Luis A. Trejo
Luis A. Trejo
Tecnologico de Monterrey
Підтверджена електронна адреса в tec.mx - Домашня сторінка
Multi-sensor fusion for activity recognition—A survey
AA Aguileta, RF Brena, O Mayora, E Molino-Minero-Re, LA Trejo
Sensors 19 (17), 3808, 2019
Analyzing log files for postmortem intrusion detection
KA Garcia, R Monroy, LA Trejo, C Mex-Perera, E Aguirre
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part C (Applications and …, 2012
Choosing the best sensor fusion method: A machine-learning approach
RF Brena, AA Aguileta, LA Trejo, E Molino-Minero-Re, O Mayora
Sensors 20 (8), 2350, 2020
The Windows-Users and-Intruder simulations Logs dataset (WUIL): An experimental framework for masquerade detection mechanisms
JB Camina, C Hernández-Gracidas, R Monroy, L Trejo
Expert Systems with Applications 41 (3), 919-930, 2014
Towards building a masquerade detection method based on user file system navigation
B Camiña, R Monroy, LA Trejo, E Sánchez
Advances in Artificial Intelligence: 10th Mexican International Conference …, 2011
On the detection of low-rate denial of service attacks at transport and application layers
V Vedula, P Lama, RV Boppana, LA Trejo
Electronics 10 (17), 2105, 2021
Online personal risk detection based on behavioural and physiological patterns
AY Barrera-Animas, LA Trejo, MA Medina-Pérez, R Monroy, JB Camiña, ...
Information Sciences 384, 281-297, 2017
Temporal and spatial locality: an abstraction for masquerade detection
JB Camiña, R Monroy, LA Trejo, MA Medina-Pérez
IEEE transactions on information Forensics and Security 11 (9), 2036-2051, 2016
Toward the protection of IoT networks: Introducing the LATAM-DDoS-IoT dataset
JG Almaraz-Rivera, JA Perez-Diaz, JA Cantoral-Ceballos, JF Botero, ...
IEEe Access 10, 106909-106920, 2022
DNS-ADVP: A machine learning anomaly detection and visual platform to protect top-level domain name servers against DDoS attacks
LA Trejo, V Ferman, MA Medina-Pérez, FMA Giacinti, R Monroy, ...
IEEE Access 7, 116358-116369, 2019
FiToViz: A visualisation approach for real-time risk situation awareness
A López-Cuevas, MA Medina-Pérez, R Monroy, JE Ramirez-Marquez, ...
IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing 9 (3), 372-382, 2017
Ensemble of one-class classifiers for personal risk detection based on wearable sensor data
J Rodríguez, AY Barrera-Animas, LA Trejo, MA Medina-Pérez, R Monroy
Sensors 16 (10), 1619, 2016
Mining IP to domain name interactions to detect DNS flood attacks on recursive DNS servers
R Alonso, R Monroy, LA Trejo
Sensors 16 (8), 1311, 2016
Programming environment for phase-reconfigurable parallel programming on SuperNode
JM Adamo, L Trejo
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 23 (3), 278-292, 1994
Extracting mental health indicators from English and Spanish social media: a machine learning approach
ME Villa-Pérez, LA Trejo, MB Moin, E Stroulia
IEEE Access 11, 128135-128152, 2023
Virtual sensors for optimal integration of human activity data
AA Aguileta, RF Brena, O Mayora, E Molino-Minero-Re, LA Trejo
Sensors 19 (9), 2017, 2019
Spanning Tree Protocol and Ethernet PAUSE Frames DDoS Attacks: Their Efficient Mitigation
LA Trejo, R Monroy, RL Monsalvo
Zitiert auf, 20, 2006
Improving back-propagation: Epsilon-back-propagation
LA Trejo, C Sandoval
International Workshop on Artificial Neural Networks, 427-432, 1995
The C_NET programming environment: An overview
JM Adamo, C Bonello, L Trejo
International Conference on Vector and Parallel Processing, 115-120, 1992
Measuring the effectiveness of a multicomponent program to manage academic stress through a resilience to stress index
C Figueroa, A Ayala, LA Trejo, B Ramos, CL Briz, I Noriega, A Chávez
Sensors 23 (5), 2650, 2023
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