Lila Singh Peterson
Lila Singh Peterson
Підтверджена електронна адреса в usq.edu.au
Interrogating resilience: toward a typology to improve its operationalization
JL Davidson, C Jacobson, A Lyth, A Dedekorkut-Howes, CL Baldwin, ...
Ecology and society 21 (2), 2016
Translation and evaluation of the baseline resilience indicators for communities on the Sunshine Coast, Queensland Australia
L Singh-Peterson, P Salmon, N Goode, J Gallina
International journal of disaster risk reduction 10, 116-126, 2014
Quantifying postharvest loss and the implication of market-based decisions: A case study of two commercial domestic tomato supply chains in Queensland, Australia
TJ McKenzie, L Singh-Peterson, SJR Underhill
Horticulturae 3 (3), 44, 2017
Deconstructing the concept of shared responsibility for disaster resilience: a Sunshine Coast case study, Australia
L Singh-Peterson, P Salmon, C Baldwin, N Goode
Natural Hazards 79, 755-774, 2015
Barriers to market for subsistence farmers in Fiji–A gendered perspective
L Singh-Peterson, M Iranacolaivalu
Journal of rural studies 60, 11-20, 2018
Indigenous entrepreneurship in northern NSW, Australia
A Shoebridge, J Buultjens, LS Peterson
Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship 17 (03), 1250017, 2012
Insights into community vulnerability and resilience following natural disasters: perspectives with food retailers in Northern NSW, Australia
L Singh-Peterson, G Lawrence
Local environment 20 (7), 782-795, 2015
A multi-scalar, mixed methods framework for assessing rural communities’ capacity for resilience, adaptation, and transformation
L Singh-Peterson, SJR Underhill
Community Development 48 (1), 124-140, 2017
Learning from cross-border arrangements to support climate change adaptation in Australia
W Steele, I Sporne, P Dale, S Shearer, L Singh-Peterson, ...
Journal of environmental planning and management 57 (5), 682-703, 2014
Horticultural postharvest loss in municipal fruit and vegetable markets in Samoa
SJR Underhill, Y Zhou, S Sherzad, L Singh-Peterson, SM Tagoai
Food Security 9, 1373-1383, 2017
An assessment of community disaster resilience for small, high-risk communities on the Sunshine Coast, Qld
L Singh-Peterson, P Salmon, N Goode
Australian Journal of Emergency Management, The 30 (1), 35-40, 2015
Improving non-communicable disease remediation outcomes in Tonga: the importance of domestic fruit production systems: an analysis
SJR Underhill, L Singh-Peterson
Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development in the Tropics and Subtropics …, 2017
Food pricing, extreme weather and the rural/urban divide: A case study of northern nsw, Australia
L Singh-Peterson, A Shoebridge, G Lawrence
Journal of Food Security 1 (2), 42-48, 2013
Planning for climate change across borders: insights from the Gold Coast (QLD)–Tweed (NSW) region
L Singh-Peterson, S Serrao-Neumann, F Crick, I Sporne
Australian Planner 50 (2), 148-156, 2013
Traditional knowledge for climate resilience in the Pacific Islands
PD Nunn, R Kumar, HM Barrowman, L Chambers, L Fifita, D Gegeo, ...
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change 15 (4), e882, 2024
The changing face of the Mary Valley: Considering the fairness, sustainability and resilience of the agricultural system in a peri-urban setting
L Singh-Peterson, G Lawrence
Local Environment 22 (5), 568-580, 2017
Positive SOI, negative PDO and spring tides as simple indicators of the potential for extreme coastal erosion in northern NSW
M Proudfoot, L Singh Peterson
Australasian Journal of Environmental Management 18 (3), 170-181, 2011
An evaluation of the Community Disaster Resilience Scorecard Toolkit by small, high-risk communities on the Sunshine Coast
L Singh‐Peterson, P Salmon, N Goode, J Gallina
Natural Hazards 84, 489-505, 2016
Food security, remoteness and consolidation of supermarket distribution centres: Factors contributing to food pricing inequalities across Queensland, Australia
L Singh-Peterson, S Lieske, SJR Underhill, N Keys
Australian Geographer 47 (1), 89-102, 2016
Reflections from the South Pacific–Navigating Intersectionality and Customary Contexts to Progress Gender Equality and Gender Equity
L Singh-Peterson, M Carnegie, RM Bourke, V Bue, JL Kunatuba, ...
Integrating Gender in Agricultural Development: Learnings from South Pacific …, 2019
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