How positive affect modulates cognitive control: reduced perseveration at the cost of increased distractibility. G Dreisbach, T Goschke Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 30 (2), 343, 2004 | 1112 | 2004 |
Representation of intentions: Persisting activation in memory. T Goschke, J Kuhl Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, memory, and cognition 19 (5), 1211, 1993 | 858 | 1993 |
Emotion and intuition: Effects of positive and negative mood on implicit judgments of semantic coherence A Bolte, T Goschke, J Kuhl Psychological science 14 (5), 416-421, 2003 | 828 | 2003 |
14 Intentional Reconfiguration and Involuntary Persistence in Task Set Switching T Goschke Control of cognitive processes, 331, 2000 | 608 | 2000 |
Emotional modulation of control dilemmas: The role of positive affect, reward, and dopamine in cognitive stability and flexibility T Goschke, A Bolte Neuropsychologia 62, 403-423, 2014 | 338 | 2014 |
Executive control emerging from dynamic interactions between brain systems mediating language, working memory and attentional processes O Gruber, T Goschke Acta psychologica 115 (2-3), 105-121, 2004 | 312 | 2004 |
Inflexibly focused under stress: acute psychosocial stress increases shielding of action goals at the expense of reduced cognitive flexibility with increasing time lag to the … F Plessow, R Fischer, C Kirschbaum, T Goschke Journal of cognitive neuroscience 23 (11), 3218-3227, 2011 | 311 | 2011 |
Dysfunctions of decision‐making and cognitive control as transdiagnostic mechanisms of mental disorders: Advances, gaps, and needs in current research T Goschke International journal of methods in psychiatric research 23 (S1), 41-57, 2014 | 305 | 2014 |
A theory of action control: Mental subsystems, modes of control, and volitional conflict-resolution strategies J Kuhl, T Goschke Volition and personality: Action versus state orientation 5, 93-124, 1994 | 279 | 1994 |
Voluntary action and cognitive control from a cognitive neuroscience perspective. T Goschke Oxford University Press, 2003 | 258 | 2003 |
Dopamine and cognitive control: the influence of spontaneous eyeblink rate and dopamine gene polymorphisms on perseveration and distractibility. G Dreisbach, J Müller, T Goschke, A Strobel, K Schulze, KP Lesch, ... Behavioral neuroscience 119 (2), 483, 2005 | 226 | 2005 |
The temporal dynamics of voluntary emotion regulation H Walter, A von Kalckreuth, D Schardt, A Stephan, T Goschke, S Erk PLoS one 4 (8), e6726, 2009 | 205 | 2009 |
Explicit and implicit learning of event sequences: evidence from event-related brain potentials. M Eimer, T Goschke, F Schlaghecken, B Stürmer Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 22 (4), 970, 1996 | 195 | 1996 |
How decisions emerge: action dynamics in intertemporal decision making. M Dshemuchadse, S Scherbaum, T Goschke Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 142 (1), 93, 2013 | 180 | 2013 |
Volition und kognitive Kontrolle T Goschke Allgemeine psychologie, 251-315, 2016 | 174 | 2016 |
Remembering what to do: Explicit and implicit memory for intentions T Goschke, J Kuhl Prospective memory: Theory and applications, 53-91, 1996 | 174 | 1996 |
On the speed of intuition: Intuitive judgments of semantic coherence under different response deadlines A Bolte, T Goschke Memory & cognition 33, 1248-1255, 2005 | 162 | 2005 |
How decisions evolve: The temporal dynamics of action selection S Scherbaum, M Dshemuchadse, R Fischer, T Goschke Cognition 115 (3), 407-416, 2010 | 157 | 2010 |
Implicit learning of perceptual and motor sequences: Evidence for independent learning systems. T Goschke Sage Publications, Inc, 1998 | 155 | 1998 |
Modulation of the error-related negativity by induction of short-term negative affect D Wiswede, TF Münte, T Goschke, J Rüsseler Neuropsychologia 47 (1), 83-90, 2009 | 149 | 2009 |