Elizabeth Goetter
Elizabeth Goetter
Massachusetts General Hospital
Підтверджена електронна адреса в mgh.harvard.edu
mHealth: a mechanism to deliver more accessible, more effective mental health care
M Price, EK Yuen, EM Goetter, JD Herbert, EM Forman, R Acierno, ...
Clinical psychology & psychotherapy 21 (5), 427-436, 2014
Change in decentering mediates improvement in anxiety in mindfulness-based stress reduction for generalized anxiety disorder
EA Hoge, E Bui, E Goetter, DJ Robinaugh, RA Ojserkis, DM Fresco, ...
Cognitive therapy and research 39, 228-235, 2015
A systematic review of dropout from psychotherapy for posttraumatic stress disorder among Iraq and Afghanistan combat veterans
EM Goetter, E Bui, RA Ojserkis, RJ Zakarian, RW Brendel, NM Simon
Journal of traumatic stress 28 (5), 401-409, 2015
Using session-by-session measurement to compare mechanisms of action for acceptance and commitment therapy and cognitive therapy
EM Forman, JE Chapman, JD Herbert, EM Goetter, EK Yuen, E Moitra
Behavior therapy 43 (2), 341-354, 2012
A randomized controlled trial of acceptance-based behavior therapy and cognitive therapy for test anxiety: A pilot study
LA Brown, EM Forman, JD Herbert, KL Hoffman, EK Yuen, EM Goetter
Behavior modification 35 (1), 31-53, 2011
A meta-analysis of cognitive functioning in older adults with PTSD
S Schuitevoerder, JW Rosen, EW Twamley, CR Ayers, H Sones, JB Lohr, ...
Journal of anxiety disorders 27 (6), 550-558, 2013
Acceptance based behavior therapy for social anxiety disorder through videoconferencing
EK Yuen, JD Herbert, EM Forman, EM Goetter, AS Juarascio, S Rabin, ...
Journal of anxiety disorders 27 (4), 389-397, 2013
Challenges and opportunities in internet-mediated telemental health.
EK Yuen, EM Goetter, JD Herbert, EM Forman
Professional Psychology: Research and Practice 43 (1), 1, 2012
Long-term follow-up of a randomized controlled trial comparing acceptance and commitment therapy and standard cognitive behavior therapy for anxiety and depression
EM Forman, JA Shaw, EM Goetter, JD Herbert, JA Park, EK Yuen
Behavior therapy 43 (4), 801-811, 2012
The Drexel defusion scale: A new measure of experiential distancing
EM Forman, JD Herbert, AS Juarascio, PD Yeomans, JA Zebell, ...
Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science 1 (1-2), 55-65, 2012
Treatment of social anxiety disorder using online virtual environments in second life
EK Yuen, JD Herbert, EM Forman, EM Goetter, R Comer, JC Bradley
Behavior therapy 44 (1), 51-61, 2013
Barriers to mental health treatment among individuals with social anxiety disorder and generalized anxiety disorder.
EM Goetter, MR Frumkin, SA Palitz, MB Swee, AW Baker, E Bui, ...
Psychological services 17 (1), 5, 2020
An open trial of videoconference-mediated exposure and ritual prevention for obsessive-compulsive disorder
EM Goetter, JD Herbert, EM Forman, EK Yuen, JG Thomas
Journal of Anxiety Disorders 28 (5), 460-462, 2014
A pilot of acceptance and commitment therapy for public speaking anxiety delivered with group videoconferencing and virtual reality exposure
EK Yuen, EM Goetter, MJ Stasio, P Ash, B Mansour, E McNally, ...
Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science 12, 47-54, 2019
The role of avoidance in complicated grief: A detailed examination of the Grief-Related Avoidance Questionnaire (GRAQ) in a large sample of individuals with complicated grief
AW Baker, A Keshaviah, A Horenstein, EM Goetter, C Mauro, ...
Journal of Loss and Trauma 21 (6), 533-547, 2016
Randomized controlled trial of acceptance and commitment therapy versus traditional cognitive behavior therapy for social anxiety disorder: Symptomatic and behavioral outcomes
JD Herbert, EM Forman, JL Kaye, M Gershkovich, E Goetter, EK Yuen, ...
Journal of contextual behavioral science 9, 88-96, 2018
Heightened sensitivity to emotional expressions in generalised anxiety disorder, compared to social anxiety disorder, and controls
E Bui, E Anderson, EM Goetter, AA Campbell, LE Fischer, LF Barrett, ...
Cognition and Emotion 31 (1), 119-126, 2017
Understanding the impact of complicated grief on combat related posttraumatic stress disorder, guilt, suicide, and functional impairment in a clinical trial of post‐9/11 …
NM Simon, SS Hoeppner, RE Lubin, DJ Robinaugh, M Malgaroli, ...
Depression and anxiety 37 (1), 63-72, 2020
Effects of post-exposure naps on exposure therapy for social anxiety
EF Pace-Schott, RM Bottary, SY Kim, PL Rosencrans, S Vijayakumar, ...
Psychiatry research 270, 523-530, 2018
The loss of a fellow service member: Complicated grief in post‐9/11 service members and veterans with combat‐related posttraumatic stress disorder
NM Simon, EB O'Day, SN Hellberg, SS Hoeppner, ME Charney, ...
Journal of Neuroscience Research 96 (1), 5-15, 2018
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