Valentyn Tolpekin
Valentyn Tolpekin
Підтверджена електронна адреса в iceye.fi
Delineation of agricultural fields in smallholder farms from satellite images using fully convolutional networks and combinatorial grouping
C Persello, VA Tolpekin, JR Bergado, RA De By
Remote sensing of environment 231, 111253, 2019
Quantification of the effects of land-cover-class spectral separability on the accuracy of Markov-random-field-based superresolution mapping
VA Tolpekin, A Stein
IEEE transactions on geoscience and remote sensing 47 (9), 3283-3297, 2009
Markov-random-field-based super-resolution mapping for identification of urban trees in VHR images
JP Ardila, VA Tolpekin, W Bijker, A Stein
ISPRS journal of photogrammetry and remote sensing 66 (6), 762-775, 2011
Coherence-and amplitude-based analysis of seismogenic damage in Bam, Iran, using ENVISAT ASAR data
GA Arciniegas, W Bijker, N Kerle, VA Tolpekin
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 45 (6), 1571-1581, 2007
Context-sensitive extraction of tree crown objects in urban areas using VHR satellite images
JP Ardila, W Bijker, VA Tolpekin, A Stein
International journal of applied earth observation and geoinformation 15, 57-69, 2012
Delineation of agricultural field boundaries from Sentinel-2 images using a novel super-resolution contour detector based on fully convolutional networks
KM Masoud, C Persello, VA Tolpekin
Remote sensing 12 (1), 59, 2019
Aggregation and breakup of colloidal particle aggregates in shear flow, studied with video microscopy
VA Tolpekin, MHG Duits, D Van den Ende, J Mellema
Langmuir 20 (7), 2614-2627, 2004
Multitemporal change detection of urban trees using localized region-based active contours in VHR images
JP Ardila, W Bijker, VA Tolpekin, A Stein
Remote Sensing of Environment 124, 413-426, 2012
Discriminating the invasive species,‘Lantana’using vegetation indices
R Kandwal, C Jeganathan, V Tolpekin, SPS Kushwaha
Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing 37, 275-290, 2009
Angular backscatter variation in L-band ALOS ScanSAR images of tropical forest areas
JP Ardila, V Tolpekin, W Bijker
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 7 (4), 821-825, 2010
A comparison of two downscaling procedures to increase the spatial resolution of mapping actual evapotranspiration
M Mahour, V Tolpekin, A Stein, A Sharifi
ISPRS journal of photogrammetry and remote sensing 126, 56-67, 2017
An enhanced spatiotemporal fusion method–Implications for coal fire monitoring using satellite imagery
R Ghosh, PK Gupta, V Tolpekin, SK Srivastav
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 88, 102056, 2020
Fully convolutional networks for multi-temporal SAR image classification
AG Mullissa, C Persello, V Tolpekin
IGARSS 2018-2018 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium …, 2018
A workflow for automated satellite image processing: From raw VHSR data to object-based spectral information for smallholder agriculture
D Stratoulias, V Tolpekin, RA De By, R Zurita-Milla, V Retsios, W Bijker, ...
Remote sensing 9 (10), 1048, 2017
Melt rates in the kilometer-size grounding zone of Petermann Glacier, Greenland, before and during a retreat
E Ciracì, E Rignot, B Scheuchl, V Tolpekin, M Wollersheim, L An, P Milillo, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 120 (20), e2220924120, 2023
Polarimetry-based distributed scatterer processing method for PSI applications
AG Mullissa, D Perissin, VA Tolpekin, A Stein
IEEE transactions on geoscience and remote sensing 56 (6), 3371-3382, 2018
Polarimetric differential SAR interferometry in an arid natural environment
AG Mullissa, V Tolpekin, A Stein, D Perissin
International journal of applied earth observation and geoinformation 59, 9-18, 2017
The ICEYE constellation-some new achievements
D Muff, V Ignatenko, O Dogan, L Lamentowski, P Leprovost, ...
2022 IEEE Radar Conference (RadarConf22), 1-4, 2022
Surface water body detection in polarimetric SAR data using contextual complex Wishart classification
E Goumehei, V Tolpekin, A Stein, W Yan
Water Resources Research 55 (8), 7047-7059, 2019
Quantification of crown changes and change uncertainty of trees in an urban environment
JP Ardila, W Bijker, VA Tolpekin, A Stein
ISPRS journal of photogrammetry and remote sensing 74, 41-55, 2012
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