Hans L. Skarsvåg
Hans L. Skarsvåg
SINTEF Energy Research
Підтверджена електронна адреса в sintef.no
Spin superfluidity in biaxial antiferromagnetic insulators
A Qaiumzadeh, H Skarsvåg, C Holmqvist, A Brataas
Physical review letters 118 (13), 137201, 2017
Spin superfluidity and long-range transport in thin-film ferromagnets
H Skarsvåg, C Holmqvist, A Brataas
Physical review letters 115 (23), 237201, 2015
Enhanced spin conductance of a thin-film insulating antiferromagnet
SA Bender, H Skarsvåg, A Brataas, RA Duine
Physical Review Letters 119 (5), 056804, 2017
Spin-transfer antiferromagnetic resonance
Ø Johansen, H Skarsvåg, A Brataas
Physical Review B 97 (5), 054423, 2018
Heat transport between antiferromagnetic insulators and normal metals
A Brataas, H Skarsvåg, EG Tveten, E Løhaugen Fjærbu
Physical Review B 92 (18), 180414, 2015
Spin waves in ferromagnetic insulators coupled via a normal metal
H Skarsvåg, A Kapelrud, A Brataas
Physical Review B 90 (9), 094418, 2014
Nonlinear magneto-optical and magnetoelectric phenomena in topological insulator heterostructures
AG Mal'Shukov, H Skarsvåg, A Brataas
Physical Review B 88 (24), 245122, 2013
Experimental Investigation into the Consequences of Release of Liquified Hydrogen onto and under Water
K van Wingerden, M Kluge, AK Habib, HL Skarsvåg, F Ustolin, ...
Aidic, 2022
Liquid hydrogen spills on water—risk and consequences of rapid phase transition
LH Odsæter, HL Skarsvåg, E Aursand, F Ustolin, GA Reigstad, ...
Energies 14 (16), 4789, 2021
Depressurization of CO2-N2 and CO2-He in a pipe: Experiments and modelling of pressure and temperature dynamics
ST Munkejord, H Deng, A Austegard, M Hammer, A Aasen, HL Skarsvåg
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 109, 103361, 2021
Towards an engineering tool for the prediction of running ductile fractures in CO2 pipelines
HL Skarsvåg, M Hammer, ST Munkejord, AM Log, S Dumoulin, G Gruben
Process Safety and Environmental Protection 171, 667-679, 2023
A combined fluid-dynamic and thermodynamic model to predict the onset of rapid phase transitions in LNG spills
KY Lervåg, HL Skarsvåg, E Aursand, JA Ouassou, M Hammer, ...
Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 69, 104354, 2021
Theories and mechanism of rapid phase transition
F Ustolin, LH Odsæter, GA Reigstad, HL Skarsvåg, N Paltrinieri
Italian Association of Chemical Engineering, 2020
Current-induced magnetization dynamics in two magnetic insulators separated by a normal metal
H Skarsvåg, GEW Bauer, A Brataas
Physical Review B 90 (5), 054401, 2014
Risk and consequences of rapid phase transition for liquid hydrogen
E Aursand, LH Odsæter, H Skarsvåg, G Reigstad, F Ustolin, N Paltrinieri
Proceedings of the 30th European Safety and Reliability Conference and 15th …, 2020
Pipeline fracture control concepts for Norwegian offshore carbon capture and storage
G Gruben, K Macdonald, ST Munkejord, HL Skarsvåg, S Dumoulin
International Pipeline Conference 84461, V003T05A007, 2020
Spin-transfer-assisted parametric pumping of magnons in yttrium iron garnet
T Frostad, HL Skarsvåg, A Qaiumzadeh, A Brataas
Physical Review B 106 (2), 024423, 2022
Bulk and interfacial thermodynamics of ammonia, water and their mixtures
A Aasen, VG Jervell, M Hammer, BA Strøm, HL Skarsvåg, Ø Wilhelmsen
Fluid Phase Equilibria 584, 114125, 2024
Influence of ammonia-water fog formation on ammonia dispersion from a liquid spill
HL Skarsvåg, EH Fyhn, A Aasen
arXiv preprint arXiv:2404.17285, 2024
Elegancy–Enabling a Low-Carbon Economy via Hydrogen and CCS
ST Munkejord, M Mazzotti, M Van Der Spek, C Banet, N Shah, N Sunny, ...
TCCS–11. CO2 Capture, Transport and Storage. Trondheim 22nd–23rd June 2021 …, 2021
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