Статті для всіх - B. TrauzettelДокладніше
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Majorana Bound States and Nonlocal Spin Correlations in a Quantum Wire<? format?> on an Unconventional Superconductor
S Nakosai, JC Budich, Y Tanaka, B Trauzettel, N Nagaosa
Physical review letters 110 (11), 117002, 2013
Мандати: German Research Foundation, Swedish Research Council
Доступно в інших місцях: 143
Single valley Dirac fermions in zero-gap HgTe quantum wells
B Büttner, CX Liu, G Tkachov, EG Novik, C Brüne, H Buhmann, ...
Nature Physics 7 (5), 418-422, 2011
Мандати: German Research Foundation
Aharonov-Bohm effect and broken valley degeneracy in graphene rings
P Recher, B Trauzettel, A Rycerz, YM Blanter, CWJ Beenakker, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 76 (23), 235404, 2007
Мандати: Swiss National Science Foundation
Bound states and magnetic field induced valley splitting in gate-tunable graphene quantum dots
P Recher, J Nilsson, G Burkard, B Trauzettel
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 79 (8), 085407, 2009
Мандати: Swiss National Science Foundation, German Research Foundation
Quantum dots and spin qubits in graphene
P Recher, B Trauzettel
Nanotechnology 21 (30), 302001, 2010
Мандати: German Research Foundation
Failure of protection of Majorana based qubits against decoherence
JC Budich, S Walter, B Trauzettel
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 85 (12), 121405, 2012
Мандати: German Research Foundation
Phonon-Induced Backscattering in Helical Edge States
JC Budich, F Dolcini, P Recher, B Trauzettel
Physical Review Letters 108 (8), 86602, 2012
Мандати: German Research Foundation
Decaying spectral oscillations in a Majorana wire with finite coherence length
C Fleckenstein, F Domínguez, N Traverso Ziani, B Trauzettel
Physical Review B 97 (15), 155425, 2018
Мандати: German Research Foundation, Helmholtz Association
Hyperfine interaction and electron-spin decoherence in graphene and carbon nanotube quantum dots
J Fischer, B Trauzettel, D Loss
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 80 (15), 155401, 2009
Мандати: Swiss National Science Foundation, German Research Foundation
Intact Dirac Cones at Broken Sublattice Symmetry:<? format?> Photoemission Study of Graphene on Ni and Co
A Varykhalov, D Marchenko, J Sánchez-Barriga, MR Scholz, B Verberck, ...
Physical Review X 2 (4), 041017, 2012
Мандати: Research Foundation (Flanders), German Research Foundation
First-order character and observable signatures of topological quantum phase transitions
A Amaricci, JC Budich, M Capone, B Trauzettel, G Sangiovanni
Physical review letters 114 (18), 185701, 2015
Мандати: German Research Foundation, European Commission
Renormalization group approach for the scattering off a single Rashba impurity in a helical liquid
F Crépin, JC Budich, F Dolcini, P Recher, B Trauzettel
Physical Review B 86 (12), 121106, 2012
Мандати: German Research Foundation
Signatures of interaction-induced helical gaps in nanowire quantum point contacts
S Heedt, N Traverso Ziani, F Crépin, W Prost, S Trellenkamp, J Schubert, ...
Nature Physics 13 (6), 563-567, 2017
Мандати: German Research Foundation, Helmholtz Association
From the adiabatic theorem of quantum mechanics to topological states of matter
JC Budich, B Trauzettel
physica status solidi (RRL)–Rapid Research Letters 7 (1‐2), 109-129, 2013
Мандати: German Research Foundation, Swedish Research Council
Fluctuation-driven topological Hund insulators
JC Budich, B Trauzettel, G Sangiovanni
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 87 (23), 235104, 2013
Мандати: German Research Foundation, Swedish Research Council
Topological and holonomic quantum computation based on second-order topological superconductors
SB Zhang, WB Rui, A Calzona, SJ Choi, AP Schnyder, B Trauzettel
Physical Review Research 2 (4), 043025, 2020
Мандати: German Research Foundation
Josephson junction dynamics in the presence of - and -periodic supercurrents
F Domínguez, O Kashuba, E Bocquillon, J Wiedenmann, RS Deacon, ...
Physical Review B 95 (19), 195430, 2017
Мандати: German Research Foundation, Helmholtz Association, European Commission …
Strain-induced band gaps in bilayer graphene
B Verberck, B Partoens, FM Peeters, B Trauzettel
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 85 (12), 125403, 2012
Мандати: Research Foundation (Flanders), German Research Foundation
Interacting topological edge channels
J Strunz, J Wiedenmann, C Fleckenstein, L Lunczer, W Beugeling, ...
Nature Physics 16 (1), 83-88, 2020
Мандати: German Research Foundation, European Commission
Odd-frequency triplet superconductivity at the helical edge of a topological insulator
F Crépin, P Burset, B Trauzettel
Physical Review B 92 (10), 100507, 2015
Мандати: German Research Foundation
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