Senad Huseinbegovic
Senad Huseinbegovic
Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Підтверджена електронна адреса в etf.unsa.ba - Домашня сторінка
A sliding mode based direct power control of three-phase grid-connected multilevel inverter
S Huseinbegovic, B Perunicic-Drazenovic
2012 13th International Conference on Optimization of Electrical and …, 2012
Adjusting stiffness of air spring and damping of oil damper using fuzzy controller for vehicle seat vibration isolation
S Huseinbegovic, O Tanovic
2009 International Siberian Conference on Control and Communications, 83-92, 2009
Counting traffic using optical flow algorithm on video footage of a complex crossroad
A Abdagic, O Tanovic, A Aksamovic, S Huseinbegovic
Proceedings ELMAR-2010, 41-45, 2010
Microgrid energy management: Classification, review and challenges
L Ahmethodžić, M Musić, S Huseinbegović
CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems, 2022
Design and implementation of the CAN based elevator control system
S Huseinbegovic, S Kreso, O Tanovic
2009 XXII International Symposium on Information, Communication and …, 2009
Hybrid fuzzy-neural network structure for vehicle seat vibration isolation
O Tanovic, S Huseinbegovic
2009 IEEE International Conference on Control and Automation, 2354-2359, 2009
Discrete-time sliding mode control of linear systems with input saturation
B Veselić, Č Milosavljević, B Peruničić-Draženović, S Huseinbegović, ...
International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science 30 (3), 2020
Sliding manifold design for higher-order sliding mode control of linear systems
B Veselić, Č Milosavljević, B Draženović, S Huseinbegović
International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems 19 (8), 2652-2663, 2021
Robust cascade control of electrical drives using discrete-time chattering-free sliding mode controllers with output saturation
MP Petronijević, Č Milosavljević, B Veselić, B Peruničić-Draženović, ...
Electrical Engineering, 1-15, 2021
Development of a distributed elevator control system based on the microcontroller PIC 18F458
S Huseinbegovic, S Kreso, O Tanovic
2010 IEEE Region 8 International Conference on Computational Technologies in …, 2010
Direct power control for various topologies of three phase grid-connected voltage sources converters using sliding mode control
S Huseinbegović, B Peruničić, Č Milosavljević, B Veselić
2012 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology, 795-801, 2012
Robust discrete-time quasi-sliding mode based nonlinear PI controller design for control of plants with input saturation
C Milosavljevic, M Petronijevic, B Veselic, B Perunicic-Draženovic, ...
Journal of Control Engineering and Applied Informatics 21 (3), 31-41, 2019
New VSC based finite time control of LTI systems
B Peruničić-Draženović, Č Milosavljević, B Veselić, S Huseinbegović
2016 14th International Workshop on Variable Structure Systems (VSS), 234-239, 2016
Design of PLC-based PI controller for the permanent magnet DC motor under real constraints and disturbances
J Velagić, K Obarčanin, E Kapetanović, S Huseinbegović, N Osmić
2009 XXII International Symposium on Information, Communication and …, 2009
Building-integrated microgrid with zero energy export-practical approach to sizing
L Ahmethodžić, S Huseinbegović, A Smajkić, S Smaka
2023 IEEE PES GTD International Conference and Exposition (GTD), 345-349, 2023
Matrix converter based AC/DC rectifier
S Huseinbegovic, O Tanovic
2010 IEEE Region 8 International Conference on Computational Technologies in …, 2010
Road type recognition using neural networks for vehicle seat vibration damping
O Tanovic, S Huseinbegovic, B Lacevic
2008 IEEE International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information …, 2008
Discrete-time sliding mode direct power control for three-phase grid connected multilevel inverter
S Huseinbegović, B Peruničić-Draženović
4th International Conference on Power Engineering, Energy and Electrical …, 2013
Discrete time quasi-sliding mode-based control of LCL grid inverters
MP Petronijević, Č Milosavljević, B Veselić, S Huseinbegović, B Peruničić
Facta Universitatis, Series: Electronics and Energetics 36 (1), 133-158, 2023
Disturbance observer based dead‐beat control of multi‐input systems with unknown disturbances and bounded inputs using discrete‐time higher order sliding mode
S Huseinbegović, B Peruničić‐Draženović, B Veselić, Č Milosavljević
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control 31 (8), 3310-3329, 2021
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