Suhas Govind Joshi
Suhas Govind Joshi
Department of Informatics, University of Oslo
Підтверджена електронна адреса в ifi.uio.no
Designing for prolonged mastery. On involving old people in participatory design
SG Joshi, T Bratteteig
Scandinavian Journal of Information Systems 28 (1), 1, 2016
Tracheal diverticula-report of 2 cases.
M Rahalkar, D Lakhkar, S Joshi, S Gundawar
Indian Journal of Radiology and Imaging 14 (2), NA-NA, 2004
Assembling fragments into continuous design: On participatory design with old people
SG Joshi, T Bratteteig
Nordic Contributions in IS Research: 6th Scandinavian Conference on …, 2015
Designing for capabilities: A phenomenological approach to the design of enabling technologies for older adults
SG Joshi
Universitetet i Oslo, 2017
Lowering the threshold: reconnecting elderly users with assistive technology through tangible interfaces
SG Joshi, H Bråthen
Human Aspects of IT for the Aged Population. Design for Aging: Second …, 2016
Designing for experienced simplicity. Why analytic and imagined simplicity fail in design of assistive technology
SG Joshi
International Journal on Advances in Intelligent Systems 8 (3-4), 324-338, 2015
A collaborative change experiment: telecare as a means for delivery of home care services
S Govind Joshi, A Woll
Design, User Experience, and Usability. User Experience Design for Everyday …, 2014
Emerging ethical considerations from the perspectives of the elderly
SG Joshi
Joshi, Suhas Govind (2017) Designing for Capabilities: A Phenomenological …, 2014
Designing an indoor navigation system for elderly people’s capabilities
M Källström, S Berdal, SG Joshi
Human Aspects of IT for the Aged Population. Design for Everyday Life: First …, 2015
HCID: Who is an interaction designer?
AL Culén, JG Suhas, A Abdelhakeem
A collaborative change experiment: Post-experiment evaluation of home telecare for elderly home dwellers
SG Joshi, A Woll
Procedia Manufacturing 3, 82-89, 2015
Exploring spatial interaction in assistive technology through prototyping
TR Iversen, SG Joshi
Procedia Manufacturing 3, 158-165, 2015
Supporting new interactions with past experiences anchored in materials
SG Joshi, H Bråthen
IADIS International Journal on Computer Science and Information Systems 2, 11, 2016
A collaborative change experiment: diagnostic evaluation of telecare for elderly home dwellers
SG Joshi, A Woll
Digital Human Modeling. Applications in Health, Safety, Ergonomics and Risk …, 2015
Immersion as a strategy to facilitate participatory design involving people with intellectual disabilities and caretakers as proxies
Å Dæhlen, SG Joshi
International Conferences on Advances in Computer-Human Interactions ACHI, 15-24, 2019
The role of materials in design of familiar and contextual assistive technologies
SG Joshi, H Bråthen
International Conference on Interfaces and Human Computer Interaction, 101-109, 2016
Re-establishing interaction through design of alternative interfaces
SG Joshi
The Eighth International Conference on eHealth, Telemedicine and Social …, 2016
When simple technologies makes life difficult
SG Joshi
ACHI 2015, 180, 2015
Exploring map-based interfaces for mobile solutions in emergency work
SG Joshi
Design decision competence: Supporting user participation in design decisions
H Maartmann-Moe, H Bråthen, SG Joshi, T Bratteteig
Proceedings of the Participatory Design Conference 2022-Volume 2, 196-202, 2022
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