Статті для всіх - Kaisa KoskinenДокладніше
Доступно в інших місцях: 8
The microbiome of the upper respiratory tract in health and disease
C Kumpitsch, K Koskinen, V Schöpf, C Moissl-Eichinger
BMC biology 17, 1-20, 2019
Мандати: Austrian Science Fund
First insights into the diverse human archaeome: specific detection of archaea in the gastrointestinal tract, lung, and nose and on skin
K Koskinen, MR Pausan, AK Perras, M Beck, C Bang, M Mora, ...
MBio 8 (6), 10.1128/mbio. 00824-17, 2017
Мандати: German Research Foundation
Human age and skin physiology shape diversity and abundance of Archaea on skin
C Moissl-Eichinger, AJ Probst, G Birarda, A Auerbach, K Koskinen, P Wolf, ...
Scientific reports 7 (1), 4039, 2017
Мандати: US Department of Energy
Preparing for the crewed Mars journey: microbiota dynamics in the confined Mars500 habitat during simulated Mars flight and landing
P Schwendner, A Mahnert, K Koskinen, C Moissl-Eichinger, S Barczyk, ...
Microbiome 5, 1-23, 2017
Мандати: Helmholtz Association, European Commission
Microbiome dynamics during the HI-SEAS IV mission, and implications for future crewed missions beyond Earth
A Mahnert, C Verseux, P Schwendner, K Koskinen, C Kumpitsch, M Blohs, ...
Microbiome 9, 1-21, 2021
Мандати: US National Aeronautics and Space Administration, European Commission
The influence of human exploration on the microbial community structure and ammonia oxidizing potential of the Su Bentu limestone cave in Sardinia, Italy
S Leuko, K Koskinen, L Sanna, IM D’Angeli, J De Waele, P Marcia, ...
PloS one 12 (7), e0180700, 2017
Мандати: European Commission
Inconsistent denoising and clustering algorithms for amplicon sequence data
K Koskinen, P Auvinen, KJ Björkroth, J Hultman
Journal of Computational Biology 22 (8), 743-751, 2015
Мандати: Academy of Finland, Finnish Funding Agency for Innovation
The Center for Microbial Life Detection
C Moissl-Eichinger, K Koskinen
European Planetary Science Congress, EPSC2018-288, 2018
Мандати: European Commission
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