Further properties of several classes of Boolean functions with optimum algebraic immunity C Carlet, X Zeng, C Li, L Hu
Designs, Codes and Cryptography 52 (3), 303-338, 2009
139 2009 The weight distribution of a class of p-ary cyclic codes X Zeng, L Hu, W Jiang, Q Yue, X Cao
Finite Fields and Their Applications 16 (1), 56-73, 2010
135 2010 Several classes of complete permutation polynomials Z Tu, X Zeng, L Hu
Finite Fields and Their Applications 25, 182-193, 2014
107 2014 More balanced Boolean functions with optimal algebraic immunity and good nonlinearity and resistance to fast algebraic attacks X Zeng, C Carlet, J Shan, L Hu
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 57 (9), 6310-6320, 2011
105 2011 Optimal frequency hopping sequences of odd length X Zeng, H Cai, X Tang, Y Yang
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 59 (5), 3237-3248, 2013
100 2013 Generalized Kasami sequences: the large set X Zeng, JQ Liu, L Hu
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 53 (7), 2587-2598, 2007
83 2007 A class of new permutation trinomials Z Tu, X Zeng, C Li, T Helleseth
Finite Fields and Their Applications 50, 178-195, 2018
82 2018 Optimizing implementations of linear layers Z Xiang, X Zeng, D Lin, Z Bao, S Zhang
IACR Transactions on Symmetric Cryptology, 2020
75 2020 Two classes of permutation polynomials having the form (x2m+ x+ δ) s+ x Z Tu, X Zeng, Y Jiang
Finite fields and their applications 31, 12-24, 2015
65 2015 Two new permutation polynomials with the form over X Zeng, X Zhu, L Hu
Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing 21 (2), 145-150, 2010
65 2010 A triple-error-correcting cyclic code from the Gold and Kasami–Welch APN power functions X Zeng, J Shan, L Hu
Finite Fields and Their Applications 18 (1), 70-92, 2012
57 2012 The properties of a class of linear FSRs and their applications to the construction of nonlinear FSRs C Li, X Zeng, T Helleseth, C Li, L Hu
IEEE transactions on information theory 60 (5), 3052-3061, 2014
56 2014 A survey on the applications of Niho exponents N Li, X Zeng
Cryptography and Communications 11, 509-548, 2019
54 2019 Construction of de Bruijn sequences from LFSRs with reducible characteristic polynomials C Li, X Zeng, C Li, T Helleseth, M Li
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 62 (1), 610-624, 2015
54 2015 A class of optimal frequency hopping sequences with new parameters X Zeng, H Cai, X Tang, Y Yang
IEEE transactions on information theory 58 (7), 4899-4907, 2012
53 2012 Further results on planar DO functions and commutative semifields G Weng, X Zeng
Designs, Codes and Cryptography 63, 413-423, 2012
49 2012 A class of de Bruijn sequences C Li, X Zeng, C Li, T Helleseth
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 60 (12), 7955-7969, 2014
47 2014 Balanced Boolean functions with (almost) optimal algebraic immunity and very high nonlinearity X Tang, D Tang, X Zeng, L Hu
Cryptology ePrint Archive, 2010
45 2010 New generalized cyclotomic binary sequences of period Z Xiao, X Zeng, C Li, T Helleseth
Designs, Codes and Cryptography 86 (7), 1483-1497, 2018
42 2018 Permutation polynomials (xpm− x+ δ) s1+ (xpm− x+ δ) s2+ x over Fpn L Li, S Wang, C Li, X Zeng
Finite fields and their applications 51, 31-61, 2018
40 2018