La transformación de los ecosistemas de la Mixteca Alta oaxaqueña desde el Pleistoceno Tardío hasta el Holoceno R Guerrero-Arenas, E Jiménez-Hidalgo, H Santiago-Romero Ciencia y mar 14 (40), 61-68, 2010 | 51 | 2010 |
The first Late Eocene continental faunal assemblage from tropical North America E Jiménez-Hidalgo, KT Smith, R Guerrero-Arenas, J Alvarado-Ortega Journal of South American Earth Sciences 57, 39-48, 2015 | 38 | 2015 |
The late pleistocene (Rancholabrean) Viko Vijin local fauna from la Mixteca Alta, northwestern Oaxaca, southern Mexico E Jimenez-Hidalgo, R Guerrero-Arenas, BJ Macfadden, L Cabrera-Perez Revista Brasileira de Paleontologia 14 (1), 15-28, 2011 | 28 | 2011 |
Gregorymys veloxikua, The Oldest Pocket Gopher (Rodentia: Geomyidae), and The Early Diversification of Geomyoidea E Jiménez-Hidalgo, R Guerrero-Arenas, KT Smith Journal of Mammalian Evolution 25, 427-439, 2018 | 23 | 2018 |
First record of Bison antiquus from the Late Pleistocene of southern Mexico E Jiménez-Hidalgo, L Cabrera-Pérez, BJ MacFadden, R Guerrero-Arenas Journal of South American Earth Sciences 42, 83-90, 2013 | 22 | 2013 |
Burrow systems evince non-solitary geomyid rodents from the Paleogene of southern Mexico R Guerrero-Arenas, E Jiménez-Hidalgo, JF Genise PLoS One 15 (3), e0230040, 2020 | 17 | 2020 |
Species diversity and paleoecology of Late Pleistocene horses from southern Mexico E Jiménez-Hidalgo, G Carbot-Chanona, R Guerrero-Arenas, ... Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 7, 394, 2019 | 17 | 2019 |
The oldest beetle and bee ichnofossils from Mexico and their paleoenvironmental implications R Guerrero-Arenas, E Jiménez-Hidalgo, JF Genise Ichnos 25 (4), 269-273, 2018 | 14 | 2018 |
Biostratigraphy and depositional history of the Tepetate Formation at Arroyo Colorado (early-middle Eocene), Baja California Sur, Mexico AL Carreño, J Ledesma-Vázquez, R Guerrero-Arenas Ciencias Marinas 26 (1), 177-200, 2000 | 14 | 2000 |
New records of temperate mollusks in two Late Pleistocene terrestrial localities from northeastern Oaxaca, Southern Mexico R Guerrero-Arenas, E Jiménez-Hidalgo, P García-Barrera Journal of South American Earth Sciences 47, 213-219, 2013 | 12 | 2013 |
How is the paleontological heritage of Mexico and other Latin American countries protected? P Mexicana Paleontología Mexicana 9 (2), 83-90, 2020 | 9 | 2020 |
Earliest Arikareean (later early Oligocene) Iniyoo local Fauna from Chilapa formation of Santiago Yolomécatl area in northwestern Oaxaca, southern Mexico E Jiménez-Hidalgo, EB Lander, I Israde-Alcántara, ... Journal of South American Earth Sciences 109, 103307, 2021 | 8 | 2021 |
Conceptos básicos de Estratigrafía R Guerrero–Arenas, VM Bravo–Cuevas Ciencia y mar 15 (44), 55-59, 2011 | 7 | 2011 |
Icnofósiles de invertebrados de la Formación Tlayúa en Tepexi de Rodriguez, Puebla, México R Guerrero-Arenas Unpublished MS thesis, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Nacional Autónoma …, 2004 | 7 | 2004 |
A revised (early Arikareean) age for the late Paleogene Iniyoo local fauna of Oaxaca state, southern Mexico E Jiménez-Hidalgo, EB Lander, R Guerrero-Arenas Crespo VD, Manzanares E, Marquina-Blasco R, Suñer M, Herráiz JL, Gamonal A …, 2018 | 6 | 2018 |
Las comunidades del Pleistoceno Tardío de la Mixteca Alta Oaxaqueña: cómo el pasado nos permite conservar el presente R Guerrero-Arenas, E Jiménez-Hidalgo Ortiz-Escamilla, R.(comp.), El pasado lejano de la Mixteca: Huajuapan de …, 2015 | 5 | 2015 |
The late Pleistocene equids from northwestern Oaxaca, southern Mexico E Jiménez-Hidalgo, MA Campos-Camacho, R Guerrero-Arenas, ... Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs 44 (10), 2012 | 5 | 2012 |
Bioestratigrafía e historia deposicional de la formación Tepetate en el Arroyo Colorado (Eoceno medio-temprano), Baja California Sur, México AL Carreño, J Ledesma-Vázquez, R Guerrero-Arenas Cienc. Mar 26, 177-200, 2000 | 5 | 2000 |
Mollusca: Bivalvia and Gastropoda SA Quiroz-Barroso, R Guerrero-Arenas, P García-Barrera, ... Past Environments of Mexico: Unveiling the Past Environments of a …, 2024 | 4 | 2024 |
How much variation is in the shape of fossil pupation chambers? An exploratory geometric morphometric analysis of Fictovichnus gobiensis from the Late Eocene of Oaxaca … R Guerrero-Arenas, T Zúñiga-Marroquin, E Jiménez-Hidalgo Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana 70 (2), 361-368, 2018 | 4 | 2018 |