Martin M. Turcotte
Phenotypic plasticity and species coexistence
MM Turcotte, JM Levine
Trends in ecology & evolution 31 (10), 803-813, 2016
Plant domestication through an ecological lens
R Milla, CP Osborne, MM Turcotte, C Violle
Trends in ecology & evolution 30 (8), 463-469, 2015
Domestication impacts on plant–herbivore interactions: a meta-analysis
SR Whitehead, MM Turcotte, K Poveda
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 372 …, 2017
Macroecological and macroevolutionary patterns of leaf herbivory across vascular plants
MM Turcotte, TJ Davies, CJM Thomsen, MTJ Johnson
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 281 (1787), 20140555, 2014
Effects of rapid evolution on species coexistence
SP Hart, MM Turcotte, JM Levine
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116 (6), 2112-2117, 2019
New paradigms for the evolution of beneficial infections
JL Sachs, CJ Essenberg, MM Turcotte
Trends in ecology & evolution 26 (4), 202-209, 2011
The impact of rapid evolution on population dynamics in the wild: experimental test of eco‐evolutionary dynamics
MM Turcotte, DN Reznick, JD Hare
Ecology letters 14 (11), 1084–1092, 2011
The impact of domestication on resistance to two generalist herbivores across 29 independent domestication events
MM Turcotte, NE Turley, MTJ Johnson
New Phytologist 204 (3), 671-681, 2014
Precision and accuracy in quantifying herbivory
MTJ Johnson, JA Bertrand, MM Turcotte
Ecological Entomology 41 (1), 112-121, 2016
The eco-evolutionary impacts of domestication and agricultural practices on wild species
MM Turcotte, H Araki, DS Karp, K Poveda, SR Whitehead
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 372 …, 2017
Adaptive evolution in ecological communities
MM Turcotte, MSC Corrin, MTJ Johnson
PLoS biology 10 (5), e1001332, 2012
What genomic data can reveal about eco-evolutionary dynamics
SM Rudman, MA Barbour, K Csilléry, P Gienapp, F Guillaume, ...
Nature ecology & evolution 2 (1), 9-15, 2018
Phylogenetic patterns and phenotypic profiles of the species of plants and mammals farmed for food
R Milla, JM Bastida, MM Turcotte, G Jones, C Violle, CP Osborne, ...
Nature Ecology & Evolution 2 (11), 1808-1817, 2018
Experimental test of an eco-evolutionary dynamic feedback loop between evolution and population density in the green peach aphid
MM Turcotte, DN Reznick, J Daniel Hare
The American Naturalist 181 (S1), S46-S57, 2013
Environmental factors influencing adult sex ratio in Trinidadian guppies
AE McKellar, MM Turcotte, AP Hendry
Oecologia 159 (4), 735-745, 2009
On the origin of coexisting species
RM Germain, SP Hart, MM Turcotte, SP Otto, J Sakarchi, J Rolland, T Usui, ...
Trends in Ecology & Evolution 36 (4), 284-293, 2021
Linking macrotrends and microrates: Re‐evaluating microevolutionary support for Cope's rule
KM Gotanda, C Correa, MM Turcotte, G Rolshausen, AP Hendry
Evolution 69 (5), 1345-1354, 2015
Bridging the gap between ecology and evolution: integrating density regulation and life‐history evolution
RD Bassar, A López‐Sepulcre, MR Walsh, MM Turcotte, M Torres‐Mejia, ...
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1206 (1), 17-34, 2010
Phenotypic plasticity promotes species coexistence
C Hess, JM Levine, MM Turcotte, SP Hart
Nature ecology & evolution 6 (9), 1256-1261, 2022
Eco-evolutionary interaction between microbiome presence and rapid biofilm evolution determines plant host fitness
J Tan, JE Kerstetter, MM Turcotte
Nature Ecology & Evolution 5 (5), 670-676, 2021
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