Silvio Roberto Farias Vlach
Silvio Roberto Farias Vlach
Professor Titular em Mineralogia e Petrologia, Universidade de São Paulo
Підтверджена електронна адреса в usp.br
Ediacaran high-pressure collision metamorphism and tectonics of the southern Ribeira Belt (SE Brazil): evidence for terrane accretion and dispersion during Gondwana assembly
FM Faleiros, GA da Cruz Campanha, L Martins, SRF Vlach, ...
Precambrian Research 189 (3-4), 263-291, 2011
Allanite and chevkinite in A-type granites and syenites of the Graciosa Province, southern Brazil
SRF Vlach, GAR Gualda
Lithos 97 (1-2), 98-121, 2007
Migração de orógenos e superposição de orogêneses: um esboço da colagem brasiliana no Sul do Cráton do São Francisco, SE-Brasil
Geol. USP, Sér. cient, 13-40, 2004
Associated A-type subalkaline and high-K calc-alkaline granites in the Itu granite province, southeastern Brazil: petrological and tectonic significance
V de Assis Janasi, SRF Vlach, M da Costa Campos Neto, HHGJ Ulbrich
The Canadian Mineralogist 47 (6), 1505-1526, 2009
Reaction microtextures of monazite: correlation between chemical and age domains in the Nazaré Paulista migmatite, SE Brazil
L Martins, SRF Vlach, V de Assis Janasi
Chemical Geology 261 (3-4), 271-285, 2009
Granitos peraluminosos da porção central da Faixa Ribeira, Estado de São Paulo: Sucessivos eventos de reciclagem da crosta continental no Neoproterozóico
VA Janasi, SRF Vlach, A Alves, RJ Leite
Geologia USP. Série Científica 2, 13-24, 2003
Microprobe monazite constraints for an early (CA. 790 MA) brasiliano orogeny:: the Embu terrane, southeastern Brazil
SRF Vlach
Extended Abstracts, 2001
Adularia associated with epithermal gold veins in the Tapajós Mineral Province, Pará State, northern Brazil
AM Dreher, SRF Vlach, SL Martini
Revista Brasileira de Geociências 28 (3), 397-404, 1998
The Itu Belt: associated calc-alkaline and aluminous A-type late Brasiliano granitoids in the States of São Paulo and Paraná, Southern Brazil
SRF Vlach, VA Janasi, ACBC Vasconcellos
Anais 4, 1700-1711, 1990
The Serra da Graciosa A-type Granites and Syenites, southern Brazil. Part 1: Regional setting and geological characterization
GAR Gualda, SRF Vlach
Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências 79, 405-430, 2007
Crystallization ages of the A-type magmatism of the Graciosa Province (Southern Brazil): Constraints from zircon U-Pb (ID-TIMS) dating of coeval K-rich gabbro-dioritic rocks
SRF Vlach, O Siga, OMM Harara, GAR Gualda, MAS Basei, FCJ Vilalva
Journal of South American Earth Sciences 32, 407-415, 2011
Microprobe monazite dating and the ages of some granitic and metamorphic rocks from southeastern Brazil
SRF Vlach, GAR Gualda
Revista Brasileira de Geociências 30 (1), 214-218, 2000
Th-U-'Pb IND. T'dating by Electron Probe Microanalysis, Part I. Monazite: analytical procedures and data treatment
SRF Vlach
Geologia USP. Série Científica 10 (1), 61-85, 2010
Structure and origin of the Poços de Caldas alkaline massif, SE Brazil
H Ulbrich, SRF Vlach, D Demaiffe, MNC Ulbrich
Mesozoic to Cenozoic alkaline magmatism in the Brazilian Platform 1, 367-418, 2005
The Serra da Graciosa A-type Granites and Syenites, southern Brazil: Part 2: Petrographic and mineralogical evolution of the alkaline and aluminous associations
GAR Gualda, SRF Vlach
Lithos 93 (3-4), 310-327, 2007
Penecontemporaneous syenitic-phonolitic and basic-ultrabasiccarbonatitic rocks at the Poços de Caldas alkaline massif, se Brazil: geologic and geochronologic evidence
HHGJ Ulbrich, SRF Vlach, MNC Ulbrich, K Kawashita
Revista Brasileira de Geociências 32 (1), 2008
Insights on the origin of the Graciosa A-type granites and syenites (Southern Brazil) from zircon U-Pb geochronology, chemistry, and Hf and O isotope compositions
FCJ Vilalva, A Simonetti, SRF Vlach
Lithos 340, 20-33, 2019
Enriched-mantle contributions to the Itu granitoid belt, southeastern Brazil: evidence from K-rich diorites and syenites
VA Janasi, SRF Vlach, H Ulbrich
Anais da Academia brasileira de Ciências 65 (1), 107-18, 1993
Stoichiometry-based estimates of ferric iron in calcic, sodic-calcic and sodic amphiboles: a comparison of various methods
GAR Gualda, SRF Vlach
Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências 77 (3), 521-534, 2005
Hainite from Poços de Caldas, Minas Gerais, Brazil
D Atencio, JMV Coutinho, MNC Ulbrich, SRF Vlach, RK Rastsvetaeva, ...
The Canadian Mineralogist 37 (1), 91-98, 1999
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