Nanke Jiang
Zinc nitride films prepared by reactive RF magnetron sputtering of zinc in nitrogen containing atmosphere
N Jiang, DG Georgiev, AH Jayatissa, RW Collins, J Chen, E McCullen
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 45 (13), 135101, 2012
An ab initio computational study of pure Zn3N2 and its native point defects and dopants Cu, Ag and Au
N Jiang, JL Roehl, SV Khare, DG Georgiev, AH Jayatissa
Thin Solid Films 564, 331-338, 2014
Reactive radio frequency sputtering deposition and characterization of zinc nitride and oxynitride thin films
N Jiang, DG Georgiev, T Wen, AH Jayatissa
Thin solid films 520 (6), 1698-1704, 2012
The effects of the pressure and the oxygen content of the sputtering gas on the structure and the properties of zinc oxy-nitride thin films deposited by reactive sputtering of zinc
N Jiang, DG Georgiev, AH Jayatissa
Semiconductor science and technology 28 (2), 025009, 2013
Reactive sputtering deposition and characterization of zinc nitride and oxy-nitride films for electronic and photovoltaic applications
N Jiang
The University of Toledo, 2013
Zinc Nitride Films by Reactive Sputtering of Zn in N2-Containing Atmosphere
N Jiang, DG Georgiev, AH Jayatissa, T Wen
MRS Online Proceedings Library (OPL) 1324, mrss11-1324-d16-07, 2011
Structural, surface, optical, and mechanical properties of Zn3N2 thin films prepared by sputtering deposition
T Wen, N Jiang, DG Georgiev, AH Jayatissa
Energy Harvesting and Storage: Materials, Devices, and Applications 7683 …, 2010
Zinc Nitride Films Fabrication, Characterization, and Potential Applications
SK Nanke Jiang, Daniel Georgiev, Ahalapitiya Jayatissa
The First International Conference on Materials, Energy and Environments (ICMEE), 2012
Micro-Structuring of Metal Films by Localized Single-Pulse Laser Irradiation
CPR Gaddam, JP Moening, N Jiang, DG Georgiev
MRS Online Proceedings Library (OPL) 1365, mrss11-1365-tt09-11, 2011
Chalcogenide Glass Thin Films for Nanodipole Junctionless Photovoltaics
S Junaghadwala, DG Georgiev, VG Karpov, R Todorov, N Jiang
MRS Online Proceedings Library (OPL) 1322, mrss11-1322-b08-14, 2011
Agarwala, Shweta, 107
TL Alford, H Bakhru, GH Bauer, CE Bottani, R Brüggemann, P Bruno, ...
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