Aneta Neumann
Aneta Neumann
Researcher, The University of Adelaide, Australia
Підтверджена електронна адреса в adelaide.edu.au - Домашня сторінка
Pareto Optimization for Subset Selection with Dynamic Cost Constraints
V Roostapour, A Neumann, F Neumann, T Friedrich
The Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2019), 2019
Evolving Diverse TSP Instances by Means of Novel and Creative Mutation Operators
J Bossek, P Kerschke, A Neumann, M Wagner, F Neumann, H Trautmann
Foundations of Genetic Algorithms (FOGA 2019), 2019
Psychological entitlement and organizational citizenship behaviors: the roles of employee involvement climate and affective organizational commitment
G Schwarz, A Newman, J Yu, V Michaels
The International Journal of Human Resource Management 34 (1), 197-222, 2023
Small businesses and entrepreneurship in times of crises: the renaissance of entrepreneur-focused micro perspectives
A Newman, M Obschonka, J Block
International Small Business Journal 40 (2), 119-129, 2022
Evolutionary Diversity Optimization Using Multi-Objective Indicators
A Neumann, W Gao, M Wagner, F Neumann
The Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 2019), 2019
Discrepancy-based evolutionary diversity optimization
A Neumann, W Gao, C Doerr, F Neumann, M Wagner
The Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 2018), 991-998, 2018
Optimizing Monotone Chance-Constrained Submodular Functions Using Evolutionary Multi-Objective Algorithms
A Neumann, F Neumann
Evolutionary Computation Journal, https://direct.mit.edu/evco/article-pdf/, 2024
Organizational and vocational behavior in times of crisis: A review of empirical work undertaken during the COVID‐19 pandemic and introduction to the special issue
A Newman, N Eva, UK Bindl, AC Stoverink
Applied Psychology 71 (3), 743-764, 2022
Analysis of Evolutionary Diversity Optimization for Permutation Problems
AV Do, M Guo, A Neumann, F Neumann
Transactions on Evolutionary Learning and Optimization, 2022
Reciprocal relationship between workplace incivility and deviant silence—The moderating role of moral attentiveness
R Khan, G Murtaza, JP Neveu, A Newman
Applied Psychology 71 (1), 174-196, 2022
Optimization of Chance-Constrained Submodular Functions
B Doerr, C Doerr, A Neumann, F Neumann, AM Sutton
The Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2020), 2020
Evolutionary Algorithms for the Chance-Constrained Knapsack Problem
Y Xie, O Harper, H Assimi, A Neumann, F Neumann
arXiv preprint: 902.04767, 2019
Evolutionary Algorithms for the Chance-Constrained Knapsack Problem
Y Xie, O Harper, H Assimi, A Neumann, F Neumann
The Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 2019), 2019
Diversifying Greedy Sampling and Evolutionary Diversity Optimisation for Constrained Monotone Submodular Functions
A. Neumann, J. Bossek, F. Neumann
The Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 2021), 2021
Evolution of artistic image variants through feature based diversity optimisation
B Alexander, J Kortman, A Neumann
The Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 2017), 2017
Data normalization considerations for digital tumor dissection
AM Newman, AJ Gentles, CL Liu, M Diehn, AA Alizadeh
Genome biology 18, 1-6, 2017
Networked liabilities: Transnational authority in a world of transnational business
L Crasnic, N Kalyanpur, A Newman
European Journal of International Relations 23 (4), 906-929, 2017
Specific Single-and Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms for the Chance-Constrained Knapsack Problem
Y Xie, A Neumann, F Neumann
arXiv preprint arXiv:2004.03205, 2020
Hydrodynamics of porous medium model with slow reservoirs
L Bonorino, R De Paula, P Gonçalves, A Neumann
Journal of Statistical Physics 179 (3), 748-788, 2020
On the performance of baseline evolutionary algorithms on the dynamic knapsack problem
V Roostapour, A Neumann, F Neumann
International Conference on Parallel Problem Solving from Nature (PPSN 2018 …, 2018
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