Theo dõi
Aida Budrevičiūtė
Aida Budrevičiūtė
Doctor of Medicine and Health Sciences, Scientist, Founder "Science Spectrum"
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Trích dẫn bởi
Management and prevention strategies for non-communicable diseases (NCDs) and their risk factors
A Budreviciute, S Damiati, DK Sabir, K Onder, P Schuller-Goetzburg, ...
Frontiers in public health 8, 574111, 2020
A sight to wheat bran: High value-added products
A Katileviciute, G Plakys, A Budreviciute, K Onder, S Damiati, R Kodzius
Biomolecules 9 (12), 887, 2019
Management and prevention strategies for non-communicable diseases (NCDs) and their risk factors. Front Public Health. 2020; 8: 574111
A Budreviciute, S Damiati, DK Sabir, K Onder, P Schuller-Goetzburg, ...
PUBMED, 2020
Priorities in effective management of primary health care institutions in Lithuania: Perspectives of managers of public and private primary health care institutions
A Budrevičiūtė, R Kalėdienė, J Petrauskienė
PloS one 13 (12), e0209816, 2018
Perceptions of social, emotional, and functional values in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and their satisfaction with primary health care services
A Budrevičiūtė, R Kalėdienė, L Bagdonienė, R Paukštaitienė, L Valius
Primary health care research & development 20, e122, 2019
The perspectives of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus on marketing mix elements in primary health care: a quantitative study from Lithuania
A Budrevičiūtė, R Kalėdienė, R Paukštaitienė, L Bagdonienė, ...
Primary Health Care Research & Development 22, e1, 2021
Lietuvos gydytojų, dirbančių šeimos gydytojo komandoje, rekomendacijos šeimos medicinos institucijos veiksmingam paslaugų teikimui COVID-19 pandemijos laikotarpiu=: The …
A Budrevičiūtė, G Raila, R Paukštaitienė, R Kalėdienė, L Valius
Lietuvos bendrosios praktikos gydytojas. Kaunas: Vitae Litera, 2021, t. 25 …, 2021
Consultation Management during the COVID-19 pandemic: the experience of Lithuanian Physicians
A Budrevičiūtė, G Raila, R Paukštaitienė, L Valius, M Argyrides
Healthcare 10 (12), 2472, 2022
Ar kuriamos vertės pacientams valdymas pirminės sveikatos priežiūros įstaigose sudaro galimybes didinti konkurencingumą?= Opportunities for the growth of competiveness in …
A Budrevičiūtė, R Kalėdienė, J Petrauskienė
Lietuvos bendrosios praktikos gydytojas. Kaunas: Vitae Litera, 2015, t. 19 …, 2015
An analysis of the causes of exhaustion among physicians working in family physician teams during the COVID-19 pandemic in Lithuania
A Budrevičiūtė, G Raila, R Paukštaitienė, L Valius
Plos one 17 (10), e0274360, 2022
An assessment of the well-being of physicians working in a family physician‘s team during the COVID-19 pandemic in Lithuania
A Budrevičiūtė, G Raila, R Paukštaitienė, L Valius
J. Fam. Med 9, 1298, 2022
The Impact of the Emotional Disposition of Healthcare Workers on the Expression of Adverse Events after Primary Vaccination against SARS-CoV-2
J Sauserienė, D Serapinas, I Liseckienė, A Budrevičiūtė, R Vaičiūnienė, ...
Medicina 60 (3), 383, 2024
Lėtinių neinfekcinių ligų valdymas pirminėje sveikatos priežiūros grandyje. Mokslinė esė= Management of chronic non-communicable diseases in primary health care
A Budrevičiūtė, L Valius
Lietuvos bendrosios praktikos gydytojas. Kaunas: Vitae Litera, 2023, t. 27 …, 2023
Crisis management: the perspectives of physicians working in family physician teams in Lithuania
A Budrevičiūtė, G Raila, R Paukštaitienė, L Valius
Primary Health Care Research & Development 24, e6, 2023
Opportunities for competitive advantage in the value, created by primary health care institutions in Lithuania: does competitiveness possibly dependent on the form of ownership …
A Budrevičiūtė, R Kalėdienė, L Valius
Lietuvos bendrosios praktikos gydytojas. Kaunas: Vitae Litera, 2022, t. 26 …, 2022
Opportunities for Competitive Advantage in the Value Created by Primary Health Care Institutions in Lithuania: Is Competitiveness Dependent on the Form of Ownership?
A Budrevičiūtė, R Kalėdienė, L Valius
The Effects of perceived value on the satisfaction and behavioural intentions of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus
A Budrevičiūtė, R Kalėdienė, R Paukštaitienė
14th European Public Health Conference" Public health futures in a changing …, 2021
Rethinking the competitiveness of primary Health Care institutions in Lithuania by using the key choices of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus
A Budrevičiūtė, R Kalėdienė, R Paukštaitienė
Health for All: 2020-International Students’, Doctoral and Residents …, 2020
Sergančiųjų 2 tipo cukriniu diabetu, patiriamų išlaidų modelio analizė pirminės sveikatos priežiūros paslaugas teikiančių įstaigų konkurencingumo didinimui= An analysis of the …
A Budrevičiūtė, R Kalėdienė, R Paukštaitienė, L Valius
Lietuvos bendrosios praktikos gydytojas. Kaunas: Vitae Litera, 2020, t. 24 …, 2020
Pirminės sveikatos priežIūros paslaugas teikiančIų įstaigų kuriamos vertės II tipo cukriniu diabetu sergantiems pacientams valdymas ir konkurencingumo didinimo galimybės
A Budrevičiūtė
PQDT-Global, 2020
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