Theo dõi
Davood Hajinezhad
Davood Hajinezhad
Fidelity Investments
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Trích dẫn bởi
A review of cooperative multi-agent deep reinforcement learning
A Oroojlooy, D Hajinezhad
Applied Intelligence 53 (11), 13677-13722, 2023
A review of cooperative multi-agent deep reinforcement learning
A OroojlooyJadid, D Hajinezhad
arXiv preprint arXiv:1908.03963, 2019
Prox-PDA: The proximal primal-dual algorithm for fast distributed nonconvex optimization and learning over networks
M Hong, D Hajinezhad, MM Zhao
ICML 2017, 1529-1538, 2017
ZONE: Zeroth Order Nonconvex Multi-Agent Optimization over Networks
D Hajinezhad, M Hong, A Garcia
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2019
AttendLight: Universal Attention-Based Reinforcement Learning Model for Traffic Signal Control
A Oroojlooy, M Nazari, D Hajinezhad, J Silva
NeurIPS 2020, 2020
Nonnegative Matrix Factorization using ADMM: Algorithm and Convergence Analysis
D Hajinezhad, TH Chang, X Wang, Q Shi, M Hong
IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing …, 2016
Perturbed proximal primal–dual algorithm for nonconvex nonsmooth optimization
D Hajinezhad, M Hong
Mathematical Programming 176 (1), 207-245, 2019
Decoding clinical biomarker space of COVID-19: Exploring matrix factorization-based feature selection methods
F Saberi-Movahed, M Mohammadifard, A Mehrpooya, M Rezaei-Ravari, ...
Computers in biology and medicine 146, 105426, 2022
A fast hybrid particle swarm optimization algorithm for flow shop sequence dependent group scheduling problem
D Hajinezhad, N Salmasi, R Mokhtari
Scientia Iranica 18 (3), 759-764, 2011
Reduced variance deep reinforcement learning with temporal logic specifications
Q Gao, D Hajinezhad, Y Zhang, Y Kantaros, MM Zavlanos
IEEE International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems, 237-248, 2019
NESTT: A Nonconvex Primal-Dual Splitting Method for Distributed and Stochastic Optimization
D Hajinezhad, M Hong, T Zhao, Z Wang
NIPS 2016, 4385-4393, 2016
Alternating direction method of multipliers for a class of nonconvex bilinear optimization: convergence analysis and applications
D Hajinezhad, Q Shi
Journal of Global Optimization 70, 261-288, 2018
Nonconvex Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers for Distributed Sparse Principal Component Analysis
D Hajinezhad, M Hong
IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing (GlobalSIP), 2015
Real-time spatial and group monitoring and optimization
HM Ghadyali, KS Prabhudesai, M Nazari, B Biller, A Oroojlooyjadid, ...
US Patent 11,176,691, 2021
Gradient-free multi-agent nonconvex nonsmooth optimization
D Hajinezhad, MM Zavlanos
IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 4939-4944, 2018
A review of cooperative multi-agent deep reinforcement learning (2019)
A OroojlooyJadid, D Hajinezhad
arXiv preprint arXiv:1908.03963, 1908
Real-Time Automated Visual Queue Monitoring, Control, Optimization and Recommendation
VV Hamza Mustafa Ghadyali, Kedar Shriram Prabhudesai, Mohammad Reza Nazari ...
US Patent App. 17/060,957, 2020
A review of cooperative multi-agent deep reinforcement learning. arXiv 2019
A OroojlooyJadid, D Hajinezhad
arXiv preprint arXiv:1908.03963, 0
Real-Time Concealed Object Tracking
JY Hamza Mustafa Ghadyali, Kedar Shriram Prabhudesai, Jonathan Lee Walker ...
US Patent App. 17/060,504, 2020
Universal attention-based reinforcement learning model for control systems
A Oroojlooyjadid, M Nazari, D Hajinezhad, JMG da Silva
US Patent 11,080,602, 2021
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