 90-97, 2019
First records of Myotis ruber and Molossus pretiosus for the state of Ceará, Northeast Brazil
N Santos-Cavalcante, JLP Cordeiro, H Fernandes-Ferreira, ...
Therya Notes 5, 60-68, 2024
Dental abnormalities in Myotis riparius (Chiroptera, Vespertilionidae), with comments on its evolutionary implications
MS Marrelli, NA Bertocchi, A Caccavo, FC Passos, R Moratelli, ...
Mammalia 88 (1), 33-36, 2024
Erratum to: Systematics of the rodent genus Neacomys Thomas (Cricetidae: Sigmodontinae): two new species and a discussion on carotid patterns
A Caccavo, M Weksler
Journal of Mammalogy 103 (1), 221-221, 2022
First records of Myotis ruber and Molossus pretiosus for the state of Ceará, Northeast Brazil Primeros registros de Myotis ruber y Molossus pretiosus para el estado de Ceará …
N Santos-Cavalcante, JLP Cordeiro, H Fernandes-Ferreira, ...
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