Підтверджена електронна адреса в zu.edu.jo
Cell culture, technology: enhancing the culture of diagnosing human diseases
SA Hudu, AS Alshrari, A Syahida, Z Sekawi
Journal of clinical and diagnostic research: JCDR 10 (3), DE01, 2016
Innovations and development of COVID-19 vaccines: A patent review
AS Alshrari, SA Hudu, M Imran, SMB Asdaq, AM Ali, SI Rabbani
Journal of infection and public health 15 (1), 123-131, 2022
The pattern of antibiotic use in a family medicine department of a tertiary hospital in Sokoto, North Western Nigeria
AO Jimoh, EU Etuk, Z Sani, HA Shuaibu
Journal of clinical and diagnostic research 5 (3), 566-569, 2011
An overview of recombinant vaccine technology, adjuvants and vaccine delivery methods
SA Hudu, SH Shinkafi, S Umar
International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences 8 (11), 19-24, 2016
Antibody and immune memory persistence post infant hepatitis B vaccination
SA Hudu, YA Malik, MT Niazlin, NS Harmal, A Adnan, AS Alshrari, ...
Patient preference and adherence, 981-986, 2013
Molecular and serological detection of occult hepatitis B virus among healthy hepatitis B surface antigen-negative blood donors in Malaysia
SA Hudu, NS Harmal, MI Saeed, AS Alshrari, YA Malik, MT Niazlin, ...
African health sciences 16 (3), 677-683, 2016
An overview of hepatitis B virus surface antigen mutant in the Asia Pacific
S A Hudu, Y A Malik, MT Niazlin, NS Harmal, Z Sekawi
Current Issues in Molecular Biology 16 (1), 69-78, 2014
Prevalence of urinary schistosomiasis and associated haemato-proteinuria in Wurno Rural Area of Sokoto State, Nigeria
A Bello, AO Jimoh, SB Shittu, SA Hudu
Orient Journal of Medicine 26 (3-4), 114-121, 2014
Mucormycosis medications: a patent review
M Imran, A AS, M Tauseef, SA Khan, SA Hudu, Abida
Expert Opinion on Therapeutic Patents 31 (11), 1059-1074, 2021
Trofinetide for Rett syndrome: highlights on the development and related inventions of the first USFDA-approved treatment for rare pediatric unmet medical need
SA Hudu, F Elmigdadi, AA Qtaitat, M Almehmadi, AA Alsaiari, M Allahyani, ...
Journal of Clinical Medicine 12 (15), 5114, 2023
The urgent threat of Clostridioides difficile infection: A glimpse of the drugs of the future, with related patents and prospects
AS Alshrari, SA Hudu, F Elmigdadi, M Imran
Biomedicines 11 (2), 426, 2023
Influenza vaccination among Malaysian healthcare workers: a survey of coverage and attitudes.
SA Hudu, NS Harmal, O Malina, Z Sekawi
The Medical Journal of Malaysia 71 (5), 231-237, 2016
Laboratory diagnosis of malaria: Comparing giemsa stained thick blood films with rapid diagnostic test (RDT) in an endemic setting in North-west Nigeria
AS James, RM Ahmad, N Ekeh, P Linga, Z Mangoro, AU Imam, ...
Journal of Medical Laboratory and Diagnosis 3 (2), 10-15, 2012
Prevalence and molecular characterisation of Schistosoma haematobium among primary school children in Kebbi State, Nigeria
S Umar, SH Shinkafi, SA Hudu, V Neela, K Suresh, SA Nordin, O Malina
Annals of parasitology 63 (2), 133-139, 2017
VP37 protein inhibitors for Mpox treatment: highlights on recent advances, patent literature, and future directions
SA Hudu, AS Alshrari, A Al Qtaitat, M Imran
Biomedicines 11 (4), 1106, 2023
Naturally occurring hepatitis B virus surface antigen mutant variants in Malaysian blood donors and vaccinees
SA Hudu, NS Harmal, MI Saeed, AS Alshrari, YA Malik, MT Niazlin, ...
European Journal of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases 34, 1349-1359, 2015
Quantitative Hepatitis B e Antigen: A Better Predictor of Hepatitis B Virus DNA than Quantitative Hepatitis B Surface Antigen.
SA Hudu, MT Niazlin, SA Nordin, MI Saeed, SS Tan, H Omar, H Shahar, ...
Clinical laboratory 64 (4), 2018
Hepatitis E virus isolated from chronic hepatitis B patients in Malaysia: Sequences analysis and genetic diversity suggest zoonotic origin
SA Hudu, MT Niazlin, SA Nordin, NS Harmal, SS Tan, H Omar, H Shahar, ...
Alexandria journal of medicine 54 (4), 487-494, 2018
Design and validation of small interfering RNA on respiratory syncytial virus M2-2 gene: A potential approach in RNA interference on viral replication
VK Chin, NAA Aziz, SA Hudu, NS Harmal, A Syahrilnizam, FA Jalilian, ...
Journal of virological methods 236, 117-125, 2016
Hepatitis B therapeutic vaccine: a patent review
SA Hudu, AO Jimoh, KG Ibrahim, AS Alshrari
Pharmaceuticals 15 (12), 1542, 2022
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