Burnout and self-reported patient care in an internal medicine residency program TD Shanafelt, KA Bradley, JE Wipf, AL Back Annals of internal medicine 136 (5), 358-367, 2002 | 2983 | 2002 |
Efficacy of communication skills training for giving bad news and discussing transitions to palliative care AL Back, RM Arnold, WF Baile, KA Fryer-Edwards, SC Alexander, ... Archives of internal medicine 167 (5), 453-460, 2007 | 977 | 2007 |
The inner life of physicians and care of the seriously ill DE Meier, AL Back, RS Morrison Jama 286 (23), 3007-3014, 2001 | 951 | 2001 |
Effects of early integrated palliative care in patients with lung and GI cancer: a randomized clinical trial JS Temel, JA Greer, A El-Jawahri, WF Pirl, ER Park, VA Jackson, AL Back, ... Journal of clinical oncology 35 (8), 834-841, 2017 | 903 | 2017 |
Approaching difficult communication tasks in oncology 1 AL Back, RM Arnold, WF Baile, JA Tulsky, K Fryer‐Edwards CA: a cancer journal for clinicians 55 (3), 164-177, 2005 | 857 | 2005 |
Effect of communication skills training for residents and nurse practitioners on quality of communication with patients with serious illness: a randomized trial JR Curtis, AL Back, DW Ford, L Downey, SE Shannon, AZ Doorenbos, ... Jama 310 (21), 2271-2281, 2013 | 495 | 2013 |
Physician-assisted suicide and euthanasia in Washington State: patient requests and physician responses AL Back, JI Wallace, HE Starks, RA Pearlman Jama 275 (12), 919-925, 1996 | 470 | 1996 |
Effect of a patient-centered communication intervention on oncologist-patient communication, quality of life, and health care utilization in advanced cancer: the VOICE … RM Epstein, PR Duberstein, JJ Fenton, K Fiscella, M Hoerger, ... JAMA oncology 3 (1), 92-100, 2017 | 453 | 2017 |
Hope for the best, and prepare for the worst AL Back, RM Arnold, TE Quill Annals of internal medicine 138 (5), 439-443, 2003 | 444 | 2003 |
Palliative care MH Levy, A Back, C Benedetti, JA Billings, S Block, B Boston, E Bruera, ... Journal of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network 7 (4), 436-473, 2009 | 374 | 2009 |
Mastering communication with seriously ill patients: balancing honesty with empathy and hope A Back, R Arnold Cambridge University Press, 2009 | 354 | 2009 |
Early palliative care in advanced lung cancer: a qualitative study J Yoong, ER Park, JA Greer, VA Jackson, ER Gallagher, WF Pirl, AL Back, ... JAMA internal medicine 173 (4), 283-290, 2013 | 337 | 2013 |
The effects of work-hour limitations on resident well-being, patient care, and education in an internal medicine residency program L Goitein, TD Shanafelt, JE Wipf, CG Slatore, AL Back Archives of Internal Medicine 165 (22), 2601-2606, 2005 | 322 | 2005 |
Teaching communication skills to medical oncology fellows AL Back, RM Arnold, JA Tulsky, WF Baile, KA Fryer-Edwards Journal of clinical oncology 21 (12), 2433-2436, 2003 | 314 | 2003 |
Enhancing physician-patient communication SJ Lee, AL Back, SD Block, SK Stewart ASH Education Program Book 2002 (1), 464-483, 2002 | 304 | 2002 |
REMAP: a framework for goals of care conversations JW Childers, AL Back, JA Tulsky, RM Arnold Journal of Oncology Practice 13 (10), e844-e850, 2017 | 289 | 2017 |
Effect of a quality-improvement intervention on end-of-life care in the intensive care unit: a randomized trial JR Curtis, EL Nielsen, PD Treece, L Downey, D Dotolo, SE Shannon, ... American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine 183 (3), 348-355, 2011 | 280 | 2011 |
Communication about cancer near the end of life AL Back, WG Anderson, L Bunch, LA Marr, JA Wallace, HB Yang, ... Cancer 113 (S7), 1897-1910, 2008 | 270 | 2008 |
The cultivation of prognostic awareness through the provision of early palliative care in the ambulatory setting: a communication guide VA Jackson, J Jacobsen, JA Greer, WF Pirl, JS Temel, AL Back Journal of palliative medicine 16 (8), 894-900, 2013 | 263 | 2013 |
Electronic self-report assessment for cancer and self-care support: results of a multicenter randomized trial DL Berry, F Hong, B Halpenny, AH Partridge, JR Fann, S Wolpin, ... Journal of Clinical Oncology 32 (3), 199-205, 2014 | 232 | 2014 |