W. Kelley Thomas
W. Kelley Thomas
Director, Hubbard Center for Genome Studies; Professor, Dept. of Molecular, Cellular, and Biomedical Sciences
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Dynamics of mitochondrial DNA evolution in animals: amplification and sequencing with conserved primers.
TD Kocher, WK Thomas, A Meyer, SV Edwards, S Pääbo, FX Villablanca, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 86 (16), 6196-6200, 1989
A molecular evolutionary framework for the phylum Nematoda
ML Blaxter, P De Ley, JR Garey, LX Liu, P Scheldeman, A Vierstraete, ...
Nature 392 (6671), 71-75, 1998
The ecoresponsive genome of Daphnia pulex
JK Colbourne, ME Pfrender, D Gilbert, WK Thomas, A Tucker, TH Oakley, ...
Science 331 (6017), 555-561, 2011
A genome-wide view of the spectrum of spontaneous mutations in yeast
M Lynch, W Sung, K Morris, N Coffey, CR Landry, EB Dopman, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105 (27), 9272-9277, 2008
Genetic drift, selection and the evolution of the mutation rate
M Lynch, MS Ackerman, JF Gout, H Long, W Sung, WK Thomas, ...
Nature Reviews Genetics 17 (11), 704-714, 2016
Molecular and morphological characterisation of two reproductively isolated species with mirror-image anatomy (Nematoda: Cephalobidae)
P De Ley, MA Felix, L Frisse, S Nadler, P Sternberg, WK Thomas
Nematology 1 (6), 591-612, 1999
Sequencing our way towards understanding global eukaryotic biodiversity
HM Bik, DL Porazinska, S Creer, JG Caporaso, R Knight, WK Thomas
Trends in ecology & evolution 27 (4), 233-243, 2012
The ecologist's field guide to sequence‐based identification of biodiversity
S Creer, K Deiner, S Frey, D Porazinska, P Taberlet, WK Thomas, C Potter, ...
Methods in ecology and evolution 7 (9), 1008-1018, 2016
Ultrasequencing of the meiofaunal biosphere: practice, pitfalls and promises
S Creer, VG Fonseca, DL Porazinska, RM Giblin‐Davis, W Sung, ...
Molecular Ecology 19, 4-20, 2010
High mutation rate and predominance of insertions in the Caenorhabditis elegans nuclear genome
DR Denver, K Morris, M Lynch, WK Thomas
Nature 430 (7000), 679-682, 2004
Second-generation environmental sequencing unmasks marine metazoan biodiversity
VG Fonseca, GR Carvalho, W Sung, HF Johnson, DM Power, SP Neill, ...
Nature communications 1 (1), 98, 2010
The marsupial mitochondrial genome and the evolution of placental mammals.
A Janke, G Feldmaier-Fuchs, WK Thomas, A Von Haeseler, S Pääbo
Genetics 137 (1), 243-256, 1994
High direct estimate of the mutation rate in the mitochondrial genome of Caenorhabditis elegans
DR Denver, K Morris, M Lynch, LL Vassilieva, WK Thomas
Science 289 (5488), 2342-2344, 2000
Evaluating high‐throughput sequencing as a method for metagenomic analysis of nematode diversity
DL Porazinska, RM Giblin‐Davis, L Faller, W Farmerie, N Kanzaki, ...
Molecular ecology resources 9 (6), 1439-1450, 2009
Length heteroplasmy of sturgeon mitochondrial DNA: an illegitimate elongation model.
NE Buroker, JR Brown, TA Gilbert, PJ O'hara, AT Beckenbach, ...
Genetics 124 (1), 157-163, 1990
Phylogenetic relationships among Bursaphelenchus species (Nematoda: Parasitaphelenchidae) inferred from nuclear ribosomal and mitochondrial DNA sequence data
W Ye, RM Giblin-Davis, H Braasch, K Morris, WK Thomas
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 43 (3), 1185-1197, 2007
An integrated approach to fast and informative morphological vouchering of nematodes for applications in molecular barcoding
P De Ley, IT De Ley, K Morris, E Abebe, M Mundo-Ocampo, M Yoder, ...
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 360 …, 2005
A genome-wide view of Caenorhabditis elegans base-substitution mutation processes
DR Denver, PC Dolan, LJ Wilhelm, W Sung, JI Lucas-Lledó, DK Howe, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106 (38), 16310-16314, 2009
The transcriptional consequences of mutation and natural selection in Caenorhabditis elegans
DR Denver, K Morris, JT Streelman, SK Kim, M Lynch, WK Thomas
Nature genetics 37 (5), 544-548, 2005
Spatial and temporal continuity of kangaroo rat populations shown by sequencing mitochondrial DNA from museum specimens
WK Thomas, S Pääbo, FX Villablanca, AC Wilson
Journal of Molecular Evolution 31, 101-112, 1990
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