Assessment of the SpO2/FiO2 ratio as a tool for hypoxemia screening in the emergency department P Catoire, E Tellier, C de La Rivière, MC Beauvieux, G Valdenaire, ... The American journal of emergency medicine 44, 116-120, 2021 | 66 | 2021 |
Surf zone hazards and injuries on beaches in SW France B Castelle, R Brander, E Tellier, B Simonnet, T Scott, J McCarroll, ... Natural Hazards 93, 1317-1335, 2018 | 36 | 2018 |
Environmental controls on surf zone injuries on high-energy beaches B Castelle, T Scott, R Brander, J McCarroll, A Robinet, E Tellier, ... Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 19 (10), 2183-2205, 2019 | 35 | 2019 |
Outcome of older persons admitted to intensive care unit, mortality, prognosis factors, dependency scores and ability trajectory within 1 year: a prospective cohort study C Level, E Tellier, P Dezou, K Chaoui, A Kherchache, P Sejourné, ... Aging clinical and experimental research 30, 1041-1051, 2018 | 30 | 2018 |
Trends in reasons for emergency calls during the COVID-19 crisis in the department of Gironde, France using artificial neural network for natural language classification C Gil-Jardiné, G Chenais, C Pradeau, E Tentillier, P Revel, X Combes, ... Scandinavian journal of trauma, resuscitation and emergency medicine 29, 1-9, 2021 | 25 | 2021 |
Wave and tide controls on rip current activity and drowning incidents in Southwest France B Castelle, T Scott, R Brander, RJ McCarroll, E Tellier, E de Korte, ... Journal of Coastal Research 95 (SI), 769-774, 2020 | 18 | 2020 |
Characteristics of drowning victims in a surf environment: a 6-year retrospective study in southwestern France É Tellier, B Simonnet, C Gil-Jardiné, B Castelle, M Bailhache, LR Salmi Injury epidemiology 6, 1-9, 2019 | 17 | 2019 |
Pre-training a neural language model improves the sample efficiency of an emergency room classification model B Xu, C Gil-Jardiné, F Thiessard, E Tellier, M Avalos, E Lagarde FLAIRS-33-Thirty-Third International Flairs Conference, 2020 | 16 | 2020 |
A Bayesian network approach to modelling rip current drownings and shore-break wave injuries E De Korte, B Castelle, E Tellier Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences Discussions 2021, 1-26, 2021 | 12 | 2021 |
Interpretation of idarucizumab clinical trial data based on spontaneous reports of dabigatran adverse effects in the French pharmacovigilance database A Trinh-Duc, A Lillo-Le Louët, E Tellier, T Viard, G Le Gal, DM Smadja Thrombosis research 146, 43-45, 2016 | 12 | 2016 |
Predicting drowning from sea and weather forecasts: development and validation of a model on surf beaches of southwestern France É Tellier, B Simonnet, C Gil-Jardiné, M Lerouge-Bailhache, B Castelle, ... Injury prevention 28 (1), 16-22, 2022 | 8 | 2022 |
Deep learning transformer models for building a comprehensive and real-time trauma observatory: development and validation study G Chenais, C Gil-Jardiné, H Touchais, MA Fernandez, B Contrand, ... Jmir Ai 2 (1), e40843, 2023 | 6 | 2023 |
Surveillance of COVID-19 using a keyword search for symptoms in reports from emergency medical communication centers in Gironde, France: a 15 year retrospective cross-sectional … C Gil-Jardiné, G Chenais, C Pradeau, E Tentillier, P Revel, X Combes, ... Internal and Emergency Medicine 17 (2), 603-608, 2022 | 6 | 2022 |
Neural language model for automated classification of electronic medical records at the emergency room. the significant benefit of unsupervised generative pre-training B Xu, C Gil-Jardiné, F Thiessard, E Tellier, MF Avalos, E Lagarde | 5 | 2019 |
Detecting human bias in emergency triage using LLMs: Literature review, preliminary study, and experimental plan M Avalos, D Cohen, D Russon, M Davids, O Dorémus, G Chenais, ... The International FLAIRS Conference Proceedings 37, 2024 | 3 | 2024 |
Stress and lasting symptoms following injury: Results from a 4-month cohort of trauma patients recruited at the emergency department GJ Cédric, S Hoareau, G Valdenaire, B Contrand, LR Salmi, F Masson, ... International Emergency Nursing 48, 100810, 2020 | 3 | 2020 |
Comparison of two infant cardiopulmonary resuscitation techniques explained by phone in a non-health professionals' population: Two-thumbs encircling hand technique vs. two … É Tellier, M Lacaze, J Naud, O Sanchez, R Vally, C Bérard, P Revel, ... The American Journal of Emergency Medicine 61, 163-168, 2022 | 2 | 2022 |
Modelling and predicting drowning risk along the Gironde's Oceanic Coast: Retrospective, prospective observational and pilot experimental studies E Tellier, B Simonnet, M Bailhache, LR Salmi Revue d'Épidémiologie et de Santé Publique 66, S334-S335, 2018 | 2 | 2018 |
Development and Validation of Deep Learning Transformer Models for Building a Comprehensive and Real-time Trauma Observatory G Chenais, C Gil-Jardiné, H Touchais, MA Fernandez, B Contrand, ... | 1 | 2022 |
Réflexions pour la conception d'un protocole expérimental de détection des biais dans le triage d'urgence hospitalière à l'aide de modèles de langage A Guerra-Adames, M Avalos, D Cohen, D Russon, M Davids, O Dorémus, ... EvalLLM2024: Atelier sur l'évaluation des modèles génératifs (LLM) et …, 2024 | | 2024 |