Nitin Nampalli
Nitin Nampalli
Solar Energy Research Institute of Singapore
Підтверджена електронна адреса в nus.edu.sg
Evidence of an identical firing-activated carrier-induced defect in monocrystalline and multicrystalline silicon
D Chen, M Kim, BV Stefani, BJ Hallam, MD Abbott, CE Chan, R Chen, ...
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 172, 293-300, 2017
Advanced hydrogenation of dislocation clusters and boron-oxygen defects in silicon solar cells
BJ Hallam, PG Hamer, S Wang, L Song, N Nampalli, MD Abbott, CE Chan, ...
Energy Procedia 77, 799-809, 2015
Eliminating light-induced degradation in commercial p-type Czochralski silicon solar cells
B Hallam, A Herguth, P Hamer, N Nampalli, S Wilking, M Abbott, ...
Applied Sciences 8 (1), 10, 2017
Hydrogen-induced degradation
AC née Wenham, S Wenham, R Chen, C Chan, D Chen, B Hallam, ...
2018 IEEE 7th world conference on photovoltaic energy conversion (WCPEC)(A …, 2018
Development of thin polysilicon layers for application in monoPoly™ cells with screen-printed and fired metallization
P Padhamnath, A Khanna, N Nandakumar, N Nampalli, V Shanmugam, ...
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 207, 110358, 2020
Evidence for the role of hydrogen in the stabilization of minority carrier lifetime in boron-doped Czochralski silicon
N Nampalli, B Hallam, C Chan, M Abbott, S Wenham
Applied Physics Letters 106 (17), 2015
Multiple pathways for permanent deactivation of boron-oxygen defects in p-type silicon
N Nampalli, H Li, M Kim, B Stefani, S Wenham, B Hallam, M Abbott
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 173, 12-17, 2017
Investigations on accelerated processes for the boron–oxygen defect in p-type Czochralski silicon
P Hamer, B Hallam, M Abbott, C Chan, N Nampalli, S Wenham
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 145, 440-446, 2016
Influence of the formation-and passivation rate of boron-oxygen defects for mitigating carrier-induced degradation in silicon within a hydrogen-based model
B Hallam, M Abbott, N Nampalli, P Hamer, S Wenham
Journal of Applied Physics 119 (6), 2016
Influence of hydrogen on the mechanism of permanent passivation of boron–oxygen defects in p-type Czochralski silicon
N Nampalli, BJ Hallam, CE Chan, MD Abbott, SR Wenham
IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics 5 (6), 1580-1585, 2015
Statistical analysis of recombination properties of the boron-oxygen defect in p-type Czochralski silicon
N Nampalli, TH Fung, S Wenham, B Hallam, M Abbott
Frontiers in Energy 11, 4-22, 2017
Modulating the extent of fast and slow boron-oxygen related degradation in Czochralski silicon by thermal annealing: Evidence of a single defect
M Kim, M Abbott, N Nampalli, S Wenham, B Stefani, B Hallam
Journal of Applied Physics 121 (5), 2017
Recent insights into boron-oxygen related degradation: Evidence of a single defect
B Hallam, M Kim, M Abbott, N Nampalli, T Nærland, B Stefani, S Wenham
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 173, 25-32, 2017
Characterization of screen printed and fire-through contacts on LPCVD based passivating contacts in monoPoly™ solar cells
P Padhamnath, JK Buatis, A Khanna, N Nampalli, N Nandakumar, ...
Solar Energy 202, 73-79, 2020
Implications of accelerated recombination-active defect complex formation for mitigating carrier-induced degradation in silicon
BJ Hallam, MD Abbott, N Nampalli, PG Hamer, SR Wenham
IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics 6 (1), 92-99, 2015
Boron-oxygen defect formation rates and activity at elevated temperatures
P Hamer, N Nampalli, Z Hameiri, M Kim, D Chen, N Gorman, B Hallam, ...
Energy Procedia 92, 791-800, 2016
Progress with passivation and screen-printed metallization of Boron-doped monoPoly™ layers
P Padhamnath, N Nampalli, A Khanna, B Nagarajan, AG Aberle, ...
Solar Energy 231, 8-26, 2022
Modelling kinetics of the boron-oxygen defect system
B Hallam, M Abbott, J Bilbao, P Hamer, N Gorman, M Kim, D Chen, ...
Energy Procedia 92, 42-51, 2016
Optoelectrical properties of high-performance low-pressure chemical vapor deposited phosphorus-doped polysilicon layers for passivating contact solar cells
P Padhamnath, N Nampalli, N Nandakumar, JK Buatis, MJ Naval, ...
Thin Solid Films 699, 137886, 2020
Impact of interstitial iron on the study of meta-stable BO defects in Czochralski silicon: Further evidence of a single defect
M Kim, D Chen, M Abbott, N Nampalli, S Wenham, B Stefani, B Hallam
Journal of Applied Physics 123 (16), 2018
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