Статті для всіх - Jesús CasanovaДокладніше
Недоступно ніде: 2
Effects of passenger load, road grade, and congestion level on real-world fuel consumption and emissions from compressed natural gas and diesel urban buses
F Rosero, N Fonseca, JM López, J Casanova
Applied Energy 282, 116195, 2021
Мандати: Government of Spain
Real-world fuel efficiency and emissions from an urban diesel bus engine under transient operating conditions
F Rosero, N Fonseca, JM López, J Casanova
Applied Energy 261, 114442, 2020
Мандати: Government of Spain
Доступно в інших місцях: 4
Effect of n-butanol/diesel blends on performance and emissions of a heavy-duty diesel engine tested under the World Harmonised Steady-State cycle
L Tipanluisa, N Fonseca, J Casanova, JM López
Fuel 302, 121204, 2021
Мандати: European Commission
Innovative thermal storage strategies for Fresnel-based concentrating solar plants with East-West orientation
A Sebastián, R Abbas, M Valdés, J Casanova
Applied Energy 230, 983-995, 2018
Мандати: Government of Spain
Three-Stage Combustion Modeling of a Binary Mixture-Fueled CI CRDI Engine
L Tipanluisa, J López-Martínez, J Casanova, N Fonseca
Ibero-American Congress of Mechanical Engineering, 257-263, 2022
Мандати: European Commission
Heat release analysis in a variable compression internal combustion engine with butanol
J Casanova Kindelán, NE Fonseca González, C López, D Agudo
Industriales, 2017
Мандати: European Commission
Дані про публікацію й грошову підтримку визначаються автоматично комп'ютерною програмою