Monica Kristiansen
Monica Kristiansen
Accosiate Professor at Østfold University College
Підтверджена електронна адреса в hiof.no - Домашня сторінка
The CORAS framework for a model-based risk management process
R Fredriksen, M Kristiansen, BA Gran, K Stølen, TA Opperud, T Dimitrakos
Computer Safety, Reliability and Security: 21st International Conference …, 2002
Effort estimation in agile software development: a exploratory study of practitioners’ perspective
RC Sandeep, M Sánchez-Gordón, R Colomo-Palacios, M Kristiansen
International Conference on Lean and Agile Software Development, 136-149, 2022
On component dependencies in compound software
M Kristiansen, R Winther, B Natvig
International Journal of Reliability, Quality and Safety Engineering 17 (05 …, 2010
Blockchain for requirements traceability: A qualitative approach
S Demi, M Sánchez‐Gordón, M Kristiansen
Journal of Software: Evolution and Process 35 (9), e2493, 2023
A Bayesian hypothesis testing approach for finding upper bounds for probabilities that pairs of software components fail simultaneously
M Kristiansen, R Winther, B Natvig
International Journal of Reliability, Quality and Safety Engineering 18 (03 …, 2011
Introducing big data topics: a multicourse experience report from Norway
B Due, M Kristiansen, R Colomo-Palacios, DHT Hien
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Technological Ecosystems …, 2015
Kvantitativ undersøkelse av mulige sammenhenger mellom vurderingsform og karakterer i høyere utdanning
M Kristiansen, TH Nätt, CF Heide
Uniped 36 (2), 62-80, 2013
Finding upper bounds for software failure probabilities–experiments and results
M Kristiansen
International Conference on Computer Safety, Reliability, and Security, 179-193, 2005
Learning software project management in teams with diverse backgrounds
T Samuelsen, R Colomo-Palacios, M Kristiansen
Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Technological …, 2016
Assessing reliability of compound software
M Kristiansen, R Winther
Risk, Reliability and Social Safety (ESREL 2007), 1731-1738, 2007
On the modelling of failure dependencies between software components
R Winther, M Kristiansen
Safety and Reliability for Managing Risk (ESREL’06), 1443-1450, 2006
The use of metrics to assess software component dependencies
M Kristiansen, R Winther, M van der Meulen, M Revilla
Risk, Reliability and Safety (ESREL 2009), 1359-1366, 2009
Engaging students in the context of software project management teaching
SH Johansen, R Colomo-Palacios, T Samuelsen, M Kristiansen
Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Technological …, 2019
Model based risk management of security critical systems
I Djordjevic, C Gan, E Scharf, R Mondragon, BA Gran, M Kristiansen, ...
WIT Transactions on Modelling and Simulation 31, 2002
A component-based approach for assessing reliability of compound software
M Kristiansen
Finding Upper Bounds for Dependencies between Software Components by using Bayesian Hypothesis Testing
M Kristiansen, R Winther
Supplementary. Proceedings of the 15th IEEE Interna-tional Symposium on …, 2004
Identifying the most important component dependencies in compound software: An experimental study
R Bris, CG Soares, S Martorell
Reliability, Risk, and Safety, Three Volume Set, 1401-1408, 2009
Use of operational data for the assessment of pre-existing software
A Helminen, BA Gran, M Kristiansen, R Winther
Safe use of pre-developed software in critical systems-state-of-the-art report
R Winther, M Kristiansen
Myter og sannheter om årsaker til studenters prestasjoner i programmering
TH Nätt, CF Heide, M Kristiansen
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