Grazing effects on patchy dryland vegetation in northern Patagonia AJ Bisigato, MB Bertiller Journal of Arid Environments 36 (4), 639-653, 1997 | 326 | 1997 |
Structural and dynamic characteristics of overgrazed lands of northern Patagonia, Argentina J Ares, AM Beeskow, M Bertiller, M Rostagno, M Irisarri, J Anchorena Ecosystems of the World 17, 149-175, 1990 | 191 | 1990 |
Vegetation dynamics under grazing disturbance. The state-and-transition model for the Patagonian steppes MB Bertiller, A Bisigato Ecología austral 8 (2), 191-199, 1998 | 189 | 1998 |
Seasonal environmental variation and plant phenology in arid Patagonia (Argentina) MB Bertiller, AM Beeskow, F Coronato Journal of Arid Environments 21 (1), 1-11, 1991 | 189 | 1991 |
Soil nitrogen dynamics in northeastern Patagonia steppe under different precipitation regimes MJ Mazzarino, MB Bertiller, C Sain, P Satti, F Coronato Plant and Soil 202 (1), 125-131, 1998 | 147 | 1998 |
Spatial patterns of the germinable soil seed bank in northern Patagonia MB Bertiller Seed Science Research 8 (1), 39-46, 1998 | 121 | 1998 |
Grazing effects on sustainable semiarid rangeiands in Patagonia: The state and dynamics of the soil seed bank MB Bertiller Environmental Management 20, 123-132, 1996 | 121 | 1996 |
Plant phenology, leaf traits and leaf litterfall of contrasting life forms in the arid Patagonian Monte, Argentina MV Campanella, MB Bertiller Journal of Vegetation Science 19 (1), 75-85, 2008 | 120 | 2008 |
Soil enzyme and microbial activities in a grazing ecosystem of Patagonian Monte, Argentina LH Prieto, MB Bertiller, AL Carrera, NL Olivera Geoderma 162 (3-4), 281-287, 2011 | 119 | 2011 |
Effect of grazing on plant patterns in arid ecosystems of Patagonian Monte AJ Bisigato, MB Bertiller, JO Ares, GE Pazos Ecography 28 (5), 561-572, 2005 | 119 | 2005 |
Nutrient cycling in Patagonian ecosystems MJ Mazzarino, MB Bertiller, T Schlichter, ME Gobbi Ecología Austral 8 (2), 167-181, 1998 | 111 | 1998 |
Seasonal variation in the seed bank of a Patagonian grassland in relation to grazing and topography MB Bertiller Journal of Vegetation Science 3 (1), 47-54, 1992 | 108 | 1992 |
Plant impacts on nitrogen and carbon cycling in the Monte Phytogeographical Province, Argentina AL Carrera, MJ Mazzarino, MB Bertiller, HF del Valle, EM Carretero Journal of Arid Environments 73 (2), 192-201, 2009 | 105 | 2009 |
Leaf litterfall, fine-root production, and decomposition in shrublands with different canopy structure induced by grazing in the Patagonian Monte, Argentina AL Carrera, MB Bertiller, C Larreguy Plant and soil 311 (1), 39-50, 2008 | 99 | 2008 |
Patterns of nitrogen conservation in shrubs and grasses in the Patagonian Monte, Argentina AL Carrera, CL Sain, MB Bertiller Plant and Soil 224 (2), 185-193, 2000 | 96 | 2000 |
Patterns of nitrogen and phosphorus conservation in dominant perennial grasses and shrubs across an aridity gradient in Patagonia, Argentina MB Bertiller, CL Sain, AL Carrera, DN Vargas Journal of Arid Environments 62 (2), 209-223, 2005 | 95 | 2005 |
Leaf strategies and soil N across a regional humidity gradient in Patagonia MB Bertiller, MJ Mazzarino, AL Carrera, P Diehl, P Satti, M Gobbi, CL Sain Oecologia 148 (4), 612-624, 2006 | 90 | 2006 |
Relationship between plant nitrogen conservation strategies and the dynamics of soil nitrogen in the arid Patagonian Monte, Argentina AL Carrera, MB Bertiller, CL Sain, MJ Mazzarino Plant and Soil 255, 595-604, 2003 | 88 | 2003 |
Precipitation and landscape related effects on soil moisture in semi-arid rangelands of Patagonia FR Coronato, MB Bertiller Journal of Arid Environments 34 (1), 1-10, 1996 | 82 | 1996 |
Spatial sex segregation in the dioecious grass Poa ligularis in northern Patagonia: the role of environmental patchiness MB Bertiller, CL Sain, AJ Bisigato, FR Coronato, JO Aries, P Graff Biodiversity & Conservation 11, 69-84, 2002 | 80 | 2002 |