Branca Freitas de Oliveira
Branca Freitas de Oliveira
Підтверджена електронна адреса в ufrgs.br
Bionics and design: 3D microstructural characterization and numerical analysis of bamboo based on X-ray microtomography
FL Palombini, W Kindlein Jr, BF de Oliveira, JE de Araujo Mariath
Materials Characterization 120, 357-368, 2016
Bionic design of thin-walled structure based on the geometry of the vascular bundles of bamboo
FL Palombini, JE de Araujo Mariath, BF de Oliveira
Thin-Walled Structures 155, 106936, 2020
An analytical–numerical framework for the study of ageing in fibre reinforced polymer composites
BF Oliveira, GJ Creus
Composite Structures 65 (3-4), 443-457, 2004
Biomimetic systems and design in the 3D characterization of the complex vascular system of bamboo node based on X-ray microtomography and finite element analysis
FL Palombini, FM Nogueira, WK Junior, S Paciornik, JE de Araujo Mariath, ...
Journal of Materials Research 35 (8), 842-854, 2020
Combining numerical models and discretizing methods in the analysis of bamboo parenchyma using finite element analysis based on X-ray microtomography
FL Palombini, EL Lautert, JEA Mariath, BF de Oliveira
Wood Science and Technology 54, 161-186, 2020
Viscoelastic failure analysis of composite plates and shells
BF Oliveira, GJ Creus
Composite Structures 49 (4), 369-384, 2000
A model for anisotropic viscoelastic damage in composites
RC Pavan, BF Oliveira, S Maghous, GJ Creus
Composite structures 92 (5), 1223-1228, 2010
Nonlinear viscoelastic analysis of thin-walled beams in composite material
BF Oliveira, GJ Creus
Thin-walled structures 41 (10), 957-971, 2003
Compósitos a partir de materiais de fontes renováveis como alternativa para o desenvolvimento de produtos
EP Calegari, BF Oliveira
Sustentabilidade em debate [recurso eletrônico]. Brasília, DF. Vol. 7, n. 1 …, 2016
Study of the use of metallic foam in a vehicle for an energy‐economy racing circuit
E Cardoso, BF Oliveira
Materialwissenschaft Und Werkstofftechnik 41 (5), 257-264, 2010
Comparison between RVE and full mesh approaches for the simulation of compression tests on cellular metals
BF Oliveira, LAB Cunda, A Öchsner, GJ Creus
Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik: Entwicklung, Fertigung, Prüfung …, 2008
Hollow sphere structures: a study of mechanical behaviour using numerical simulation
BF Oliveira, LAB da Cunda, A Öchsner, GJ Creus
Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik: Entwicklung, Fertigung, Prüfung …, 2009
Heat transfer in the tank-inflorescence of Nidularium innocentii (Bromeliaceae): Experimental and finite element analysis based on X-ray microtomography
FM Nogueira, FL Palombini, SA Kuhn, BF Oliveira, JEA Mariath
Micron 124, 102714, 2019
Aspectos que influenciam a seleção de materiais no processo de design
Arcos Design 8 (1), 1-19, 2014
Reuse of waste paper and rice hulls as filler in polymeric matrix composites
EP Calegari, JS Porto, CC Angrizani, BF Oliveira, LC Duarte, SC Amico
Matéria (Rio de Janeiro) 22, e11846, 2017
Um estudo focado na relação entre design e materiais
EP Calegari, BF de Oliveira
Projetica 4 (1), 49-64, 2013
LAB Da Cunda, and GJ Creus,“Modeling of the mechanical behavior of metallic foams: damage effects at finite strains,”
BF Oliveira
Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures 16 (2), 110-119, 2009
From light microscopy to X-ray microtomography: observation and analysis technologies in transdisciplinary approaches for bionic design and botany
F Palombini, MK Cidade, BF de Oliveira, JE de Araujo Mariath
Cuadernos del Centro de Estudios en Diseño y Comunicación. Ensayos, 61-74, 2021
Design for additive manufacturing applied for mass reduction of a two-stroke engine cylinder for portable machine
T Posser, B Freitas de Oliveira
International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing (IJIDeM) 14 (2 …, 2020
Emoções positivas no uso do espaço construído de um campus universitário associadas aos atributos do design biofílico
FB Detanico, FA Schwab, GZA Pizzato, FG Teixeira, JJ Jacques, ...
Ambiente Construído 19, 37-53, 2019
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