Josée Michaud
Josée Michaud
Підтверджена електронна адреса в arcticnet.ulaval.ca
Phytoplankton biomass, production and potential export in the North Water
B Klein, B LeBlanc, ZP Mei, R Beret, J Michaud, CJ Mundy, ...
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 49 (22-23), 4983-5002, 2002
Flux of biogenic carbon in oceans: size-dependent regulation by pelagic food webs
L Legendre, J Michaud
Marine Ecology Progress Series 164, 1-11, 1998
Paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP) toxins in North Atlantic right whales Eubalaena glacialis and their zooplankton prey in the Bay of Fundy, Canada
GJ Doucette, AD Cembella, JL Martin, J Michaud, TVN Cole, RM Rolland
Marine Ecology Progress Series 306, 303-313, 2006
Feeding success and survivorship of Arctic cod larvae, Boreogadus saida, in the Northeast Water Polynya (Greenland Sea)
J Michaud, L Fortier, P Rowe, R Ramseier
Fisheries Oceanography 5 (2), 120-135, 1996
Survival of Arctic cod larvae (Boreogadus saida) in relation to sea ice and temperature in the Northeast Water Polynya (Greenland Sea)
L Fortier, P Sirois, J Michaud, D Barber
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 63 (7), 1608-1616, 2006
Chlorophyll a to estimate the particulate organic carbon available as food to large zooplankton in the euphotic zone of oceans
L Legendre, J Michaud
Journal of Plankton Research 21 (11), 2067-2083, 1999
Lipid and gross energy content of North Atlantic right whale food, Calanus finmarchicus, in the Bay of Fundy
J Michaud, CT Taggart
Endangered Species Research 3 (1), 77-94, 2007
Pathways of carbon cycling in the euphotic zone: the fate of largesized phytoplankton in the Northeast Water Polynya
S Pesant, L Legendre, M Gosselin, C Ashjian, B Booth, K Daly, L Fortier, ...
Journal of plankton research 20 (7), 1267-1291, 1998
Spatial variation in right whale food, Calanus finmarchicus, in the Bay of Fundy
J Michaud, CT Taggart
Endangered Species Research 15 (3), 179-194, 2011
Parasitic infection of the hyperiid amphipod Themisto libellula in the Canadian Beaufort Sea (Arctic Ocean), with a description of Ganymedes themistos sp. n …
AJ Prokopowicz, S Rueckert, BS Leander, J Michaud, L Fortier
Polar Biology 33, 1339-1350, 2010
Pathways of carbon cycling in marine surface waters: the fate of small-sized phytoplankton in the Northeast Water Polynya
S Pesant, L Legendre, M Gosselin, PK Bjornsen, L Fortier, J Michaud, ...
Journal of Plankton Research 22 (4), 779-801, 2000
Maternal anemia in the southeast and northeast regions of New Brunswick and the impact on hematological parameters and the growth of the newborn
MF Rioux, J Michaud
Canadian Journal of Dietetic Practice and Research: a Publication of …, 2001
Identifying the dominant processes (physical versus biological) in pelagic marine ecosystems from field estimates of chlorophyll a and phytoplankton production
L Legendre, F Rassoulzadegan, J Michaud
Journal of plankton research 21 (9), 1643-1658, 1999
On thin ice: a synthesis of the Canadian Arctic Shelf Exchange Study (CASES)
L Fortier, D Barber, J Michaud
Winnipeg, MB: Aboriginal Issue Press, University of Manitoba 215, 2008
The prey field of the North Atlantic right whale in the Bay of Fundy: spatial and temporal variation
J Michaud
Dalhousie University, 2006
On thin ice: a synthesis of the Canadian Arctic Shelf Exchange Study (CASES)
DG Barber, L Fortier, J Michaud
(No Title), 2008
The prey field of the North Atlantic right whale in the Bay of Fundy: spatial and temporal variation.
J Michaud
Library and Archives Canada= Bibliothèque et Archives Canada, Ottawa, 2007
Feeding success and survivorship of Arctic cod larvae, Boreogadus saida, in the northeast water Polynya (Greenland Sea)
J Michaud, L Fortier, P Rowe, R Ramseier
Oceanographic Literature Review 1 (44), 60, 1997
Succes d'alimentation et survie des larves de morue arctique Boreogadus saida dans la polynie du Northeast Water (mer du Groenland)(French text)
J Michaud
Succes d'alimentation et survie des larves de morue arctique Boreogadus saida dans la polynie du Northeast Water, mer du Groenland.
J Michaud
Universite Laval, 1995
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