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Customer review or influencer endorsement: which one influences purchase intention more?
D Dwidienawati, D Tjahjana, SB Abdinagoro, D Gandasari
Heliyon 6 (11), 2020
Munawaroh.(2020). Customer review or influencer endorsement: which one influences purchase intention more
D Dwidienawati, D Tjahjana, SB Abdinagoro, D Gandasari
Heliyon 6 (11), e05543, 2020
E-Commerce readiness of creative industry during the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia
IT Priambodo, S Sasmoko, SB Abdinagoro, A Bandur
The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business 8 (3), 865-873, 2021
The role of creative self-efficacy, transformational leadership, and digital literacy in supporting performance through innovative work behavior: Evidence from …
H Santoso, E Elidjen, S Abdinagoro, M Arief
Management Science Letters 9 (13), 2305-2314, 2019
Determinants of perceived effectiveness in crisis management and company reputation during the COVID-19 pandemic
D Dwiedienawati, D Tjahjana, M Faisal, D Gandasari, SB Abdinagoro
Cogent Business & Management 8 (1), 1912523, 2021
The mediating role of learning agility on the relationship between work engagement and learning culture
N Saputra, SB Abdinagoro, EA Kuncoro
Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities 26 (1), 117-130, 2018
The role of digital literacy in supporting performance through innovative work behavior: The case of indonesia’s telecommunications industry
H Santoso, SB Abdinagoro, M Arief
International Journal of Technology 10 (8), 1558-1566, 2019
Forced shifting to e-learning during the covid-19 outbreak: Information quality, system quality, service quality, and goal orientation influence to e-learning satisfaction and …
D Dwidienawati, SB Abdinagoro, D Tjahjana, D Gandasari, Z Munawaroh
International journal of advanced trends in computer science and engineering …, 2020
the Influence of Big Data Recommendation: an Approach on E-Loyalty of E-Grocery Business
DK Pramudito, T Mursitama, SB Abdinagoro, HH Tanuraharjo
Psychology and Education 58 (2), 3550-3564, 2021
The Moderation Effect of e-Trust and Big Data Quality in e-Grocery: An Empirical Research from Outside of Java Island
D Pramudito, TN Mursitama, SB Abdinagoro, H Harischandra
Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT) 12 (10 …, 2021
Do generation Y and Z really concern about environmental issues?
D Dwidienawati, SB Abdinagoro, D Gandasari, D Tjahjana
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 729 (1), 012137, 2021
E-learning implementation during the COVID-19 outbreak: The perspective of students and lecturers
D Dwidienawati, SB Abdinagoro, D Tjahjana, D Gandasari
Journal of the Social Sciences 48 (4), 1189-1201, 2020
The impact of organizational resilience on hotel performance during pandemic COVID-19
M Hamsal, SB Abdinagoro, A Zulkarnain, DG Leonandri, M Ichsan
Global Business & Finance Review (GBFR) 27 (1), 1-15, 2022
Sustainable Tourism Pariwisata Wisata di Era Normal Baru
M Hamsal, SB Abdinagoro
Scopindo Media Pustaka, 2021
Factors influencing bank customers’ orientations toward Islamic banks: Indonesian banking perspective
K Nugraha, M Arief, SB Abdinagoro, P Heriyati
Sustainability 14 (19), 12506, 2022
Response to a New Wave in Digital marketing: Does beauty blogger involvement the most influencing factor in halal cosmetic purchase intention
TU Putri, SB Abdinagoro
International Journal of Supply Chain Management 7 (6), 446-452, 2018
Munawaroh.(2020). Customer review or influencer endorsement: which one influences purchase intention more? Heliyon, 6 (11), e05543
D Dwidienawati, D Tjahjana, SB Abdinagoro, D Gandasari
Transformational leadership, communication quality influences to perceived organization effectiveness and employee engagement and employee retention during the covid-19 pandemic
D Dwiedienawati, D Tjahjana, M Faisal, D Gandasari, SB Abdinagoro
Journal of advanced research in Dynamical and control systems 12 (7), 773-787, 2020
Networking capabilities and digital adoption of business agility: the mediating role of business model innovation
E Waty, IG So, RE Indrajit, SB Abdinagoro
International Journal of eBusiness and eGovernment Studies 14 (2), 224-241, 2022
Does Mui Halal logo matter for young Millenials? An experiment study in cosmetic massmarket brand
TU Putri, TN Mursitama, A Furinto, SB Abdinagoro
International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research 8 (9), 888-890, 2019
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