Theo dõi
Sungkyoung Choi
Sungkyoung Choi
Catholic Kwandong University
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Trích dẫn bởi
A case-centered approach to nursing ethics education: a qualitative study
W Lee, S Choi, S Kim, A Min
International journal of environmental research and public health 17 (21), 7748, 2020
Medicolegal lessons learned from thyroidectomy-related lawsuits: an analysis of judicial precedents in South Korea from 1998 to 2019
S Choi, S Shin, W Lee, SM Choi, SW Kang
Gland Surgery 9 (5), 1286, 2020
간호업무 관련 의료법 개정의 의의와 향후 과제
이유리, 최성경, 김인숙
한국의료법학회지 25 (2), 133-152, 2017
Effect of online education on the knowledge on, attitudes towards, and skillsin patient safety for nursing students in Korea: a mixed-methods study
D Cho, W Lee, S Kim, S Choi
Journal of Educational Evaluation for Health Professions, 2022
Living with the late effects of childhood cancer treatment: A descriptive qualitative study
HC Hong, A Min, S Choi
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18 (16), 8392, 2021
Educational strategies to encourage participation in health policy for nurses: A systematic review
W Lee, S Choi
Nurse Education Today 111, 105310, 2022
병원급 이상 의료기관의 간호등급 상승 요인 분석
최현민, 한남경, 이상규, 김한성, 최성경, 정우진
보건행정학회지 25 (1), 40-52, 2015
Medico-legal implications for the colon perforation during colonoscopy
HM Oh, JM Cha, SH Shin, J Park, D Cho, S Choi
Journal of forensic and legal medicine 80, 102185, 2021
The scope of practice for registered nurses in 64 South Korean laws
S Choi, SG Jang, W Lee
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 49 (6), 760-770, 2019
간호사와 간호조무사의 업무 및 자격관리에 대한 정책결정과정 연구: 킹던의 정책흐름모형을 중심으로
이유리, 최성경, 김인숙, 강선주
보건사회연구 38 (1), 489-519, 2018
A comparative study on the constitutional right to health in the Western Pacific region countries
S Choi, S Park, SY Kim
Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health 30 (5), 458-469, 2018
Is physical restraint unethical and illegal?: a qualitative analysis of Korean written judgments
SG Jang, W Lee, J Ha, S Choi
BMC nursing 23 (1), 94, 2024
What are the key factors influencing newly graduated nurses' preference for choosing their workplace? A best–worst scaling approach
A Min, W Baek, S Choi
Journal of Nursing Scholarship 55 (6), 1204-1214, 2023
Determinants of legislation on social health insurance in transition countries
S Choi, M Sohn, HS Jeong, S Kim
International Journal of Health Services 52 (1), 89-98, 2022
예비 약사를 위한 환자안전 교육과정 도입방안
조단비, 최성경, 이원, 오혜미, 김소윤
약학회지 64 (3), 234-241, 2020
유전정보 기증으로 발생 가능한 피해의 유형과 확률
유호종, 이일학, 최성경, 정창록, 이승희, 김소윤
생명윤리정책연구 (제 9 권 제 3 호 이전) 8 (2), 87-108, 2014
Optimizing the regulation of nursing in the Asian context: Development and application of a legal framework
S Choi, W Lee
Asian nursing research 18 (4), 341-347, 2024
국내외 신규간호사 채용 과정 및 특성을 바탕으로 한 간호사 채용 관리를 위한 제언
이원, 최성경
한국간호윤리학회지 3 (1), 26-34, 2023
지역 간 보건의료격차 현황과 정책과제: 간호사 활용방안을 중심으로
한국간호윤리학회지 2 (2), 33-45, 2022
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