Stephen L Ross
Stephen L Ross
Підтверджена електронна адреса в uconn.edu - Домашня сторінка
Place of work and place of residence: Informal hiring networks and labor market outcomes
P Bayer, S Ross, G Topa
Journal of Political Economy 116, 1150-1196, 2008
Discrimination in metropolitan housing markets: national results from phase 1 of the housing discrimination study (HDS)
MA Turner, S Ross, GC Galster, J Yinger
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, 2002
The color of credit: Mortgage discrimination, research methodology, and fair-lending enforcement
SL Ross, J Yinger
MIT Press, 2002
Housing discrimination in metropolitan America: Explaining changes between 1989 and 2000
SL Ross, MA Turner
Social Problems 52 (2), 152-180, 2005
The effect of classmate characteristics on post-secondary outcomes: evidence from the Add Health
R Bifulco, JM Fletcher, SL Ross
American Economic Journal: Economic Policy 3 (1), 25-53, 2011
Sorting and voting: a review of the literature on urban public finance
S Ross, J Yinger
Handbook of regional and urban economics 3, 2001-2060, 1999
Which school attributes matter? The influence of school district performance and demographic composition on property values
JM Clapp, A Nanda, SL Ross
Journal of Urban Economics 63 (2), 451-466, 2008
Public school choice and integration evidence from Durham, North Carolina
R Bifulco, HF Ladd, SL Ross
Social Science Research 38 (1), 71-85, 2009
Now you see it, now you don't: why do real estate agents withhold available houses from black customers?
J Ondrich, S Ross, J Yinger
Review of Economics and Statistics 85 (4), 854-873, 2003
What Drives Racial and Ethnic Differences in High-Cost Mortgages? The Role of High-Risk Lenders
P Bayer, F Ferreira, SL Ross
The Review of Financial Studies 31 (1), 175-205, 2018
School district quality and property values: Examining differences along school district boundaries
P Dhar, SL Ross
Journal of Urban Economics 71 (1), 18-25, 2012
The vulnerability of minority homeowners in the housing boom and bust
P Bayer, F Ferreira, SL Ross
American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 2016
The effects of public school choice on those left behind: Evidence from Durham, North Carolina
R Bifulco, HF Ladd, SL Ross
Peabody Journal of Education 84 (2), 130-149, 2009
Partners in Crime
S Billings, D Deming, SL Ross
American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 2019
The causal impact of attending a career technical high school on student achievement, high-school graduation and college enrollment
SM Dougherty, EJ Brunner, S Ross
Review of Economics and Statistics, 2022
Economics and Policy Preferences: Causal Evidence of the Impact of Economic Conditions on Support for Redistribution and Other Ballot Proposals
E Brunner, SL Ross, E Washington
Review of Economics and Statistics 93 (3), 888-906, 2011
Change and Persistence in the Economic Status of Neighborhoods and Cities
SS Rosenthal, SL Ross
The Handbook of Regional and Urban Economics 5, 2015
Racial differences in homeownership: the effect of residential location
Y Deng, SL Ross, SM Wachter
Regional Science and Urban Economics 33 (5), 517-556, 2003
Are shirking and leisure substitutable? An empirical test of efficiency wages based on urban economic theory
SL Ross, Y Zenou
Regional Science and Urban Economics 38 (5), 498-517, 2008
How racial discrimination affects the search for housing
MA Turner, SL Ross
The geography of opportunity: Race and housing choice in metropolitan …, 2005
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