Frits van Brenk
Frits van Brenk
Підтверджена електронна адреса в buffalo.edu - Домашня сторінка
Auditory feedback perturbation in children with developmental speech sound disorders
H Terband, F Van Brenk, A van Doornik-van der Zee
Journal of Communication Disorders 51, 64-77, 2014
Assessment of childhood apraxia of speech: A review/tutorial of objective measurement techniques
H Terband, A Namasivayam, E Maas, F van Brenk, ML Mailend, ...
Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research 62 (8S), 2999-3032, 2019
An analysis of speech rate strategies in aging
F Van Brenk, H Terband, P Van Lieshout, A Lowit, B Maassen
Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech …, 2009
Compensatory and adaptive responses to real-time formant shifts in adults and children
F van Brenk, H Terband
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 147 (4), 2261-2270, 2020
The relationship between acoustic indices of variability of speech motor control in dysarthria and other measures of speech performance
F Van Brenk, A Lowit
Journal of Medical Speech-Language Pathology 20 (4), 24-29, 2012
Intelligibility Across a Reading Passage: The Effect of Dysarthria and Cued Speaking Styles
F van Brenk, K Stipancic, A Kain, K Tjaden
American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology 31 (1), 390-408, 2022
Quantitative assessment of interutterance stability: Application to dysarthria
F Cummins, A Lowit, F Van Brenk
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, 2014
Stability and composition of functional synergies for speech movements in children and adults
H Terband, F Van Brenk, P Van Lieshout, L Nijland, B Maassen
Interspeech 2009, 788-791, 2009
Clear speech variants: An investigation of intelligibility and speaker effort in speakers with Parkinson's disease
KL Stipancic, F van Brenk, A Kain, G Wilding, K Tjaden
American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology 31 (6), 2789-2805, 2022
Rate-related kinematic changes in younger and older adults
F Van Brenk, H Terband, P Van Lieshout, A Lowit, B Maassen
Folia Phoniatrica et Logopaedica 65 (5), 239-247, 2014
Investigating acoustic correlates of intelligibility gains and losses during slowed speech: A hybridization approach
F van Brenk, A Kain, K Tjaden
American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology 30 (3S), 1343-1360, 2021
Compensatory and adaptive responses to real-time formant shifts in adults and children
H Terband, F Van Brenk
University of Glasgow, 2015
ClearSpeechTogether: a rater blinded, single, controlled feasibility study of speech intervention for people with progressive ataxia
A Lowit, J Cox, M Loucas, J Grassly, A Egan, F van Brenk, ...
The Cerebellum 22 (5), 865-876, 2023
Acoustic characterization of dysarthria in children with cerebral palsy: exploring age-related effects
A Kuschmann, F van Brenk
Australasian Speech Science and Technology Association Inc., 2019
Acoustic markers of dysarthria in children with cerebral palsy: Comparison of speech tasks
F van Brenk, A Kuschmann
Annual ASHA convention 2018, 2018
Modeling Responses to Auditory Feedback Perturbations in Adults, Children, and Children With Complex Speech Sound Disorders: Evidence for Impaired Auditory Self-Monitoring?
H Terband, F van Brenk
Journal of speech, language, and hearing research 66 (5), 1563-1587, 2023
Objectieve beoordeling van spraakproblemen bij sprekers met dysartrie
F Van Brenk
Stem-, Spraak-en Taalpathologie 20, 94-119, 2015
Progress Toward Estimating the Minimal Clinically Important Difference of Intelligibility: A Crowdsourced Perceptual Experiment
KL Stipancic, F van Brenk, M Qiu, K Tjaden
Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 1-15, 2024
Procesanalyse van spraakproductie bij kinderen met spraakontwikkelingsstoornissen
M Nijssen, F Van Brenk, H Terband
Stem-, Spraak-en Taalpathologie 20, 216-237, 2015
Auditory feedback perturbation in adults and children
F Van Brenk, H Terband, S Cai
17th Biennial Conference on Motor Speech, 2014
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