Ye Ding
Ye Ding
Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Підтверджена електронна адреса в sjtu.edu.cn
A full-discretization method for prediction of milling stability
Y Ding, LM Zhu, XJ Zhang, H Ding
International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture 50 (5), 502-509, 2010
Numerical integration method for prediction of milling stability
Y Ding, LM Zhu, XJ Zhang, H Ding
Journal of manufacturing science and engineering, Transactions of the ASME …, 2011
Second-order full-discretization method for milling stability prediction
Y Ding, LM Zhu, XJ Zhang, H Ding
International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture 50 (10), 926-932, 2010
Stiffness-based pose optimization of an industrial robot for five-axis milling
G Xiong, Y Ding, LM Zhu
Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing 55, 19-28, 2019
Milling stability analysis with simultaneously considering the structural mode coupling effect and regenerative effect
XJ Zhang, CH Xiong, Y Ding, MJ Feng, Y Lun Xiong
International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture 53 (1), 127-140, 2012
Runge–Kutta methods for a semi-analytical prediction of milling stability
JB Niu, Y Ding, LM Zhu, H Ding
Nonlinear Dynamics 76 (1), 289-304, 2014
Mechanics and Multi-regenerative Stability of Variable Pitch and Variable Helix Milling Tools Considering Runout
J Niu, Y Ding, LM Zhu, H Ding
International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture 123, 129-145, 2017
Damping control of piezo-actuated nanopositioning stages with recursive delayed position feedback
CX Li, Y Ding, GY Gu, LM Zhu
IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics 22 (2), 855-864, 2016
Stability Analysis of Milling Via the Differential Quadrature Method
Y Ding, LM Zhu, XJ Zhang, H Ding
Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Transactions of the ASME …, 2013
Variable-step integration method for milling chatter stability prediction with multiple delays
XJ Zhang, CH Xiong, Y Ding, YL Xiong
Science China Technological Sciences 54, 3137-3154, 2011
A closed-loop error compensation method for robotic flank milling
G Xiong, ZL Li, Y Ding, LM Zhu
Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing 63, 101928, 2020
Smoothness-oriented path optimization for robotic milling processes
J Peng, Y Ding, G Zhang, H Ding
Science China Technological Sciences 63 (9), 1751-1763, 2020
On a numerical method for simultaneous prediction of stability and surface location error in low radial immersion milling
Y Ding, LM Zhu, XJ Zhang, H Ding
Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control, Transactions of the …, 2011
Stability Analysis of Milling Processes with Periodic Spindle Speed Variation via the Variable-step Numerical Integration Method
J Niu, Y Ding, LM Zhu, H Ding
Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Transactions of the ASME, 2016
An Enhanced Kinematic Model for Calibration of Robotic Machining Systems with Parallelogram Mechanisms
J Peng, Y Ding, G Zhang, H Ding
Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing 59, 92-103, 2019
Patterns of Regenerative Milling Chatter under Joint Influences of Cutting Parameters, Tool Geometries and Runout
J Niu, Y Ding, Z Geng, LM Zhu, H Ding
Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Transactions of the ASME, 2018
A product-of-exponential-based robot calibration method with optimal measurement configurations
G Xiong, Y Ding, LM Zhu, CY Su
International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems 14 (6), 1729881417743555, 2017
Prediction of chatter stability in high speed milling using the numerical differentiation method
XJ Zhang, CH Xiong, Y Ding, H Ding
International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 89 (9–12), 2535–2544, 2017
Numerical Integration Method for Stability Analysis of Milling with Variable Spindle Speeds
Y Ding, J Niu, LM Zhu, H Ding
Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, Transactions of the ASME 138 (1), 011010, 2016
A Model-based Trajectory Planning Method for Robotic Polishing of Complex Surfaces
M Xiao, Y Ding, G Yang
IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering 19 (4), 2890-2903, 2022
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