Sylvain Laborde
Sylvain Laborde
Підтверджена електронна адреса в dshs-koeln.de
Heart rate variability and cardiac vagal tone in psychophysiological research–recommendations for experiment planning, data analysis, and data reporting
S Laborde, E Mosley, JF Thayer
Frontiers in psychology 8, 213, 2017
Emotional intelligence in sport and exercise: A systematic review
S Laborde, F Dosseville, MS Allen
Scandinavian journal of medicine & science in sports 26 (8), 862-874, 2016
Setting the scientific stage for esports psychology: A systematic review
I Pedraza-Ramirez, L Musculus, M Raab, S Laborde
International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology 13 (1), 319-352, 2020
Trait emotional intelligence in sports: A protective role against stress through heart rate variability?
S Laborde, A Brüll, J Weber, LS Anders
Personality and individual differences 51 (1), 23-27, 2011
The role of personality in sport and physical activity
MS Allen, S Laborde
Current directions in psychological science 23 (6), 460-465, 2014
Vagal tank theory: the three rs of cardiac vagal control functioning–resting, reactivity, and recovery
S Laborde, E Mosley, A Mertgen
Frontiers in neuroscience 12, 458, 2018
International consensus based review and recommendations for minimum reporting standards in research on transcutaneous vagus nerve stimulation (version 2020)
AD Farmer, A Strzelczyk, A Finisguerra, AV Gourine, A Gharabaghi, ...
Frontiers in human neuroscience 14, 568051, 2021
The role of trait emotional intelligence in emotion regulation and performance under pressure
S Laborde, F Lautenbach, MS Allen, C Herbert, S Achtzehn
Personality and Individual differences 57, 43-47, 2014
When to blink and when to think: preference for intuitive decisions results in faster and better tactical choices
M Raab, S Laborde
Research quarterly for exercise and sport 82 (1), 89-98, 2011
Positive personality-trait-like individual differences in athletes from individual-and team sports and in non-athletes
S Laborde, F Guillén, E Mosley
Psychology of sport and exercise 26, 9-13, 2016
Validity of the trait emotional intelligence questionnaire in sports and its links with performance satisfaction
S Laborde, F Dosseville, F Guillén, E Chávez
Psychology of Sport and Exercise 15 (5), 481-490, 2014
Effects of voluntary slow breathing on heart rate and heart rate variability: A systematic review and a meta-analysis
S Laborde, MS Allen, U Borges, F Dosseville, TJ Hosang, M Iskra, ...
Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 138, 104711, 2022
Heart rate variability and slow-paced breathing: when coherence meets resonance
C Sevoz-Couche, S Laborde
Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 135, 104576, 2022
Higher-order structure of mental toughness and the analysis of latent mean differences between athletes from 34 disciplines and non-athletes
F Guillén, S Laborde
Personality and individual differences 60, 30-35, 2014
The tale of hearts and reason: the influence of mood on decision making
S Laborde, M Raab
Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology 35 (4), 339-357, 2013
Construct and concurrent validity of the short-and long-form versions of the trait emotional intelligence questionnaire
S Laborde, MS Allen, F Guillén
Personality and Individual Differences 101, 232-235, 2016
The contribution of coping-related variables and heart rate variability to visual search performance under pressure
S Laborde, F Lautenbach, MS Allen
Physiology & behavior 139, 532-540, 2015
Influence of a 30-day slow-paced breathing intervention compared to social media use on subjective sleep quality and cardiac vagal activity
S Laborde, T Hosang, E Mosley, F Dosseville
Journal of clinical medicine 8 (2), 193, 2019
Bidirectional associations between personality and physical activity in adulthood.
MS Allen, CA Magee, SA Vella, S Laborde
Health Psychology 36 (4), 332, 2017
Emotional intelligence training in team sports
M Campo, S Laborde, E Mosley
Journal of Individual Differences, 2016
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