Severine Mayere
Severine Mayere
Підтверджена електронна адреса в qut.edu.au
What is the most suitable methodological approach to demarcate peri-urban areas? A systematic review of the literature
MG Mortoja, T Yigitcanlar, S Mayere
Land use policy 95, 104601, 2020
Social infrastructure planning and sustainable community: example from south east Queensland, Australia
S Teriman, T Yigitcanlar, S Mayere
Proceedings of the Business and Social Science Research Conference 2011, 1-12, 2011
Urban sustainability and growth management in south-east Asian city regions: the case of Kualalumpur and Hongkong
S Teriman, T Yigitcanlar, M Severine
Planning Malaysia 7, 2009
Towards Australian regional turnaround: insights into sustainably accommodating post-pandemic urban growth in regional towns and cities
M Guaralda, G Hearn, M Foth, T Yigitcanlar, S Mayere, L Law
Sustainability 12 (24), 10492, 2020
The practice of water policy governance networks: An international comparative case study analysis
R Eberhard, R Margerum, K Vella, S Mayere, B Taylor
Society & Natural Resources 30 (4), 453-470, 2017
University and innovation district symbiosis in the context of placemaking: Insights from Australian cities
S Pancholi, T Yigitcanlar, M Guaralda, S Mayere, GA Caldwell, ...
Land use policy 99, 105109, 2020
Computer vision applications for urban planning: A systematic review of opportunities and constraints
R Marasinghe, T Yigitcanlar, S Mayere, T Washington, M Limb
Sustainable Cities and Society 100, 105047, 2024
Do ‘city shapers’ really support urban consolidation? The case of Brisbane, Australia
K Raynor, S Mayere, T Matthews
Urban studies 55 (5), 1056-1075, 2018
Shaping urban consolidation debates: Social representations in Brisbane newspaper media
K Raynor, T Matthews, S Mayere
Urban studies 54 (6), 1519-1536, 2017
Sustainable urban development: A quadruple bottom line assessment framework
S Teriman, T Yigitcanlar, S Mayere
Conference Proceedings of the Second Infrastructure Theme Postgraduate …, 2009
Sustainable urban development: an integrated framework for urban planning and development
S Teriman, T Yigitcanlar, S Mayere
Rethinking sustainable development: urban management, engineering, and …, 2010
Urban growth management for sustainable urbanization: examples from Asia-Pacific city regions
S Teriman, T Yigitcanlar, S Mayere
Proceedings of the First International Postgraduate Conference on …, 2009
When plans are used to no effect: Considering implementation performance of greater Brisbane’s compact activity centre policies
M Limb, C Grodach, P Donehue, S Mayere
Environment and planning B: urban analytics and city science 48 (7), 1860-1875, 2021
Resembling Florida: Transpacific transfer of ideas from one Gold Coast to another
S Mayere, A Dedekorkut, N Sipe
Proceedings of the 14 th International Planning History Conference, Istanbul …, 2010
Rethinking the implementation of the compact city: factors affecting compact activity centre policy conformance in Greater Brisbane, 1996 to 2016
M Limb, C Grodach, S Mayere, P Donehue
Urban policy and research 38 (4), 291-306, 2020
The InstaBooth: an interactive methodology for community involvement and place-making
M Guaralda, S Mayere, G Caldwell, J Donovan, M Rittenbruch
Journal of Place Management and Development 12 (2), 209-226, 2019
Declining trends in plan quality: A longitudinal evaluation of regional environmental plans in Queensland, Australia
A Lukasiewicz, K Vella, S Mayere, D Baker
Landscape and Urban Planning 203, 103891, 2020
Perceptions of land-use uncertainty in Queensland's resource-based regions
S Mayere, PA Donehue
Australian Planner 51 (3), 212-222, 2014
Studio teaching in Australian planning curriculum
K Vella, N Osborne, S Mayere, D Baker
Planning, Politics and People: Proceedings of the Australia and New Zealand …, 2014
Providing innovative planning education experience: teaching regional planning in an international context
T Yigitcanlar, S Mayere, R McCartney, M Mohamed
Proceedings of the Australian New Zealand Association of Planning Schools …, 2009
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