Dr. Subhash D. Khairnar (M.Sc. Ph.D., SET)
Dr. Subhash D. Khairnar (M.Sc. Ph.D., SET)
Vasantrao Naik Arts,Science and Commerce College Shahada
Немає підтвердженої електронної адреси
Facile synthesis of nickel oxide nanoparticles for the degradation of Methylene blue and Rhodamine B dye: a comparative study
SDKVS Shrivastava
Journal of Taibah University for Science 12 (1), 1108-1118, 2019
Hydrothermally synthesized nanocrystalline Nb2O5 and its visible-light photocatalytic activity for the degradation of congo red and methylene blue
SD Khairnar, MR Patil, VS Shrivastava
iranian journal catalysis 8 (2), 143-150, 2018
Synthesis and characterization of ZnO/CuO nanocomposites as an effective photocatalyst and gas sensor for environmental remediation
RS Shinde, SD Khairnar, MR Patil, VA Adole, PB Koli, VV Deshmane, ...
Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers and Materials, 1-22, 2022
Synthesis, characterisation of polyaniline–Fe3O4 magnetic nanocomposite and its application for removal of an acid violet 19 dye
MR Patil, SD Khairnar, VS Shrivastava
Applied Nanoscience 6 (4), 495-502, 2016
Synthesis and characterization of 2-D La-doped Bi2O3 for photocatalytic degradation of organic dye and pesticide
SD Khairnar, AN Kulkarni, SG Shinde, SD Marathe, YV Marathe, ...
Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology 6, 100030, 2021
Photocatalytic Degradation of Chlorpyrifos and Methylene blue Using α-Bi2O3 Nanoparticles Fabricated by Sol-gel Method
SDKVS Shrivastava
SN Applied Sciences, 2019
Transition metal incorporated, modified bismuth oxide (Bi2O3) nano photo catalyst for deterioration of rosaniline hydrochloride dye as resource for environmental rehabilitation
PB Koli, SG Shinde, KH Kapadnis, AP Patil, MP Shinde, SD Khairnar, ...
Journal of the Indian Chemical Society 98 (11), 100225, 2021
A Short Review on the Improvement of Antimicrobial Activity by Metal and Nonmetal Doping in Nanoscale Antimicrobial Materials
SSGSVS Khairnar SD
Journal of Nanomedicine & Biotherapeutic Discovery 9 (1), 1-7, 2019
Adsorptive and photocatalytic removal of carcinogenic methylene blue dye by SnO2 nanorods: an equilibrium, kinetic and thermodynamics exploration
PSPVSS Subhash D. Khairnar, Dhanraj S. Shirsath
SN Applied Sciences 2, 2020
Chemical solution deposition of Sb2Se3 films to study their structural, morphological and optical properties
AN Kulkarni, YV Marathe, P Anil, PS Patil, SD Marathe, SD Khairnar, ...
ES Materials & Manufacturing 15, 96-102, 2021
Photocatalytic degradation of chlorpyrifos and methylene blue using α-Bi2O3 nanoparticles fabricated by sol–gel method. SN Appl. Sci. 1, 762 (2019)
SD Khairnar, VS Shrivastava
Study of Fe3O4 and Cu2+ doped modified Fe3O4 nano catalyst for photocatalytic degradation of methylene blue and eriochrome black-T dyes: Synthesis, characterization, and …
RS Shinde, VA Adole, SD Khairnar, PB Koli, TB Pawar
Inorganic Chemistry Communications 170, 113206, 2024
Photocatalytic degradation of chlorpyrifos and methylene blue using α-Bi2O3 nanoparticles fabricated by sol–gel method. SN Applied Sciences 1 (7): 762
SD Khairnar, VS Shrivastava
Synthesis of Spin Coated Tungsten Oxide for Photocatalytic Degradation of Rhodamine-B Dye
SDKMGR P.S. Patil1,*, A.N. Kulkarni2
Asian Journal of Chemistry 32 (7), 1642-1648, 2020
Synthesis and Characterization of CdS and Ni-CdS thin Films: an Overview of Photocatalytic Degradation of Methylene Blue Dye
RS Padavi, SD Khairnar, VS Shrivastava
Iranian Journal of Catalysis, 2025
Physico-chemical studies, detection and identification of organics from Industrial wastes
SDKVS Shrivastava
AJCER, 89-94, 2016
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