Andrea Piccaluga
Andrea Piccaluga
Professor of Innovation Management, Istituto di Management, Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Pisa
Підтверджена електронна адреса в santannapisa.it - Домашня сторінка
A theoretical framework for the evaluation of university‐industry relationships
A Bonaccorsi, A Piccaluga
R&D Management 24 (3), 229-247, 1994
Exploitation and diffusion of public research: the case of academic spin‐off companies in Italy
V Chiesa, A Piccaluga
R&D Management 30 (4), 329-340, 2000
Towards the entrepreneurial university
M Lazzeroni, A Piccaluga
Local economy 18 (1), 38-48, 2003
The activities of university knowledge transfer offices: Towards the third mission in Italy
F Cesaroni, A Piccaluga
The Journal of Technology Transfer 41, 753-777, 2016
Fiat: open innovation in a downturn (1993–2003)
A Di Minin, F Frattini, A Piccaluga
California Management Review 52 (3), 132-159, 2010
How family firms execute open innovation strategies: the Loccioni case
E Casprini, A De Massis, A Di Minin, F Frattini, A Piccaluga
Journal of Knowledge Management 21 (6), 1459-1485, 2017
Constructing Regional Advantage: Principles-Perspective-Policies
B Asheim, R Boschma, P Cooke, P Laredo, A Piccaluga
Final report from DG Research Expert Group on'Constructing Regional Advantage', 2006
La valorizzazione della ricerca scientifica: come cambia la ricerca pubblica e quella industriale
A Piccaluga
FrancoAngeli, 2001
Regional economies as knowledge laboratories
PN Cooke, A Piccaluga
Edward Elgar Publishing, 2004
Regional development in the knowledge economy
P Cooke, A Piccaluga
Routledge, 2006
‘Ready for Take‐off’: How Open Innovation influences startup success
C Marullo, E Casprini, A Di Minin, A Piccaluga
Creativity and Innovation Management 27 (4), 476-488, 2018
Udinese Calcio soccer club as a talents factory: Strategic agility, diverging objectives, and resource constraints
A Di Minin, F Frattini, M Bianchi, G Bortoluzzi, A Piccaluga
European Management Journal 32 (2), 319-336, 2014
Distretti industriali e distretti tecnologici. Modelli possibili per il Mezzogiorno
F Cesaroni, A Piccaluga
Franco Angeli, 2003
Open innovation environments as knowledge sharing enablers: the case of strategic technology and innovative management consortium
A Crupi, N Del Sarto, A Di Minin, R Phaal, A Piccaluga
Journal of Knowledge Management 25 (5), 1263-1286, 2021
Beyond ‘town and gown’: the role of the university in small and medium-sized cities
M Lazzeroni, A Piccaluga
Industry and Higher Education 29 (1), 11-23, 2015
The impact of technology transfer and knowledge spillover from Big Science: a literature review
D Scarrà, A Piccaluga
Technovation, 2020
Exploration and exploitation strategies in industrial R&D
F Cesaroni, AD Minin, A Piccaluga
Creativity and Innovation Management 14 (3), 222-232, 2005
Transforming rather transferring scientific and technological knowledge. The contribution of academic spin-out companies: the Italian way
V Chiesa, A Piccaluga
New technology-based firms in the 1990s, 15-31, 1998
Is open innovation always the best for SMEs? An exploratory analysis at the project level
C Marullo, A Di Minin, C De Marco, A Piccaluga
Creativity and Innovation Management 29 (2), 209-223, 2020
La gestione del trasferimento tecnologico: Strategie, modelli e strumenti
G Conti, M Granieri, A Piccaluga
Springer Science & Business Media, 2012
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