Статті для всіх - Hiroshi Naganuma (永沼 博)Докладніше
Недоступно ніде: 18
Low-damping spin-wave propagation in a micro-structured Co2Mn0. 6Fe0. 4Si Heusler waveguide
T Sebastian, Y Ohdaira, T Kubota, P Pirro, T Brächer, K Vogt, AA Serga, ...
Applied Physics Letters 100 (11), 2012
Мандати: German Research Foundation
Composition dependence of magnetoresistance effect and its annealing endurance in tunnel junctions having Mn-Ga electrode with high perpendicular magnetic anisotropy
T Kubota, M Araidai, S Mizukami, X Zhang, Q Ma, H Naganuma, ...
Applied Physics Letters 99 (19), 2011
Мандати: German Research Foundation
Magnetic damping constant in Co-based full heusler alloy epitaxial films
M Oogane, T Kubota, H Naganuma, Y Ando
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 48 (16), 164012, 2015
Мандати: German Research Foundation
Noise suppression and sensitivity manipulation of magnetic tunnel junction sensors with soft magnetic Co70. 5Fe4. 5Si15B10 layer
L Huang, ZH Yuan, BS Tao, CH Wan, P Guo, QT Zhang, L Yin, JF Feng, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 122 (11), 2017
Мандати: Chinese Academy of Sciences, National Natural Science Foundation of China
Dependence of tunnel magnetoresistance effect on Fe thickness of perpendicularly magnetized L10-Mn62Ga38/Fe/MgO/CoFe junctions
T Kubota, Q Ma, S Mizukami, X Zhang, H Naganuma, M Oogane, Y Ando, ...
Applied Physics Express 5 (4), 043003, 2012
Мандати: German Research Foundation
Effect of metallic Mg insertion on the magnetoresistance effect in MgO-based tunnel junctions using D22-Mn3-δGa perpendicularly magnetized spin polarizer
T Kubota, S Mizukami, D Watanabe, F Wu, X Zhang, H Naganuma, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 110 (1), 2011
Мандати: German Research Foundation
Magnetic tunnel junctions of perpendicularly magnetized L10-MnGa/Fe/MgO/CoFe structures: Fe-layer-thickness dependences of magnetoresistance effect and tunnelling conductance …
T Kubota, QL Ma, S Mizukami, XM Zhang, H Naganuma, M Oogane, ...
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 46 (15), 155001, 2013
Мандати: German Research Foundation
Direct observation of atomic ordering and interface structure in Co2MnSi/MgO/Co2MnSi magnetic tunnel junctions by high-angle annular dark-field scanning transmission electron …
T Miyajima, M Oogane, Y Kotaka, T Yamazaki, M Tsukada, Y Kataoka, ...
Applied physics express 2 (9), 093001, 2009
Мандати: German Research Foundation
Non-gilbert-damping mechanism in a ferromagnetic heusler compound probed by nonlinear spin dynamics
P Pirro, T Sebastian, T Brächer, AA Serga, T Kubota, H Naganuma, ...
Physical Review Letters 113 (22), 227601, 2014
Мандати: German Research Foundation
All-optical characterisation of the spintronic Heusler compound Co2Mn0. 6Fe0. 4Si
T Sebastian, Y Kawada, B Obry, T Brächer, P Pirro, DA Bozhko, AA Serga, ...
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 48 (16), 164015, 2015
Мандати: German Research Foundation
Low frequency noise in magnetic tunneling junctions with Co40Fe40B20/Co70. 5Fe4. 5Si15B10 composite free layer
ZH Yuan, JF Feng, P Guo, CH Wan, HX Wei, SS Ali, XF Han, T Nakano, ...
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 398, 215-219, 2016
Мандати: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Annealing Temperature and Co Layer Thickness Dependence of Magnetoresistance Effect for -MnGa/Co/MgO/CoFeB Perpendicular Magnetic Tunnel Junctions
QL Ma, T Kubota, S Mizukami, XM Zhang, M Oogane, H Naganuma, ...
IEEE transactions on magnetics 48 (11), 2808-2811, 2012
Мандати: German Research Foundation
Impact of local order and stoichiometry on the ultrafast magnetization dynamics of Heusler compounds
D Steil, O Schmitt, R Fetzer, T Kubota, H Naganuma, M Oogane, Y Ando, ...
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 48 (16), 164016, 2015
Мандати: German Research Foundation
Magnetoresistance Enhancement in MnGa/MgO/CoFeB Perpendicular Magnetic Tunnel Junctions by Using CoFeB Interlayer
QL Ma, T Kubota, S Mizukami, XM Zhang, M Oogane, H Naganuma, ...
IEEE transactions on magnetics 49 (7), 4339-4342, 2013
Мандати: German Research Foundation
Magnetic field-controlled hysteresis loop bias in orthogonal exchange-spring coupling composite magnetic films
J Jiang, T Yu, R Pan, QT Zhang, P Liu, H Naganuma, M Oogane, Y Ando, ...
Applied Physics Express 9 (6), 063003, 2016
Мандати: National Natural Science Foundation of China
DC Bias Reversal Behavior of Spin–Torque Ferromagnetic Resonance Spectra in CoFeB/MgO/CoFeB Perpendicular Magnetic Tunnel Junction
T Yu, H Naganuma, M Oogane, Y Ando
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 53 (9), 1-5, 2017
Мандати: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Penetration depth of transverse spin current in (001)-oriented epitaxial ferromagnetic films
AL Kwilu, H Naganuma, M Oogane, Y Ando
Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials 368, 333-337, 2014
Мандати: German Research Foundation
Tunnel Magnetoresistance Effect in Tunnel Junctions with Co2MnSi Heusler Alloy Electrode and MgO Barrier
Y Ando, S Tsunegi, Y Sakuraba, M Oogane, H Naganuma, K Takanashi
Spintronics: From Materials to Devices, 355-366, 2013
Мандати: German Research Foundation
Доступно в інших місцях: 23
Highly efficient and tuneable spin-to-charge conversion through Rashba coupling at oxide interfaces
E Lesne, Y Fu, S Oyarzun, JC Rojas-Sánchez, DC Vaz, H Naganuma, ...
Nature materials 15, 1266, 2016
Мандати: European Commission
Nonlinear Emission of Spin-Wave Caustics from an Edge Mode of a Microstructured Waveguide
T Sebastian, T Brächer, P Pirro, AA Serga, B Hillebrands, T Kubota, ...
Physical review letters 110 (6), 067201, 2013
Мандати: German Research Foundation
Дані про публікацію й грошову підтримку визначаються автоматично комп'ютерною програмою