I M Sutjahja
I M Sutjahja
Associate Professor, Physic Department, Institut Teknologi Bandung
Підтверджена електронна адреса в fi.itb.ac.id - Домашня сторінка
Characterising thermal behaviour of buildings and its effect on urban heat island in tropical areas
S Wonorahardjo, IM Sutjahja, Y Mardiyati, H Andoni, D Thomas, ...
International Journal of Energy and Environmental Engineering 11, 129-142, 2020
Potential of thermal energy storage using coconut oil for air temperature control
S Wonorahardjo, IM Sutjahja, D Kurnia, Z Fahmi, WA Putri
Buildings 8 (8), 95, 2018
PCM-based passive air conditioner in urban houses for the tropical climates: An experimental analysis on the stratum air circulation
S Wonorahardjo, IM Sutjahja, E Tunçbilek, RA Achsani, M Arıcı, ...
Building and Environment 192, 107632, 2021
Effect of different building façade systems on thermal comfort and urban heat island phenomenon: An experimental analysis
S Wonorahardjo, IM Sutjahja, Y Mardiyati, H Andoni, RA Achsani, ...
Building and Environment 217, 109063, 2022
Reversible magnetization of a single crystal
AA Nugroho, IM Sutjahja, A Rusydi, MO Tjia, AA Menovsky, FR de Boer, ...
Physical Review B 60 (22), 15384, 1999
Thermophysical parameters of organic PCM coconut oil from T-history method and its potential as thermal energy storage in Indonesia
AO Silalahi, N Sukmawati, IM Sutjahja, D Kurnia, S Wonorahardjo
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 214 (1), 012034, 2017
The role of chemical additives to the phase change process of CaCl2. 6H2O to optimize its performance as latent heat energy storage system
IM Sutjahja, SR AU, N Kurniati, ID Pallitine, D Kurnia
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 739 (1), 012064, 2016
Thermophysical parameters of coconut oil and its potential application as the thermal energy storage system in Indonesia
WA Putri, Z Fahmi, IM Sutjahja, D Kurnia, S Wonorahardjo
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 739 (1), 012065, 2016
Polarization behavior of zinc oxide thin films studied by temperature dependent spectroscopic ellipsometry
R Kurniawan, IM Sutjahja, T Winata, TS Herng, J Ding, A Rusydi, Y Darma
Optical Materials Express 7 (11), 3902-3908, 2017
The effect of Ta dopant on the electronic and optical properties of anatase TiO2: a first-principles study
S Muhammady, E Nurfani, R Kurniawan, IM Sutjahja, T Winata, Y Darma
Materials Research Express 4 (2), 024002, 2017
Unrevealed electronic and optical properties of the layered oxychalcogenides (LaO) CuCh (Ch= S, Se, Te): A density-functional study
S Muhammady, IM Sutjahja, A Rusydi, T Winata, K Takase, Y Darma
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 56 (12), 121201, 2017
Influence of Ti doping on the performance of a ZnO-based photodetector
E Nurfani, N Zuhairah, R Kurniawan, S Muhammady, IM Sutjahja, ...
Materials Research Express 4 (2), 024001, 2017
Weakening of excitonic screening effects in TixZn1-xO thin films
E Nurfani, CD Satrya, I Abdurrahman, IM Sutjahja, T Winata, K Takase, ...
Thin Solid Films 645, 399-404, 2018
Defect-induced excitonic recombination in TixZn1− xO thin films grown by DC-unbalanced magnetron sputtering
E Nurfani, R Kurniawan, T Aono, K Takeda, Y Shirai, IM Sutjahja, ...
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 56 (11), 112101, 2017
Magnetic Field Dependence of the Transverse Plasmon in
A Pimenov, A Loidl, D Dulić, D Van der Marel, IM Sutjahja, AA Menovsky
Physical Review Letters 87 (17), 177003, 2001
Vortex state in a single crystal
AA Nugroho, IM Sutjahja, MO Tjia, AA Menovsky, FR de Boer, JJM Franse
Physical Review B 60 (22), 15379, 1999
Potential of coconut oil for temperature regulation in tropical houses
S Wonorahardjo, IM Sutjahja, D Kurnia
Journal of Engineering Physics and Thermophysics 92, 80-88, 2019
Illumination effects on the ferroelectric properties of zinc oxide films grown by DC-unbalanced magnetron sputtering
R Kurniawan, F Willy, E Nurfani, S Muhammady, IM Sutjahja, T Winata, ...
Materials Research Express 4 (2), 024003, 2017
Time-controlling the latent heat release of fatty acids using static electric field
A Yusuf, RA Putri, A Rahman, Y Anggraini, D Kurnia, S Wonorahardjo, ...
Journal of Energy Storage 33, 102045, 2021
Electrofreezing of the phase-change material CaCl2• 6H2O and its impact on supercooling and the nucleation time
IM Sutjahja, A Rahman, RA Putri, A Swandi, R Anggraini, S Wonorahardjo, ...
Hemijska industrija 73 (6), 363-374, 2019
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