Annamaria Tuan
Tweeting with the stars: Automated text analysis of the effect of celebrity social media communications on consumer word of mouth
T Aleti, JI Pallant, A Tuan, T Van Laer
Journal of Interactive Marketing 48 (1), 17-32, 2019
Do consumers care about CSR in their online reviews? An empirical analysis
D D’Acunto, A Tuan, D Dalli, G Viglia, F Okumus
International Journal of Hospitality Management 85, 102342, 2020
Social media marketing and relationship marketing: revolution or evolution? A first step analysis
A Moretti, A Tuan
Sinergie 93, 115-137, 2014
An empirical investigation of the drivers of CSR talk and walk in the fashion industry
M Colucci, A Tuan, M Visentin
Journal of Cleaner Production 248, 119200, 2020
Words matter: How privacy concerns and conspiracy theories spread on twitter
M Visentin, A Tuan, G Di Domenico
Psychology & Marketing 38 (10), 1828-1846, 2021
Creating Shared Value Meets Human Rights: A Sense-Making Perspective in Small-Scale Firms
E Giuliani, A Tuan, JC Cano
Journal of Business Ethics, 1-17, 2020
Does involvement in corporate social irresponsibility affect the linguistic features of corporate social responsibility reports?
M Corciolani, F Nieri, A Tuan
Corporate Social Responsibility & Environmental Management 26, 1-11, 2019
Theories and methods in CSRC research: a systematic literature review
A Tuan, D Dalli, A Gandolfo, A Gravina
Corporate Communications: An International Journal 24 (2), 212-231, 2019
The social media manager as a reputation’s gatekeeper: an analysis from the new institutional theory perspective
A Moretti, A Tuan
International Journal of sales, Retailing and marketing 4 (4), 153-167, 2015
Lost and Found in Translation: How firms use anisomorphism to manage the institutional complexity of CSR
M Corciolani, E Giuliani, A Humphreys, F Nieri, A Tuan, EJ Zajac
Journal of Management Studies, 2022
Book belly band as a visual cue: Assessing its impact on consumers’ in-store responses
M Visentin, A Tuan
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 59, 102359, 2021
Are online reviews helpful for consumers?: Big data evidence from services industry
D D'Acunto, A Tuan, D Dalli
Exploring the power of electronic word-of-mouth in the services industry …, 2020
Love or hate? Hotels' gay-friendliness and their intention to maintain or diminish the hotel digital service relationship with OTAs
M Visentin, A Tuan, S Prestini
Industrial Marketing Management 98, 28-40, 2021
Linguistic drivers of misinformation diffusion on social media during the COVID-19 pandemic
G Di Domenico, A Tuan, M Visentin
Italian Journal of Marketing 2021 (4), 351-369, 2021
The role of consumer speech acts in brand activism: a transformative advertising perspective
J Fletcher-Brown, K Middleton, H Thompson-Whiteside, S Turnbull, ...
Journal of Advertising 53 (4), 491-510, 2024
Bridging who they are with who they thought they’d be: the effects of Gen Zers’ subjective well-being on their boycott responses to online and offline unethical situations
A Tuan, M Visentin, G Di Domenico
Journal of Interactive Marketing 58 (2-3), 248-267, 2023
Engaging consumers on social media: empirical evidence from the communications analysis of a CSR oriented company
A Tuan, A Moretti
International Journal of Technology Marketing 12 (2), 180-205, 2017
Being reassuring about the past while promising a better future: how companies frame temporal focus in social responsibility reporting
A Tuan, M Corciolani, E Giuliani
Business & Society 63 (3), 626-667, 2024
Social Media as a laboratory of value creation in the CSR Field
A Moretti, A Tuan
Atti del X Convegno Società Italiana Marketing, 2013
Brand competition on social media: investigating direct and indirect effects of FGC on sales
T Annamaria, K Ashish, D Dalli, PSH Leeflang
EMAC European Marketing Association Conference, 2020
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