Mahesh Jampani
Mahesh Jampani
Інші іменаJampani Mahesh, J Mahesh, M Jampani
International Water Management Institute (IWMI), UNU, TU Dresden, NGRI
Підтверджена електронна адреса в cgiar.org - Домашня сторінка
Geophysical and geochemical approach for seawater intrusion assessment in the Godavari Delta Basin, AP, India
VVSG Rao, GT Rao, L Surinaidu, R Rajesh, J Mahesh
Water, Air, & Soil Pollution 217 (1-4), 503-514, 2011
Assessment of groundwater contamination from a hazardous dump site in Ranipet, Tamil Nadu, India
GT Rao, VVSG Rao, K Ranganathan, L Surinaidu, J Mahesh, G Ramesh
Hydrogeology Journal 19 (8), 1587-1598, 2011
Spatio-temporal distribution and chemical characterization of groundwater quality of a wastewater irrigated system: A case study
M Jampani, S Huelsmann, R Liedl, S Sonkamble, S Ahmed, ...
Science of The Total Environment 636, 1089-1098, 2018
Hydrogeochemical and mixing processes controlling groundwater chemistry in a wastewater irrigated agricultural system of India
M Jampani, R Liedl, S Hülsmann, S Sonkamble, P Amerasinghe
Chemosphere 239, 124741, 2020
Stakeholder Views, Financing and Policy Implications for Reuse of Wastewater for Irrigation: A Case from Hyderabad, India
M Starkl, N Brunner, P Amerasinghe, J Mahesh, D Kumar, SR Asolekar, ...
Water 7 (1), 300-328, 2015
Potential of natural treatment technologies for wastewater management in India
M Starkl, P Amerasinghe, L Essl, M Jampani, D Kumar, SR Asolekar
Journal of Water Sanitation and Hygiene for Development 3 (4), 500-511, 2013
Assessment of geochemical processes occurring in groundwaters in the coastal alluvial aquifer
VVSG Rao, GT Rao, L Surinaidu, J Mahesh, STM Rao, BM Rao
Environmental monitoring and assessment 185 (10), 8259-8272, 2013
An integrated approach to investigate saline water intrusion and to identify the salinity sources in the Central Godavari delta, Andhra Pradesh, India
LS Naidu, GR VVS, J Mahesh, G Padalu, VS Sarma, PR Prasad, SM Rao
Arabian Journal of Geosciences 6 (10), 3709-3724, 2013
An integrated approach to assess the dynamics of a peri-urban watershed influenced by wastewater irrigation
J Mahesh, P Amerasinghe, P Pavelic
Journal of Hydrology 523, 427-440, 2015
Application of numerical modeling for groundwater flow and contaminant transport analysis in the basaltic terrain, Bagalkot, India
GT Rao, VVSG Rao, L Surinaidu, J Mahesh, G Padalu
Arabian Journal of Geosciences 6 (6), 1819-1833, 2013
Hydrochemical assessment of groundwater in alluvial aquifer region, Jalandhar District, Punjab, India.
GT Rao, YS Rao, J Mahesh, L Surinaidu, D Ratnakar, V Rao, MD Prasad
Environmental Earth Sciences 73 (12), 8145-8153, 2015
Integrated Approach for Identifying Suitable Sites for Rainwater Harvesting Structures for Groundwater Augmentation in Basaltic Terrain
R Dhakate, VVSG Rao, BA Raju, J Mahesh, STM Rao, S Sankaran
Water resources management 27 (5), 1279-1299, 2013
Assessment of possibility of saltwater intrusion in the central Godavari delta region, Southern India
L Surinaidu, VVSG Rao, J Mahesh, PR Prasad, GT Rao, VS Sarma
Regional Environmental Change 15 (5), 907-918, 2015
Multivariate statistical analysis for assessment of groundwater quality in Talcher Coalfield area, Odisha
R Dhakate, J Mahesh, S Sankaran, VVSG Rao
Journal of the Geological Society of India 82 (4), 403-412, 2013
Fate and Transport Modelling for Evaluating Antibiotic Resistance in Aquatic Environments: Current Knowledge and Research Priorities
M Jampani, J Mateo-Sagasta, A Chandrasekar, D Fatta-Kassinos, ...
Journal of Hazardous Materials 461, 132527, 2024
Multi-functionality and land use dynamics in a peri-urban environment influenced by wastewater irrigation
M Jampani, P Amerasinghe, R Liedl, K Locher-Krause, S Hülsmann
Sustainable Cities and Society 62, 102305, 2020
Hydro-geophysical characterization and performance evaluation of natural wetlands in a semi-arid wastewater irrigated landscape
S Sonkamble, A Sahya, M Jampani, S Ahmed, P Amerasinghe
Water research 148, 176-187, 2019
Natural treatment system models for wastewater management: a study from Hyderabad, India
S Sonkamble, M Wajihuddin, M Jampani, S Sarah, VK Somvanshi, ...
Water Science and Technology 77 (2), 479-492, 2018
Water quality modelling framework for evaluating antibiotic resistance in aquatic environments
M Jampani, R Gothwal, J Mateo-Sagasta, S Langan
Journal of Hazardous Materials Letters 3, 100056, 2022
Hydrogeochemical parameters for assessment of groundwater quality in a river sub-basin
GT Rao, VVSG Rao, VS Sarma, R Dhakate, L Surinaidu, J Mahesh, ...
International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology 9 (2), 297-310, 2012
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