Youhei Akimoto
Youhei Akimoto
Підтверджена електронна адреса в cs.tsukuba.ac.jp - Домашня сторінка
Bidirectional relation between CMA evolution strategies and natural evolution strategies
Y Akimoto, Y Nagata, I Ono, S Kobayashi
Parallel Problem Solving from Nature, PPSN XI: 11th International Conference …, 2010
Application of optimal control theory based on the evolution strategy (CMA-ES) to automatic berthing
A Maki, N Sakamoto, Y Akimoto, H Nishikawa, N Umeda
Journal of Marine Science and Technology 25, 221-233, 2020
A new weather-routing system that accounts for ship stability based on a real-coded genetic algorithm
A Maki, Y Akimoto, Y Nagata, S Kobayashi, E Kobayashi, S Shiotani, ...
Journal of marine science and technology 16, 311-322, 2011
Adaptive stochastic natural gradient method for one-shot neural architecture search
Y Akimoto, S Shirakawa, N Yoshinari, K Uchida, S Saito, K Nishida
International Conference on Machine Learning, 171-180, 2019
Exploring optimal topology of thermal cloaks by CMA-ES
G Fujii, Y Akimoto, M Takahashi
Applied Physics Letters 112 (6), 2018
Optimizing the structural topology of bifunctional invisible cloak manipulating heat flux and direct current
G Fujii, Y Akimoto
Applied physics letters 115 (17), 2019
Theoretical foundation for CMA-ES from information geometry perspective
Y Akimoto, Y Nagata, I Ono, S Kobayashi
Algorithmica 64, 698-716, 2012
Cloaking a concentrator in thermal conduction via topology optimization
G Fujii, Y Akimoto
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 159, 120082, 2020
Optimization on planning of trajectory and control of autonomous berthing and unberthing for the realistic port geometry
Y Miyauchi, R Sawada, Y Akimoto, N Umeda, A Maki
Ocean Engineering 245, 110390, 2022
CMA-ES-based structural topology optimization using a level set boundary expression—Application to optical and carpet cloaks
G Fujii, M Takahashi, Y Akimoto
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 332, 624-643, 2018
Topology-optimized thermal carpet cloak expressed by an immersed-boundary level-set method via a covariance matrix adaptation evolution strategy
G Fujii, Y Akimoto
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 137, 1312-1322, 2019
Diagonal acceleration for covariance matrix adaptation evolution strategies
Y Akimoto, N Hansen
Evolutionary computation 28 (3), 405-435, 2020
Comparison-based natural gradient optimization in high dimension
Y Akimoto, A Auger, N Hansen
Proceedings of the 2014 Annual Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary …, 2014
On neural network identification for low-speed ship maneuvering model
K Wakita, A Maki, N Umeda, Y Miyauchi, T Shimoji, DM Rachman, ...
Journal of Marine Science and Technology 27 (1), 772-785, 2022
Computational cost reduction of nondominated sorting using the M-front
M Drozdik, Y Akimoto, H Aguirre, K Tanaka
IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation 19 (5), 659-678, 2014
Verbosity bias in preference labeling by large language models
K Saito, A Wachi, K Wataoka, Y Akimoto
arXiv preprint arXiv:2310.10076, 2023
Warm starting CMA-ES for hyperparameter optimization
M Nomura, S Watanabe, Y Akimoto, Y Ozaki, M Onishi
Proceedings of the AAAI conference on artificial intelligence 35 (10), 9188-9196, 2021
Analysis of runtime of optimization algorithms for noisy functions over discrete codomains
Y Akimoto, S Astete-Morales, O Teytaud
Theoretical Computer Science 605, 42-50, 2015
System parameter exploration of ship maneuvering model for automatic docking/berthing using CMA-ES
Y Miyauchi, A Maki, N Umeda, DM Rachman, Y Akimoto
Journal of Marine Science and Technology 27 (2), 1065-1083, 2022
Quality gain analysis of the weighted recombination evolution strategy on general convex quadratic functions
Y Akimoto, A Auger, N Hansen
Proceedings of the 14th ACM/SIGEVO Conference on Foundations of Genetic …, 2017
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